Chapter 37 Treasure Clothes
Qingran was taken aback, could this be Tang Chengxun's admirer again?
The misunderstanding with Lin Hongxi yesterday has not been resolved, is there another one?I've heard that Tang Chengxun has many women, and I really can't resist, so let's explain the matter clearly before she gets mad.

"Forgive my blindness, but I didn't see that you were a girl." Qing Ran cleared her throat, "Let me explain to you, the reason why I stayed here was purely to take care of Mr. Tang, he saved me and got hurt. Wait If he recovers, I will leave, I hope Miss will not think too much."

The girl in black snorted softly, "You women are all virtuous. You are desperate for money but you are superficial. To put it bluntly, you are all here for my brother's money. I can't stand your hypocrisy. I don’t say what I want, but I’m always thinking about it. Here, it’s for you. If you want diamonds and gold jewelry, imported western clothes, high-end cosmetics, go to Wan’an to get them!”

She handed Qingran an exquisite gold medal the size of a palm, with the words "Wan'an Department Store" on it very dazzling.

This is the "Wan'an Department Store" gold medal that Tang Chengxun promised to give her earlier.Gold medals are very attractive, and so is Tang Dajin, but this girl is not interested.

Ye Qingran smiled, "Miss, I'd better put it away and leave it to Mr. Tang's other women."

"Just call me Baoyi." The short-haired woman's clear eyes sparkled.

"I'm going home to prepare for tomorrow's exam. Please tell Mr. Tang. I'll come back in two days."

"Are you sure you don't want to?" The woman in black stared at her big eyes in amazement.

"Of course not! I can buy what I want by myself." Qingran took out the purse her mother gave her from her schoolbag, "Are you Mr. Tang's sister? I have something to ask you. Although the money is not much, it is still worth it. A little thought from our family, please pass it on to him, it can be regarded as a little compensation for his hospitalization."

"What are you talking about? Compensate him?" Xie Baoyi shook his head in confusion, and touched Qingran's forehead again, "You don't have a fever, you are really good at making international jokes. You stayed here all night, and you are my brother's." I'm the guest of honor, so I really don't want any compensation? Cut, my brother won't take your money!"

"It's because he doesn't want it that I entrust you to pass it on!" Qing Ran handed it over to her, "I'll go home first, remember to ask Mr. Tang to take the medicine on time."

Ye Qingran walked out of the bedroom with her belongings, leaving behind the woman in black, Xie Baoyi, with her mouth wide open.

After a long time, she chased out and shouted at Ye Qingran's back, "They're not here, you can't get out of the gate without me."

With the help of Xie Baoyi, Qingran walked out of the Tang family smoothly.

At the moment when she stepped into the house, Qingran's depression for many days was relieved.

Qingran's first sentence was to ask her mother, "Mom, did Su Wen come to see me?"

He Yuxin said, "He came several times. I finally sent him away."

With a smile on the corner of Qingran's mouth, she knew that he would come.

"Mom, I'm going to visit the examination room, and I won't go home for lunch." She was a little shy, and she wanted to see Su Wen.

The two nights and one day spent with Tang Chengxun felt particularly long, and her desire to meet Su Wen became stronger and stronger.

He Yuxin felt a little worried.There are some things that must be explained clearly to her after the exam. Seeing her daughter full of longing, I really can't bear to stop their children's feelings. After a long time, I said, "Go, don't come back too late."

"Thank you mom, I'll be right back after lunch." Qing Ran happily kissed He Yuxin.

When Qingran walked out of the house, she saw that fresh and handsome man waiting for her at the alley.

Su Wen.

Qing Ran stepped forward with a smile.

Su Wen took her hand, "Why didn't you see me yesterday?"

"Yesterday - I meditated alone at home and reviewed the materials you gave me." She didn't want him to know the truth, so she lied.

"Jingxin, how can you not see me? Let's go together!" Su Wen said firmly.

"Let's go to the examination room first." She let him hold her hand, and the temperature of her fingertips spread all over her body.

This time Yenching University's admissions location in Shanghai is Shanghai Women's Normal University, which is very close to the "Qide Girls' Middle School" where Qingran attended.

The two held hands, talking and laughing all the way.People who are in love always feel that time flies by.

Qingran, it's too hot, shall we go drink ice soda? After watching the examination room, Su Wen pointed to a cold drink shop beside the road.

Qing Ran nodded.

Su Wen is always gentle and refined, not impatient or impetuous, he is a thoroughly modest gentleman, he has always been able to discuss what he wants to do, and will never impose any ideas on himself, it is a great fortune to meet him, Qing Ran thinks so .

The two chose an inconspicuous corner to sit, and the waiter in western clothes quickly brought them soft drinks with ice.

The boy and the girl sipped their soft drinks gracefully and talked intimately, while melodious piano music was played from the shop.

"Qingran." A deep and powerful voice came.

Tang Chengxun stood opposite her and Su Wen in a well-fitting military uniform, looking at her, his eyes were unfathomable, and his face was full of anger and a smile, making it hard to fathom.

Qingran was startled, she patronized and joked with Su Wen, but she didn't feel anyone approaching.

When did Tang Chengxun appear?I can't stand his strange eyes!
"Mr. Tang," Qing Ran got up, and pulled Su Wen over with a smile, "Let me introduce you, this is my friend, Su Wen."

Su Wen stretched out his hand politely, "Hello, Mr. Tang."

Tang Chengxun glanced coldly at Su Wen, then at Ye Qingran.With sharp eyes and sarcasm, "Can I have lunch with you?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tang, I'm not free." Qing Ran got up and held Su Wen's hand intimately, signaling to go out together.

Su Wen knew that Qingran had many suitors, and this one should be one of them. He said with a smile, "Qingran and I will definitely treat Mr. Tang to dinner someday. We have something to do today, so let's say goodbye!"

A cold smile flashed across the corner of Tang Chengxun's mouth, and he just stared at her.

Qingran took Su Wen's hand and walked out of the cold drink shop.

"Su Wen, wait for me. I'll go and have a few words with him." Qing Ran looked at Su Wen with some guilt.

Su Wen smiled, "Go ahead and explain it clearly to him, so that he won't die against you."

(End of this chapter)

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