Chapter 156 A Trip to Nanjing (2)
You must avoid him immediately and calm down.

She said slowly, "From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. Everything you gave me on the day of the engagement will be returned to you intact when I return to Shanghai. Do whatever you like, I won't take any more from you." Threat! Isn’t it just a life! If you want it, take it now.”

The smile on Gu Yi's face was no longer there, and he sighed as if feeling something.

Zhou Chuanming and Xue Qi bowed their heads deeply, this time they got into trouble again.

Tang Chengxun clasped his hands tightly, his face was ashen, and his lips were tightly pressed together.

This is the truest and most real her!

She had never been tender towards him before, all she had was this bone-destroying hatred and long-lasting resentment.

That frown and smile like a phantom flower, those self-righteous beginnings...

"Starting today, I will try to change myself and stop being angry with you."

"Give me time and let me work on that moment."

"You want me to grow into a pig?"

"I want to build a big snowman, do me a favor."

"Since you don't believe me, what's the use of swearing? I've tried my best to change myself, but I'm deeply against you in my heart, and I can't do many things properly. I'm sorry."

"Tang Chengxun, if you kill them this time, there will be no possibility for me—and you, forever!"

"I've been convincing myself to accept you."

Everything is vivid in my eyes, and my words are still in my ears.

Finally bypassing the clouds and mist to see the truth.His hard work in the past six months was really not worth the two short lines in the newspaper.

Ye Qingran's heart trembled, he must be more ruthless, otherwise he would not let go!
"From now on, you and I will not interfere with each other, so don't bother me anymore!"

Looking at the figure walking out, Tang Chengxun couldn't control his emotions anymore, since he couldn't love, then hate——

He pulled her away, picked her up, and strode into the small secret room just now.

Ye Qingran struggled frantically in his arms, "Let go - let go -"

"Bang!" The door slammed shut.

The north wind was whistling, snowflakes were dancing wildly, and Ye Qingran's mournful and desperate cry pierced through the silent winter day.

"Mr. Gu, please save Madam." Xue Qi knelt on the ground.

Gu Yi smiled and looked at the door, how could he interfere in such a matter!
"Keep your mouth shut."

Xue Qi shed tears.

Through that door, she heard the woman's cries of pain, the sound of cloth being torn, the sound of human body rubbing against the ground, and the sound of the man's long-lasting satisfaction...

Her heart clenched tightly, and she closed her eyes in despair.

After what seemed like a long century, the door opened.

Tang Chengxun opened his face coldly, and walked out buttoned up.

Xue Qi hurriedly got up and went to the secret room.

"Bring her back to the apartment, watch it!" Tang Chengxun's long and narrow peach eyes no longer had the charm of the past, only the determination that was done.

He turned to look at the half-open door behind him.

In the end, he still couldn't wait until the day of his marriage, and in this shabby hut, he got his wish.

The scene just now was really—intense.

She was like a crazy beast, biting and kicking him, leaving her hateful tooth marks on his arms in several places, crying hoarsely, and hitting him with limp fists.I didn't want to torture her like this, but every time I saw her eyes full of hatred, I couldn't control myself anymore, as if only going against her will again and again could calm down the mania in my heart.

There are only a few short steps from the outside to the inside of the door, Xueqi's feet are as heavy as lead, she holds her breath, and pushes the door open——

(End of this chapter)

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