Chapter 155 A Trip to Nanjing (1)
Let's hope it doesn't quarrel this time.

She mustered up her courage, took a step, and walked into the house.

Tang Chengxun was talking to Gu Yixiao. Seeing her coming, he could no longer conceal his inner joy. He got up and said, "Momo, it's bad weather. Why did you go out? If there's something wrong, ask Zhou Chuanming to send me a message, and I'll go back .”

Gu Yi smiled and looked at Tang Chengxun who loved his wife eagerly with a smirk, look at your humble face, you are really not much better than me!

"I have something to do with you." She didn't dare to look into his burning eyes.

Tang Chengxun winked at Gu Yixiao.

"Talk, talk well, I'll avoid it for a while." Gu Yi ran out with a smile and closed the door.

Curiosity flashed across Gu Yi's smiling face, he turned around quietly, put his ear against the crack of the door and listened.

Although Ye Qingran's voice was not high, she was standing at the door all the time, and Gu Yixiao heard it clearly.

"Please do me a favor."

Tang Chengxun pushed open the door suddenly, Gu Yixiao was listening attentively.

"Go on, go on. I'll hide away." Gu Yi smiled and quickly dodged away.

Tang Chengxun closed the door.

Ye Qingran handed him the newspaper.

He took it, threw away the newspaper with just one glance, and snorted coldly.

"I know the weather is like this. Please come and find me. There must be something. Momo, ask yourself, will I help you?" He sneered, with a slight disdain.

"I just want to know if he's safe." She looked up, with tears in her eyes, "Please——"

The last three words were soft and sad, Tang Chengxun's heart trembled.

He pressed his chest, suppressed his anger, and said resolutely, "Forgive me for being powerless."

The eyes of the man in front of her were as cold as ice, and she had already felt an indescribable hatred from his disdainful and unwilling expression. This kind of hatred came from the bottom of her heart, and this kind of hatred had the magical power to devour heaven and earth.

"Really not?" Her voice was trembling, almost pitiful.

He bit his lower lip hard, turned around, "When did I, Tang Chengxun, do such a cheap thing?"

Big tears flowed from her eyes in an instant.

Looking at the man with his back turned to him, she gently wiped away her tears.

Crying, is it useful?
"It's a waste of time to come to you. I'm so stupid." She opened the door.

Leave Nanjing and go back to Shanghai to find a way.

After all, in Nanjing, she has no acquaintances!

Zhou Chuanming and Xueqi followed closely.

Gu Yixiao looked at Ye Qingran whose face was full of tears in surprise, and then looked at the open door, trying to see Tang Chengxun's expression at this moment.

A slender figure ran out from the door, grabbing Ye Qingran who was going out.

There is a lot of excitement to watch, even though you are much better than me, I want to see, what is your strength, brother!Gu Yi smiled and rejoiced.

"Where are you going?" Tang Chengxun was very anxious.

"His life and death are uncertain, do you think I will stay by your side?" She tried to shake off his hand.

"So soon, the play will not be performed." Tang Chengxun stared at her coldly.

Today, I will tear off that false veil of warmth!

"Let go of your hand." Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of his cold and painful eyes, but her heart hurt a little. Why?Why?
She felt a little pity in her heart!How could this be?
She couldn't bear this kind of pain that she should hate him in her heart, but seeing him in pain.

Her thoughts were in turmoil and she couldn't take it anymore!

At this moment, rather than saying that she dared not face him squarely, it would be better to say that she dared not face up to her own heart.

(End of this chapter)

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