Chapter 186 Need money (3)
Zong Yuan gave Zhou Chuanming a wink, and Zhou Chuanming hurriedly picked up the letter on the table and left.

"She is so stubborn, are you really angry?" Zong Yuan asked him.

"How to treat her next, you know the answer!" He sneered.

Ye Qingran came to the small mansion rented by his father on Jing'an Road.

The small mansion is a small western-style building with a garden on the second floor.

Take courage and knock on the door.

An old lady came out and asked in a low voice, "Who are you looking for?"

"Ye Jiezhi." She was annoyed.

"Sir, he won't be back until evening, and my wife is at home. I'll let you know."

"Don't—" Ye Qingran didn't want to see Tian Yanqiu, "I'll just wait outside, go get busy!"

The old lady closed the iron gate.

Ye Qingran simply leaned against the door and waited.

The small western-style building in front of me is really magnificent. Although it is rented, the monthly rent is several hundred yuan!Years later, she and her mother and brother would not be able to spend a penny from her father. His rich and powerful foster aunt set up a small mansion and owed debts, but the creditors went to persecute her and mother!It's okay if I don't want to, my heart hurts like a needle prick when I think about it.

The anger that had long been buried deep in his heart was ready to ignite.

Instead of facing that woman, wait at the door.

Not long after, the door creaked open.

A rather charming face poked out.

Tian Yanqiu.

Ye Qingran coldly turned his face to the side.

"Come in! Your father may come back." Tian Yanqiu opened the door.

Ye Qingran said calmly, "I'll wait at the door."

"It's not the same as before. Jiezhi and I want to break a coin into two flowers! If you are here to ask for money, I can tell you clearly, no." Tian Yanqiu walked out of the door and stood behind Ye Qingran.

Qing Ran turned around, and suddenly found that Tian Yanqiu's lower abdomen had swelled slightly, which was so dazzling that she felt bitterness in her heart.

She looked coldly at Tian Yanqiu beside her, "He has never given us a penny in the past six months. I have enough food and clothing just like my mother and brother. But when he mortgaged the house back then, the money has not yet been paid. We are coming to collect the house, where do we live?"

Tian Yanqiu's eyes were full of contempt, "You don't have a house to live in? The rent of this house is also due, and I don't know where I live! Miss, when such a good marriage was in front of you, you asked for trouble and made it difficult for me to live in it." The family is flying like chickens and dogs. If Tang Chengxun had the support, your father's business would not be able to get through, and we would have lived in our own mansion long ago."

"I don't want to argue with you, and I'm not interested in listening to you." Ye Qingran suppressed the anger in his heart.

Tian Yanqiu sneered, and lovingly touched her bulging belly, "I won't talk to you anymore, the stewed bird's nest is done, it's not good for the baby in the belly if it gets cold."

Ye Qingran bit her lower lip hard.

At sunset in early summer, when the sun was still red, Ye Jiezhi came back in a rickshaw.

Just as Ye Qingran was about to speak, a tall, thin man in long gown chased him to the door panting.

"Mr. Ye—you have to pay back that money. The bank loan can be delayed for three to five days. This is usury. If it exceeds one day, the fine will be doubled. The old black has spoken. If you don't pay back the money, you will—— I'm sorry."

"Repay—definitely repay—I will borrow money from the bank right away. Please give me some money, Brother Hei, and give me three more days to settle the principal and interest at once." Ye Jiezhi obediently took out the money from his bag A few pieces of ocean were stuffed into the hands of the man in the gown.

The long-clothed man weighed Dayang in his hand, his tone slowed down, and he laughed, "For the sake of Mr. Ye's talkativeness, I will speak for you from Lao Hei. Remember, Mr. Ye, three days, if you can't get it out Even if the money comes, the Heavenly King and I will not be able to save you!"

"Definitely, definitely." Ye Jiezhi cupped his hands.

The man in the gown swaggered away.

"Mr. Ye—" Another one came.

"The lease term of the house has expired. If you want to continue renting, it's time to pay the rent."

"I'll go back and discuss it with Yanqiu, and I'll call you back tomorrow." Ye Jiezhi took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

"If you continue to rent, the rent will be paid tomorrow afternoon." The landlord left without saying a word.

Ye Jiezhi's tall back became thinner and weaker in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Ye Qingran's grievance and resentment melted into clouds.

Her father, with a dusty face and a haggard face, with white hair in twos and twos on his head, his former composure and pampering are gone, only this crooked figure facing the creditors, Wei Wei.

She has a sore nose.

"Momo, let me know if you have something to say." Only then did Ye Jiezhi have the opportunity to speak to his daughter.

"Dad, let's talk here." Ye Qingran quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, "In the afternoon, someone from Puguang Bank said that if the money is not paid, our house will be auctioned off in three days."

Ye Jiezhi was unstable and almost fell down.

Qingran hurriedly supported him.

Ye Jiezhi looked painful, "Money! Money! It's all money! I regret it—I didn't listen to Yu Xin!"

"I'll pack things with my mother when I get back." Ye Qingran knew from his father's expression that the house could not be kept. "Dad, relax your mind. Isn't there a saying that you will come back after all your money is gone! I have grown up and can make money. Take your time, and life will always get better."

Ye Jiezhi looked at his daughter in surprise, he thought she would quarrel with him, but who knows, she didn't complain, she was so considerate of his plight, her daughter really grew up.

"Momo—Dad, I'm sorry for your mothers." Ye Jiezhi hugged his daughter's thin body tightly.

"The rent of this western-style building is not cheap, so don't rent it." Qing Ran whispered.

"No more renting. Momo, ask your mother to find a cheaper yard, and we will move in together. Yanqiu has a big belly and can't live without people. You'd better go back and ask your mother if it's okay. Let’s rent another house.”

Ye Qingran looked embarrassed, living under the same roof as Tian Yanqiu, she couldn't stand it, but now that less renting a house would mean less expenses, her mother would definitely agree.

Ye Qingran walked home blankly, the early summer wind could not blow away the coldness in her heart.She has never been so helpless as she is now, with indescribable despair and helplessness in her heart.The house that I have lived in for more than ten years is about to be taken away by the bank. Three days later, where will the family stay?My father is heavily in debt and struggling to move forward. How will I and my two younger brothers continue their studies?
She stood on the street, watching the crowds coming and going.

The worry-free life is completely far away from her, and the burden on her shoulders is even heavier. Money, she needs money!

She held her head up and walked towards Paramount.

(End of this chapter)

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