Chapter 78 Talk to You

Ye Qingran seemed to go crazy when he heard this sentence, "What did you say? Engaged? Who agreed to you? Tang Chengxun, just dream! I will never marry you in my life! If you have to force me, okay, you It’s best to kill me now! Don’t you have a gun, shoot here, and I’ll be a cow and a horse in my next life to thank you!” She pointed to her heart.

Tang Chengxun's smile faded away, his expression was as cold as usual, and he stared at her who was so angry.

Before he could say anything, Zong Yuan approached Ye Qingran, sneered a few times, and said, "Miss Ye, don't put on a holy Marysu expression and treat us so badly, from now on, you won't be much better ! These 43 people all died because of you, you want to get out of here with peace of mind, it's a good idea!"

"You're talking nonsense! They came after Tang Chengxun in the first place, and forced me to be involved. You are so cruel and bloody, and you still blame me? If you don't let you compensate me for my spiritual loss-it will be easier for you!" Ye Qingran found that Zong Yuan Opening his mouth is usually glib, but it is even more sharp when he quarrels.Arguing with him was exhausting, and I was a little out of breath.

"Is Cheng Xun really ungrateful for coming to save you in danger?"

"Why was I tied here? It's all thanks to him! I tell you, my world can't tolerate your bloodshed, please get out of here! Don't bother me anymore!" She said hoarsely.

Tang Chengxun looked coldly at the woman who was arguing with Zong Yuan in front of him. Her frail body was leaning against a willow tree, her pretty face was bloodless. There is actually a kind of beauty like Xizi holding her heart, he wants to hold her in his arms so much, and will not let go for the rest of his life.

He knew that what happened just now strongly stimulated her, and her innocent world view was severely damaged. Originally, he didn't want to kill that woman, but he could do without her hand. Not leaving any retreat for the enemy, cutting the grass without eradicating the root is tantamount to cutting off one's own retreat.

He also wanted her to personally experience his dark world, because once she became his woman, she would face greater danger and bloody storms, and some things that could not be concealed would be torn apart and presented in front of her. Bar!

Ye Qingran stopped talking sharply with Zong Yuan, and walked down the mountain with all her strength.

"I'll carry you!" Tang Chengxun tried to grab her hand.

Like a trapped animal, she screamed, "Don't touch me! Don't..."

Out of breath, she fell headlong into Tang Chengxun's arms.

Tang Chengxun hugged her almost madly, his eyes were full of love, "It's good to faint!"

Zong Yuan laughed, "This stupid woman finally shut up! Go down the mountain."

When Ye Qingran opened his sleepy eyes, he found that the surroundings were gorgeous, exquisite and antique.

It turned out that what I was lying on was not my own bed!

A slender figure came over and said softly, "Finally woke up, it's time to eat something!"

It's him again, Tang Chengxun.

Ye Qingran realized that he was wearing pajamas, and almost passed out again.

Oh my god, the dirty clothes on his body were replaced by clean pajamas and pajamas, and he took advantage again!
"Why am I here? What time is it? I have to go home." She stood up reluctantly.

His eyes were burning, "When you passed out when you went down the mountain, I brought you here. I have already told your parents to let you stay with me for a few days so that we can cultivate our relationship. This house is facing the sea, the environment Quiet—”

"You—you stay away from me!" Ye Qingran was so angry that he brought her to this ghostly place, Linhai, it seemed that he was really far away from his home.

Tang Chengxun hugged her weak body tightly with both arms, as if he wanted to rub her into his life.

She was a little suffocated and beat him.

The girl's unique fragrance made him intoxicated, and he whispered in her ear, "Momo, don't move—"

Ye Qingran's face immediately turned red, her hands stopped in the air, he was so close to her, she felt ashamed, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and never come out.

Tang Chengxun leaned into her ear, "Now I just want to hug you and get along with you—"

Ye Qingran didn't dare to move anymore, he was eagerly thinking about how to get rid of this embarrassing situation.

His face was pressed against her flushed cheeks.

She had an idea to change the subject, "My stomach is growling, I have to eat right away."

Tang Chengxun reluctantly let go, "Wait for me for 2 minutes!"

Ye Qingran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She opened the curtains, and it was pitch black outside, with the unique fishy smell of the sea breeze, and the sound of the waves, Tang Chengxun didn't lie to her, it was really the sea.

The beach is at least tens of miles away from her home, how can she get away?

She just wanted him to give up completely and give up the idea of ​​marrying her.

The door was pushed open, and Tang Chengxun came in with a smile.

Then, two old ladies with low brows and pleasing eyes came in with a tray to set the meal.

Fish-flavored tofu, fried cabbage with prawns, braised eggplant, sweet and sour pork, all her favorite home-cooked dishes, as well as pearl rice, millet porridge and pan-fried.

Ye Qingran hurriedly washed his hands, and couldn't wait to eat as soon as he sat down.

Tang Chengxun would pick up vegetables for her from time to time, looking at the woman who lowered her head to cook, his heart was full of warmth, and his life would be complete if he could watch his beloved eat every day. Yes, it will be even more lively!
There was a smile on his lips that he didn't even notice.

She couldn't stand that scorching stare.

After finally pulling out the rice in the bowl, I stood up, "I'm full!"

"Eating too little," Tang Chengxun shook his head, "More?"

She silently began to clean up the dishes.

Tang Chengxun looked at her, feeling an urge to laugh.

Her waist-length hair has been pulled together in a random way, with different lengths piled behind her head. Her delicate body is wrapped in light pink fat pajamas and pajamas, which is a little out of place. He has never seen such a mess Women, the women who were able to stay by his side in the past, in addition to having a good-looking face and figure, also have a pair of exquisite hands that can make up.Her unparalleled white face without makeup is even more gentle under the soft light.

She looked up and met his clingy eyes, "I want to talk to you."

Tang Chengxun has always been smart and good at perceiving people's hearts. Now that she is calm and wants to talk to him, she has already guessed what it will be about.

After a long silence, he uttered a word, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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