Chapter 187 Last Year Today (2)
It was rumored that he was tired of his fiancée and found a new favorite, but she knew in her heart that at best, she was just a decoration for entertaining him and talking with him in her spare time.

He came in calmly wrapped in a bathrobe and began to dress gracefully.

"Why do you do this to me every time?" Her voice choked up, her delicate body trembling under the brocade quilt, "Since you don't like me, why do you still give me a house and so much money!"

He didn't stop putting on his clothes.

"You have raised me for so long, but you never touch me once. You have other women in your heart, right?" She murmured to the blurred figure of the man on the wall, "You love her in your heart, but hate her at the same time." Look at her. You asked me to solve your problems, if I guessed correctly, she is your fiancée Ye Qingran."

"Ye Qingran is my wife, you have no right to judge her. You are very smart, but you better remember who you are!" He straightened his clothes and treated her indifferently.

"Xun, how can I not compare to her?" She is still not reconciled. In the past, these words were blocked in her heart, and she never dared to open her mouth. In this situation, her fragile heart can no longer be overwhelmed. Come.

"Smart as you are, it's time to shut up." He gave her a cold look and turned around.

"I know that my background and knowledge can't be compared with Miss Ye, but to you—"

"Touch!" The door slammed heavily.

She shuddered suddenly.

he's gone.

A few tears fell from the corner of my eyes.

This man dotes on her, gives her everything, but doesn't touch her!In his eyes, she is just a chess piece that can be thrown away at any time!
Outsiders say that Tang Chengxun's fiancée is pitiful, and he is the one who favors him. In fact, in this three-person game, the woman who has never met is the real winner.

What is he in his heart?

Ye Qingran took a week off and started looking for a house and packing things with her mother.

In the end, a small yard in the suburbs of the city was settled, with an annual rent of [-] yuan.Although the location is secluded, but fortunately it is close to the schools of the two younger brothers, but Ye Qingran takes the tram to the school a bit further.

There are four main rooms in the small courtyard and three east and west wing rooms.The house is half-new and half-old, the yard is not big but there are a few bamboo plants and an old plum tree, the flagstone road paved with bluestone is clean, Ye Qingran and Wu Ma have been busy painting since the moment they paid the deposit and got the keys Walls, cleaning.He Yuxin packed clothes at home.

In the past three days, they had already moved the light and simple luggage over there, and the heavy furniture had to be pulled by Ye Jiezhi's rented carriage.

Early in the morning, Ye Qingran was dazed in the yard where he had lived for more than ten years, staring at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in a daze.

She won't be able to see the sweet-scented osmanthus this year.

How many days and nights, I and my younger brothers read and write under the laurel tree, my mother is doing needlework, and my father is drinking tea and reading newspapers on the small table...
The days gone forever!
Of the jasmines in the flower garden, there are only a few pots of bad-colored ones standing alone in the summer wind.

One day, she, Ye Qingran, will take back this house.


Swallowing faint tears, turned around.

Father's expression darkened.

"These furniture have also been taken away by the bank. We will not move."

Ye Qingran was silent.

My father borrowed [-] oceans with the mortgage of the house, and now it costs [-] to [-] oceans to sell the house. It is common sense for people to deduct the furniture.

"Let's go. People from the bank have already arrived." Ye Jiezhi's voice was full of sadness.

This house is a testimony of his hard work accumulated over more than ten years in Shanghai, and now it is about to change hands.

(End of this chapter)

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