Chapter 38
Qingran turned back to the cold drink shop, but she didn't dare to meet Tang Chengxun's scorching gaze.

She could clearly feel the hostility and anger emanating from him.

She has to handle the relationship with him well, she doesn't want to cause trouble for herself and Su Wen.

Tang Chengxun approached her, and smiled before saying anything.

It's a pity that there is no trace of joy in the laughter, only a deep sense of unwillingness.

Qingran mustered up the courage to take a deep breath.

Some things always have to be faced, and avoiding can solve any problems.

She looked up at him with clear eyes.

"Mr. Tang, how is your wound recovering? Have you taken your medicine on time? I have an exam in the next two days, and I'll take care of you after the exam."

"I still say the same thing, can we have dinner together at noon?" His eyes were flickering and he looked directly at her.

"I'm sorry. Su Wen and I have already made an appointment." Qing Ran said slowly, she didn't want to leave him any hope, she was hesitant about some things, which would only make him fall deeper and deeper.

"Tell me, the two nights and one day of getting along, really can't change at all?" His eyes were burning.

"For some things, there is no chance at the beginning." Qingran said in a cold tone, "Mr. Tang saved me, and Su Wen and I will be grateful to you for the rest of our lives. Relationships can only go so far."

Tang Chengxun's face was pale and his eyes were melancholy. This woman who has been deeply imprinted in his heart is trying to stay away from him. He will never let her go, and he will never let her fly high. Hold her body and trap her in a golden cage.

Her beauty and sorrow can only be shown to him.

Tang Chengxun embraced her all at once, and kissed her wildly and passionately.

Unexpectedly by Ye Qingran, a fresh and handsome aura different from Su Wen came overwhelmingly, invading her world domineeringly, her body was hugged fiercely by him, and his tongue deftly pried open Her tightly closed cherry lips, her avoidance inspired him to demand even more unscrupulously, he greedily absorbed the fragrance of the woman in his arms, and was intoxicated by it. At this moment, everything in the world is nothing but the sweetness of having her in his arms for a moment, She was so angry that she bit down hard.

He pushed her away, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, "Remember, you can only be my woman. You can't be the master of your destiny, I am the master!"

She looked at him bitterly, angry and ashamed, grabbed half a glass of ice soda on the table and threw it at him.

In an instant, the soda turned into water droplets and dripped from his face.

He bit his lower lip hard, "This is the last time I will indulge you."

Ye Qingran hurried out of the cold drink shop.

The moment she saw Su Wen, her pounding heart calmed down.

Su Wen can always give her a kind of strength, which makes her feel inexplicably at ease.

Su Wen asked with concern, "Have you explained it clearly to him?"

Qing Ran held his hand tightly, "Make it clear."

She didn't want Su Wen to worry, so she swallowed the words welling up in her throat.

"Qingran, I'm 1 worried about you staying in Shanghai alone. I've made up my mind. It's good for you to be admitted to Yanjing. If you don't pass the exam, I will come to Shanghai after graduation." Su Wen firmly Say.

"Okay." Ye Qingran stretched out her pinky finger to hook him. "It's a deal."

Tang Chengxun's words rang in his ears again.

She was full of confusion and worries about the future of her relationship.

In the evening, the Tang mansion is brightly lit with bright lights, crowded with people, and the fragrance of clothes and shadows on the temples.

Tang Chengxun's birthday party is being held in the lobby of the West Building.

All of a sudden, Shanghai politicians and business tycoons filled their homes, and the beauties and beauties were laughing and talking loudly, making it very lively.

These guests tonight were all invited by Mr. Tang's post. Usually, this teacher is not close to anyone on the scene, and some people who try to curry favor with others hate that they have no chance to get acquainted.

Now that the opportunity came to him, he posted a post.The upper social circle in Shanghai suddenly boiled!
They inquired about the teacher's hobbies and anger in many ways, and came to the Tang Mansion for a banquet with generous gifts.

According to internal information, Mr. Tang had already dumped Lin Hongxi, who had been friends with him for many years, a few days ago.So there are some daughters who are in their youth, so they let their daughters dress up beautifully and come together with ulterior motives.There are also some celebrities who brought their seventh concubines and tenth concubines to the Tang mansion, because they boast that women are more attractive to men than girls, and their concubines and concubines are all gorgeous and charming.Once that teacher grows blue eyes, his future will be immeasurable!

This group of social celebrities in Shanghai, like crucian carp crossing the river, gathered in the west building of Tangjia, and there was a lot of people talking.

And Mr. Tang, who was plotted against by the daughter and concubine of the celebrity in Shanghai, is drinking tea leisurely in the study of the main building at the moment.

"Look, the west building is almost overwhelmed by them. Seven or eight people come with their families for a post, and now, those who post the post, and those who don't post the post, all come!" Zong Yuan joked.

"What I most wanted to see didn't come." Tang Chengxun stroked the corner of his lips with one hand, pain and sweetness coexisted.

"It's Baoyi's fault. Cheng Xun originally wanted that girl to leave after attending the birthday party, but it's better for you to let her go." Zong Yuan avoided Xie Baoyi's scorching eyes.

Xie Baoyi stared at Zong Yuan with his dark eyes, smiling like a flower.Then he glanced at Tang Chengxun again, "Brother, that girl is really interesting."

"Tell me what's interesting?" Tang Chengxun lit his cigar.

Xie Baoyi put the palm-sized gold medal with "Wan'an Department Store" on Tang Chengxun's desk.

"This gold medal was sent out for a total of 6 yuan, and you asked me to give the seventh yuan to that girl. Fortunately, she said no without even raising her eyelids. Here, let me transfer the money to you, saying It's compensation for your hospitalization. At first I laughed at her, without self-knowledge. But now, I feel that this girl's sincerity is precious, and it's not comparable to your group of Yingying Yanyan."

Tang Chengxun picked up the small money bag with satisfaction, and smiled, "What Yingyingyanyan, that was in the past. From now on, I will only take one scoop."

"Looking at your proud appearance, have you tasted the sweetness again at noon?" Zong Yuan laughed maliciously.

Tang Chengxunhua's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was difficult to distinguish between happiness and anger.The smoke was lingering, and his face became more stern.

"Feng Shui turns around. Brother, you finally hit a wall in front of women." Baoyi smiled, "That girl is considered a pass with me. If you want to marry her, the key is that the godmother nods. If you need help, little sister Incumbent."

Tang Chengxun thought about it, when he married her, he would never consider other people's objections, not even his mother.What he worried about was her heart, her feelings.

"Let's go, go to the west building. Don't make people wait." Zong Yuan got up.

(End of this chapter)

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