Chapter 79 Talking (1)
He took her to the open-air balcony on the second floor.

There was a dark moon in the sky, and some stars were flickering, and the sound of the sea tide ebbing wave after wave.

The sea breeze hit, and she sneezed.

The early autumn wind is quite cool in the middle of the night.

Tang Chengxun turned around and left, brought a blanket to wrap around her, "This is halfway up the mountain, and the temperature is not high at midnight."

Ye Qingran wrapped herself tightly in the blanket, not knowing how to speak.

Some words must be said, some feelings must be broken.

She looked at him under the dim light of the balcony, and he was looking back at her with star-like eyes.

She said slowly, "What should I say? You and I are originally people from two worlds, and there will never be a meeting point. I am like a small ant among all living beings. The goal of life is to get a small ant." Little rice. And you, like a cheetah in the forest, will grow your kingdom through blood and fighting every day. You are a born king, and you have hundreds of followers, but I, a little ant, just want to Living an ordinary life that can no longer be ordinary, I just want to find that little grain of rice. There is a gap between you and me!"

"You are not an ant. Under your gentle and demure appearance, there is a tenacity and strength that other women do not have. You are extremely intelligent, beautiful and unassuming. I fell in love with you! Even if you are an ant, I It can also turn you into a leopard standing side by side with me!" Tang Chengxun took her hand.

Ye Qingran avoids him, comforts himself in his heart, tell him well, it is best not to quarrel.

She concealed her displeasure, "In other words, you are not my type. You bully me again and again, and I cannot accept you. I will never be able to convince myself in my heart to accept an executioner with blood on his hands!"

"For you, I can hand over Yanlong Hall to others, stop intervening in any grievances, and find a higher position in the government or military."

"Do you think this will make me forget the blood that I saw with my own eyes? I'm sorry, I will never forget it!" She slowed down her tone, "You have also seen the person I like, who is as gentle as jade, and radiant as the moon. If you really care about me, please let go!"

Tang Chengxun smiled instead of anger, his laughter was pale and feeble, "Let go? Love has penetrated deep into my bones, how do you let me go! I, Tang Chengxun, have a crush on women, and there is nothing I can't get! In ten days, we will be engaged, you You should be ready, too.”

Ye Qingran's small face paled with anger, and he opened up his defenses to argue with him, but this person is still not enlightened.

He stared into her eyes, "Don't challenge my tolerance limit again and again, it's a big deal, I made your sweetheart!"

She gritted her teeth and said word by word, "If you dare to touch his finger, wait for me to collect the body!"

His eyes were darkened, and then his eyes flashed fiercely again, and the corner of his mouth squeezed out a sentence, "You might as well try it, Ye Qingran."

She was trembling with anger.

She has already experienced his cruelty, killing a person is like crushing an ant to him.

The sea breeze is blowing, and the faint sound of the tide beats the reef.

Ye Qingran couldn't hold back anymore, tears of grievance poured down, and she looked at him sadly, "Please help me! I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life! Marrying you, I will never be happy!"

He pinched her chin and said in a deep voice, "I don't want your gratitude, just keep you by my side. For you, I can give everything. I don't want you to be happy soon."

Her eyes were like autumn water, clear but full of sadness, and the crystal teardrops on her cheeks were crumbling.

(End of this chapter)

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