Chapter 190: This Time Is Not That Time (2)
Oh, I seem to have slept in the bedroom of this house once, it seems to be Tang Chengxun's bedroom.

If I don't go home for a long time, my mother will worry, and she must send a message to the family.She went downstairs and came to Tang Chengxun's study on the first floor.

A few men in black came in and out respectfully at the door.

She knocked on the open door out of habit.

Except for Zong Yuan who was not there, several giants of Yanlong Hall were all sitting upright.

Seeing her, Tang Chengxun immediately got up and walked over.

"Except for letting you go, everything is negotiable." He closed the door.

"Tell me at home so that my mother won't worry. Also, help me to go to school and ask for a leave of absence." She threw down a sentence and went upstairs again.

Looking at her hurried back, an imperceptible smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

No matter what method you use, just keep her by your side.

Ye Qingran turned back to the bedroom on the second floor.

They come, the security.She sat in the small study and made up the manuscripts for the past two days.

In order to move, she asked for leave and stopped two serial manuscripts, and now it's time to make up.

A window of the small study is next to the open-air balcony. On the balcony, several pots of jasmine are blooming happily, and the fragrance is coming. She is in a happy and peaceful mood. She has no restlessness when she first arrived at Tang's house. The early summer sun shines through the slightly open white shutters. As the light shone on her, she sat down at her desk to study, and the whole morning quickly slipped away.

"It's time for lunch." At some point, Tang Chengxun was already standing behind her.

In his hand, he held the paper she had just thrown on the ground with a clerical error, and he laid it out flat and looked at it carefully.

"I still have to catch up on the last one, can someone bring it to me?" She continued writing without raising her head.

He snatched the pen from her hand, "It's been three hours. I watched you write at the door for three full hours. Are you not tired?"

She rubbed her sore neck and shoulders and stood up.

"Don't write desperately, my mother and younger brother both drink northwest wind." Her tone was a little choked up, and she laughed again, "My current manuscript fee has doubled compared to last year, even if I can't find a job after graduation, I can also support myself. Thank God for giving me such an embarrassing life, so that I have the motivation and perseverance to persevere."

His eyes tightened slightly, and he stared at the woman who was slowly walking past him. Such a delicate body hides a strong heart, and her prosperity and wealth are like floating clouds with her. Not only did the hard life not frighten her, her On the contrary, his heart was clearer and more resolute than before. Deep in his heart, softness was regenerated.

He went downstairs to the dining room.

Ye Qingran, Zong Yuan and Xie Baoyi have already started eating.

"Girl, don't be too polite about what you want to eat!" Zong Yuan gave her some vegetables with a smile, "From now on, we should always eat in the same pot, and don't treat Baoyi and me as outsiders."

"Come on, this oil-braised prawn is so good, the cook even peeled off the skin." Xie Baoyi enthusiastically picked up vegetables for her.

She glanced at the various dishes brought over by Zong Yuan and Xie Baoyi, hehe, a big plate was already full.

Fortunately, Mrs. Tang and Chen Shuying went to Mount Putuo to worship Buddha, which saved a lot of embarrassment.

She lowered her head to pick up the rice in her bowl without touching any dishes on the table.

Tang Chengxun had already sat down, picked up a glass of red wine, and clinked glasses with Zong Yuan and Xie Baoyi.

"Girl, are you coming too?" Xie Baoyi handed her a glass of wine.

She shook her head indifferently and continued to cook.

Tang Chengxun drank it all in one gulp, and poured another glass.

"So many dishes, who are you saving? It's not the first time eating at this table!" Zong Yuan glanced at her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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