Chapter 94 Meeting at the Wall (1)
The two came to a coffee shop with an elegant environment.

The waiter brought coffee and some pastries.

Ye Qingran only saw clearly at this moment that Jin Mingzhu's face was haggard, and she didn't have the plumpness and confidence when they met for the first time.

"Have you been in a bad mood recently?" Qing Ran tried to ask, "What's bothering you, let me tell you."

Jin Mingzhu smiled bleakly, her big eyes were full of loneliness.

She stirred the coffee with a silver spoon, and said slowly, "I've been in love with someone for a long time, but he doesn't love me, and I can't forget him. Every morning when I wake up, the first thought I want to see is him, even if he has an arrogant attitude Indifference, let me go far away, and I always think of him in my heart."

"Mingzhu is so cute and connotative, it's his loss that he doesn't love you."

"Qingran, do you have someone you love?"

Ye Qingran blushed slightly and nodded, "Yes, he just went to study in France. I also miss him every day."

"You are luckier than me. Although you are temporarily separated, he has you in his heart, right? I, purely unrequited love, go to him again and again regardless of the reservedness of the girl's family. I want to be alone with him for a while, but I haven't said anything yet. After a few words, he kicked him out. He even lied to me, saying that he was going to get engaged soon, and I made him a big-headed ghost. I asked all the people who knew him well, and they all said that he had never seen his girlfriend. He just I really can't stand avoiding me like this!" Jin Mingzhu's expression was gloomy.

"There is a poem that says, 'There are few willows blowing on the branches, and there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world'. When God closes one window for you, it will also open another door."

"I understand all these words, but I just can't stop thinking about him." Jin Mingzhu sipped her coffee, her face full of helplessness, she completely lost her previous confidence and pride, "Love doesn't need a reason. I can't choose to forget."

"Let's hear it, what kind of man is it that you can't forget? I can find fault with him and let you get rid of him from your mind as soon as possible!" Qing Ran joked to her.

"He--almost perfect." Mingzhu's eyes flickered with inexplicable sparks, and she said, "He is a soldier, tall and straight, with the kind of face that will never be forgotten at a glance. He is decisive and courageous in his actions. He has experienced many battles in the army, and he was only 26 years old when he took the position of division commander. I heard that he is suave and suave, and has countless women, but in my eyes, he has always kept himself clean and he is a very good man."

The cup in Ye Qingran's hand almost slipped, and the man Jin Mingzhu was talking about was Tang Chengxun.

This world is really small, and after going around, I got in touch with him again.

Jin Mingzhu didn't notice the strangeness on Ye Qingran's face at all, and kept confiding, "In order to hide from my confidential secretary, he didn't even enter the division headquarters. His 23rd Division made great contributions in encircling and suppressing the Northwest Army. He walked for a whole day." For three months and ten days, I called and sent telegrams to him on the front line every day, but he ignored them. I spent these days in hopeless thoughts. Just now I heard that he had arrived in Shanghai, so I went to the train station I saw him, but he avoided me and went out through the back door..."

Jin Mingzhu couldn't help crying, "My love is hopeless and fruitless, and I will only recognize him in my life. If he doesn't want me, I will go to the church and become a nun."

Ye Qingran opened his mouth twice, not knowing what to say.

If Jin Mingzhu fell in love with another man, she would persuade her not to hang a tree and broaden her horizons, but Jin Mingzhu fell in love with Tang Chengxun, the man who vowed to marry her, she hoped that Jin Mingzhu would marry her from the bottom of her heart If she can tie the knot with Tang Chengxun, her future path will be smooth.

Not to mention, they are really a good match, not only in appearance, but also in family status. Jin Mingzhu's father is the commander-in-chief of the first group army of the National Revolutionary Army, the only daughter of the commander-in-chief's family. !In a word, if Tang Chengxun can marry Jin Mingzhu, everything will be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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