Chapter 93 Jing Xue's Beloved

"Do you know who the Jin Mingzhu we met that time?" Jiang Jingxue asked.

Qing Ran shook her head, "Although I don't know her exact identity, she must be either rich or expensive."

"You didn't miss it. She is the only daughter of Jin Biwu, Commander-in-Chief of the Northwest Army. This time, Commander Jin made great military exploits again." Jingxue said like a treasure.

"Jingxue, I haven't seen you in January. Why are you so concerned about the current situation? You weren't like this before? Hurry up, have you got a boyfriend?" Qingran realized at this moment that the woman who usually doesn't care about world affairs seems to be like this. changed.

Jingxue pursed her lips and smiled without answering.

"Silence means acquiescence." Qingran teased her, "Tell me, when did you meet? And when did you fall in love?"

Jingxue's face flushed again, "Qingran, he is waiting for me at the entrance of your alley. You can see him when you send me out."

"Okay, I'll issue an order to evict you now. I'll take you to the alley, and take a look at your Prince Charming."

The two girls walked out of Ye's house hand in hand. The originally quiet alley was crowded with people. The door of No. 6 house behind Ye's house was opened. Two guards with live ammunition stood at the door.

A familiar figure is fleeting, Zong Yuan.

She walked out silently accompanied by Jing Xue.

Jingxue pointed at a black car at the entrance of the alley, and said in a charming voice, "Look, he's inside!"

Ye Qingran looked in the direction of her finger, a man of medium build got out of the car and walked towards them.

"This must be Ms. Ye, I often hear Jingxue talking about you." The man greeted Ye Qingran with a smile.

This man has a square face and belongs to the upper middle class. He is wearing a black tunic suit with a gold pen in his left pocket.The only blemish was the barren spot on her head, hey, how did Jingxue find a bald boyfriend!

Ye Qingran nodded to him with a smile.

"His name is Pan Zhuyu, and he is currently working in a government department." Jingxue blushed.

"We still have something important to do. Jingxue and I will invite Ms. Ye to a banquet to make amends for today's rudeness. Let's leave first!" Pan Zhuyu took Jingxue's hand.

Jingxue waved her hand shyly, "Go back, Qingran, let's talk next time."

Looking at the black car fading away, Ye Qingran stood alone in the cold wind.

The man just now is the man Jing Xue found, why does he look like a big man?Has he ever been married?What does he do?He, a bald man, can get all of Jing Xue's love in such a short time?A stomach full of questions circled her mind, and the bitter cold wind blew on her cheeks, piercing her heart a little.

How many men and women who are obsessed with love and love in the world can be sober, why not myself?

"Don't let your friend get too close to Pan Zhuyu, he is an out-and-out playboy." At some point, Zong Yuan had already stood behind her.

She recovered and looked at Zong Yuan.

Zong Yuan also looked at her with a smile.

She came out in a hurry, only wearing a homely green cotton gown, her long, half-stray hair was tied casually behind her head, and her snow-white and delicate face was even more charming in the cold wind.

She asked curiously, "Let's hear it?"

"How many people in Shanghai don't know First Young Master Pan? Find out for yourself!" He had bright eyes and smiled innocently.

"You are so boring, you only speak half. If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." She turned and walked home.

"Cheng Xun will be in Shanghai soon, you'd better wait at home, he will come to see you as soon as he gets off the train." He chased after her.

She ignored him. It seems that the surnamed Tang is really coming back. The alley is very lively. Why don't these nobles rushing to congratulate him to go to the Tang Mansion on Xiafei Road, which is more grand and spacious. Well, she didn't want to know, but she hoped it had nothing to do with her.

Let me wait at home, girl, I won't wait!
She quickly changed out of the clothes she was going out, and put on a yellow plaid coat over it.He rebraided his hair, wore a black bucket hat, and tied a red scarf around his neck.

She glanced at the clock, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

She called Wu Ma and whispered something in her ear, Wu Ma nodded with a smile.

Wu Ma took out a thick torn quilt from the room where sundries were piled up in the outer courtyard, and placed a grand chair by the west wall, then put a small bamboo and wooden chair on the grand chair, and firmly grasped it with both hands. Bamboo chair.

Ye Qingran climbed to the top of the wall with a bamboo chair, lifted a thick quilt and threw it at a place where he could see, then turned to Mama Wu and said, "No matter who asks, they won't know! Don't forget that at 8 o'clock in the evening, at Enlarge the small ladder at the door from the top of the wall I am standing now!"

Mama Wu still nodded with worry on her face, "I know, I know. Be careful, miss!"

Ye Qingran has already jumped over the wall more than a dozen times, this time she threw the quilt at the place where she landed in advance, and she jumped down without blinking.

very smooth.

She rolled up the quilt on the ground and threw it into the wall.

She stuck to the cold wall and whispered, "Mother Wu, I'm leaving."

"Be careful." Wu Ma's concerned voice came from the other side of the wall.

Ye Qingran knew that since Zong Yuan said that she would not be allowed to go out, she would not be able to slip out through the gate, and she didn't want to see that person, so she should hide for a while.

She wore a hat on her head and a scarf around her neck, with only a pair of clear eyes exposed.

She went directly to Zhonghua Bookstore to read.

The daylight in winter is short, before five o'clock, the sky is completely dark, the bookstore began to clear the place and drive out people, Ye Qingran had to follow the crowd out.

She wanted to go back around eight o'clock, because she thought that even if Tang Chengxun couldn't see her when he came back, he still had to greet so many people who came to congratulate him, so she could find an opening to jump over the wall and go home.

How to spend these three hours?She was walking on the street in a daze, the street lights on both sides were just turned on, and there were few pedestrians.

"Ye Qingran!" came the voice of a familiar woman.

She followed the sound and saw a tall, short-haired woman with thick eyebrows and big eyes holding the steering wheel of the car with one hand and greeting her with the other.

Golden Pearl.

Qing Ran gave her a friendly smile, and called softly, "Pearl!"

"I looked like you from the back, but I guessed it right." Jin Mingzhu stopped the car and said with a smile, "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Qingran got into the car without hesitation, "I'm going out for a walk, it's dinner time, shall we have a meal together?"

The smile on Jin Mingzhu's face disappeared immediately, "I can't eat. I'm so annoyed now, I just want to drink. Let's find a place to drink!"

"Are you unhappy? It's getting dark, may I buy you coffee?" Qing Ran persuaded.

Jin Mingzhu nodded leisurely and started the car.

(End of this chapter)

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