Chapter 192
Ye Qingran's suppressed tears welled up, he really didn't care anymore!
Just now, she was expecting him to let go, but when he really let go of her, she felt very disappointed.

She numbly fastened the buttons of her cheongsam, trembling all over.

"Please inform me, I'm looking for Ye Qingran!"

"The young lady is not here."

"Why aren't you here? I met Mr. Zong on the road just now and said she lives here. I'm not an outsider. I'm your young lady's best friend. Don't lie to me!"

Zhong Shushu actually stood at the gate of the Tang family.

Ye Qingran pushed open the car door and called out, "Shushu—"

"Qingran——" Zhong Shushu eagerly waved her hands at the gate of the Tang family, "Qingran, come out quickly, I have something urgent for you."

"Young Madam—Mr. has explained that you are not allowed to go out." The driver stopped her.

"I——just talk to my friend through the door, and don't go out." She looked at him coldly.

"—That's fine—" the driver followed her closely, "Please young lady, please proceed with caution and don't make things difficult for us."

Ye Qingran brushed her messy long hair, wiped the tears from her face, and approached the closed hollow cast iron gate of the Tang family.

"What's the matter, Qingran? Your face is haggard? Why didn't you tell me when you moved! Su Wen and I are so hard to find!" Zhong Shushu held her hand, "Hands are so cold, you—"

"Who did you just say?" The name came to her eardrums, and she thought she heard it wrong.

"Su Wen." Zhong Shushu lowered her voice, found a larger opening on the gate, and leaned her mouth forward, "Su Wen is back, he has been looking for you everywhere..."

Ye Qingran couldn't listen anymore, and asked eagerly, "Where is he now?"

"I asked him to wait for you at 'Youlian Teahouse'. You just follow me." Zhong Shushu whispered.

Suddenly, a man's clear and clean hand held Ye Qingran's hand in the hollow of the gate from outside the iron gate.

Ye Qingran's heart trembled, she didn't dare to look.

So gentle, so powerful, you don't need to look to know who is coming.

"Qingran—" His voice was choked with sobs, "I finally saw you—"

She looked up, and the man who had dreamed of the wind and the moon thousands of times was right in front of her, separated from her by an iron gate. At this moment, his expression was tired and dusty.

"Su Wen, why are you here? Hurry up, I promise to bring Qingran back to you." Zhong Shushu was quite anxious, at the gate of the Tang family, it was impossible to know what would happen!
Ye Qingran stared at Su Wen as if waking up from a dream, "I will explain everything to you. Now, please listen to me, get out of here with Shushu quickly, I beg you—"

Su Wen's clear face was full of sadness, "I wrote you countless letters in France, but I didn't receive any fragments of your words. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I came back to China to find you. I said, you are engaged to someone else, I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Qingran——I want you to tell me yourself!"

The always gentle and modest gentleman couldn't hide his anger in an instant, and his voice was hoarse.

Ye Qingran sobbed and held his hand tightly, unable to say a word.

"Young lady—please go back." The driver spoke again.

"Young lady? How could she be your young lady? She is my future wife." Su Wen snapped.

A rather mocking sneer sounded.

Zhong Shushu hurriedly pulled Ye Qingran's skirt.

Ye Qingran turned around, Tang Chengxun in a black suit was already standing behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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