Chapter 36 Who is Su Wen
Startled, Qing Ran opened the curtains.

The sky was pitch black, and there were only dots of lights in the distance, except for the courtyard of the Tang family, which was brightly lit.

He walked to her side, "I asked them to bring the food up."

Qingran touched her already hungry stomach, she hadn't eaten two meals, so hungry!
"I'll go down and eat. By the way, how is your wound? Have you taken any medicine?" she asked.

He followed her with his eyes, paused, "I've taken the medicine, as long as you are here, no matter how deep the wound is, you won't feel pain."

Qingran pretended not to hear, and walked to the bathroom in the bedroom, "I'm going to wash up."

Looking at her delicate figure, he felt a little bewildered. Just now seemed to be a dream. She was lying on his bed, covered with his usual blanket, resting on his pillow, breathing peacefully and evenly. Looking at her sleeping quietly for a full eight hours, the desire in his heart was not relieved, but it stimulated him to try to keep this beauty by his side forever, and he could even do everything possible to do everything for her.

She came out with her braids on.

The beautiful and sunny girl seems to have injected a ray of sunshine into his heart. Her face is pure and delicate, and her gestures are full of elegance, like the beauty of June in the south of the Yangtze River, which makes people stop.

His heart sank completely.

When I came to the dining room again, the white marble dining table was already filled with delicate dishes of different sizes, and the maids were busy serving and serving dishes.

Tang Chengxun brought her food, and she buried herself in eating.The cook of the Tang family is really good. An ordinary eggplant was fried, and it tasted like meat. She always thought that the rice cooked by Wu's mother was the best, but compared with others, it was really the difference between cloud and mud.

Ye Qingran was ninety percent full after eating, and when she looked up, she realized that she was the one eating all the time, and the person opposite only brought her some food, and didn't put a mouthful of rice in her mouth at all.

"Aren't you hungry?" She put down her rice bowl.

"Not hungry, I have this." He poured a glass of brandy.

"I can't drink any more!" Qing Ran reached for the cup in his hand.The hand was held by him.

Unable to break free, she looked straight into his eyes, "Mr. Tang, please respect yourself."

He smiled deeply, "Can you stay here?"

She said slowly, "Of course I will stay here until you recover."

"The answer is not the question," he let go of her soft and boneless hand, with a lonely face, "You are very smart."

Qing Ran got up, "I ate too much, I'm going for a walk."

He drank the brandy in his hand.

Following her footsteps, he came to the small garden.At a glance, she was leaning over to smell a pure white gardenia.

The fragrance was tangy, and her face was intoxicated.

He reached out to take it off and handed it to her.

She was a little displeased, "Why take it off, just smell the fragrance."

"How can just smelling the fragrance relieve my longing, it's better to take it off and put it in my hand." Seeing that she didn't pick it up, he threw it into the small pool.

Ye Qingran simply ignored him, striding up and down in the small garden.

He looked at her with a smile.

On a midsummer night, the sky was extraordinarily clear, filled with stars and the sound of insects and frogs, but the heat was unbearable. After walking a few laps, Qingran was already sweating profusely.

Tang Chengxun approached her, "There is a swimming pool on the roof of the west building, shall we go?"

Qingran shook her head and walked back, "I'd better go to the bathroom and take a shower!"

He was a little lost.

With her, my heart will involuntarily lean on her, and sometimes I think, life is like this, with her company is already complete, what more can I ask for! .

But he knew that this hard-won time together would not last long.Her heart is on another man, once he tears off all the cover-ups and exposes his naked desires in front of her, will she hate him, and will the "warmth" deliberately created between her and her be gone!

He looked at the injured brother of Yanlongtang in the east building.When he came out, he had an extra American-imported pill given to him by Dr. Cui, specially for women to aphrodisiac.

He used to disdain to use this to deceive women, but now, he wants to keep her as soon as possible and completely, should he use it on her?

A look of distress appeared on his brows, and his heart was also messed up.

Tang Chengxun stepped into the living room, handed the pills to a servant, and ordered a few words.

Ye Qingran had already changed into the pink pajamas and pajamas she brought home, her long black hair was slightly damp, and her complexion was like jade, she walked out of the study with her schoolbag in her arms.Seeing Tang Chengxun, she pointed to a bedroom, "I'll sleep here tonight."

Tang Chengxun pulled her and walked to another room, "We sleep here together, you have to take care of me."

Qing Ran looked around, fortunately, there are two beds, but she felt that it was not right, there are so many rooms in your house, why do you want me to share one with you?You are recovering well, do you still need my care?
Tang Chengxun seemed to see through her, and said, "I just want to talk to you, I have no other thoughts."

Her face turned red suddenly, everyone said that she had no idea, but she was the one who had the idea, ah, unscrupulous!
Anyway, I have already slept for eight hours, so I simply won't sleep tonight, and I will catch up on it tomorrow!

She put down her schoolbag and took out the books, and said to him, "You rest first, and I will read the books before going to bed."

He coughed a few times on purpose, "I'm injured, I can't take a bath. Anyone can help me wipe my body!"

She turned around in silence.

He walked to the bathroom alone, laughing at himself. "It's a joke."

Immediately, she heard the sound of rushing water.

Her mind fluttered, wondering whether she valued the difference between men and women too much.Even though he was injured like this, he still couldn't let go of his guard.

She would resolutely avoid his occasional provocative words and actions.She also wanted to give him a pleasant environment to recuperate, and tried to tolerate him, but there was a voice in her heart that said firmly, don't let him approach you, you can't give him anything!

She thought of Su Wen again, he must be thinking of herself too.There is an exam the day after tomorrow, will Su Wen wait for her outside the exam room?

A slender and clean hand took the book in her hand.

It was he who came in gray silk pajamas.

He stared at the word "Su Wen" on the book, his eyes blurred and sharp, "Who is Su Wen?"

(End of this chapter)

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