Chapter 191: This Time Is Not That Time (3)
Ye Qingran recalled the last time he ate here, it was also such a big table, he and Zong Yuan both drank red wine, at the beginning, he lied to take care of him by being injured, while she meddled like a silly girl.

After picking up a bowl of rice, she got up and went upstairs, "I'm full. Eat slowly."

Tang Chengxun picked up his cup and drank it down again.

"Brother, that man will arrive in Shanghai this afternoon, what are your plans?" Xie Baoyi picked up the chopsticks.

"We must not let them meet, that's why I brought her home. After finishing the matter at hand in the afternoon, I will take her to Nanjing in the evening." Tang Chengxun lowered his voice.

"The Ye family has moved, and the neighbors have been taken care of. No one will tell their current address." Zong Yuan poured himself a glass.

"Keep an eye on it. If there is any trouble, report it immediately." His slender, white fingers squeezed the goblet tightly. "I can't let them meet again."

Ye Qingran finished the rest of the manuscripts in the small study on the second floor, carefully considered them again, and put them in envelopes.

She came to the gate of the Tang family.

"Young madam, you can't go out without the sir's order." The guard at the door stopped her before she could speak.

"I'm just going to send something, and I'll be back soon." She shook the envelope in her hand at them, "If I miss the time, not only will I not get the manuscript fee, but I will also be fined badly, you can't afford it! Let me out, and I promise to be back within half an hour."

"Please go back, we are sorry." The guard said with a cold face.

"You—too unreasonable." She paced back and forth angrily.

"I'll help you to send things, you can stay here with peace of mind! Cheng Xun won't let you go." Zong Yuan snatched a few envelopes from her hand, "I'll handle this matter myself, so don't worry!"

Ye Qingran smiled sweetly, "This is tomorrow's manuscript, it must be rushed, I don't worry, go with you?"

Zong Yuan's deep gaze swept across her flowery smile, and he didn't dare to look any further.

The beauty of her gestures and gestures is a kind of torture to herself when seen from a close distance. The clear jasmine-like fragrance has not yet fully bloomed, and the temptation has already rushed to her face.

If Tang Chengxun hadn't said something first, he wouldn't be ruthless.

"It must be done for you." He deliberately smiled, trying to cover up the ups and downs in his heart.

"These manuscripts are really important to me. Once I can't keep up with the typesetting of the newspaper, my manuscript fee will be gone, and I will have to pay double the fine. I have to go there myself!" She caught up with Zong Yuan, Spread your hands out in front of him.

Zong Yuan took a deep look at Ye Qingran. She was wearing an ordinary plain-colored blouse and long skirt, with two long braids hanging down her chest. In the past, what he liked were charming, enchanting and charming socialites. This kind of Xiaojiabiyu girl has blue eyes, but at some point, she has quietly taken root in his heart.

He couldn't move his eyes away anymore. Now, besides the original elegance and clarity, there is an indescribable charm on her body, with a little maturity, a little intelligence, a little naivety, which lures him forward.

Ye Qingran looked at him blankly.

After looking at each other for a long time, she suddenly woke up.She lowered her eyes, avoiding his eyes.

Those inexplicable emotions in Zong Yuan's eyes made her very uncomfortable.

Zong Yuan came back to his senses and smiled.


"I—" She wanted to say something more, but closed her mouth.

Because Zong Yuan had already driven away.

She looked helplessly at the long asphalt road in the courtyard of the Tang family. The flowers of Xifu Begonias beside the road had already faded, and the green leaves were lush, and the two magnolia trees were in full bloom.

She picked up a magnolia flower that had fallen to the ground, and it was fragrant.

The courtyard of the Tang family is really ridiculously large on Xiafei Road, where every inch of land is expensive. On both sides of the long main road, there are two indigo-colored paths paved with natural marble, leading directly to the garden behind the main building.

Tired of writing the manuscript for most of the day, she simply relaxed in the garden.

The wind is blowing, the sky is covered with dark clouds, there are a few muffled thunders, and the sky is about to rain.

"Young madam, sir has come back, let you go to the living room." A maid came over respectfully and made a "please" gesture.

Ye Qingran silently followed her steps.

Tang Chengxun stood in a neat military uniform and waited for her at the door of the main building.

"Follow me to Nanjing immediately. The luggage has been packed for you."

She was full of surprise, going to Nanjing?Are you right?She is now signed with four newspapers and magazines in Shanghai to be serialized, and she can't delay even a day. Besides, the preliminary contest of "Miss Calendar" will be held the day after tomorrow. Guilty?
"Tang Chengxun, I am not a puppet at the mercy of others. I have my own consciousness and principles. Why do you decide where I go?" She turned to him full of anger, "If you need a vase by your side to accompany you to socialize and give you a long face, You can go to that Miss Luo."

His thin lips raised a beautiful arc, "Jealous?"

Her cheeks were flushed, "Nonsense!"

"Let's go to the train station." He took her hand.

She stood there with clear and firm eyes, "I have four manuscripts that are being serialized. If there is any delay, I will be punished severely. I hope you can understand my difficulties."

"Isn't it just money?" He took out a check from his pocket and stuffed it into her hand, "You can fill in whatever you want."

She looked at the piece of paper in her hand, it was thin, palm-sized, a large check from a certain bank, and the amount was blank.

She smiled miserably, "What I lack most now is money. I write day and night every day, just to earn a few more dollars, so that my younger brothers can eat better when they grow up, so that my mother can make a decent job." Cheongsam. Your check is very tempting. It is the first time I know that there is such a check that can be filled with any amount, but I can’t bear it. Tang Chengxun, you are not young, don’t waste these thoughts on From me, find a suitable woman to start a family with!"

She threw the check into his arms.

He grabbed it and tore it to pieces.

"Ye Qingran, my heart is really worthless in your eyes?" He took her small white hand fiercely, "You can only be my woman, if you can't sleep together in life, you will have to share the same acupuncture point in death!"

She struggled, she couldn't go to Nanjing anyway!

"Let go—Tang Chengxun—don't make me hate you!"

"You hated me a long time ago! It doesn't matter if you have more!" He picked her up.

"I just won't go - you are shameless!" She fought against him with her hands and feet in his arms.

"If you move again, I'll take you right here!" He gritted his teeth in hatred.

She calmed down immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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