Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 102 Meeting Kotori Again

Chapter 102 Meeting Kotori Again
Naturally, Yang Han didn't just take Icarus to try on clothes but didn't buy them when he was full.Although he doesn't have much money on him, he has the ability of the treasure of God, which is like a cornucopia.

Five seconds after he walked into the fitting room with the stack of clothes that Icarus tried on, he copied them all through God's Treasure.Although it is a bit disturbing to only watch but not buy, there is no way!As the saying goes, a penny stumps a hero, without money he can't steal it, right?
"What is Icarus inside! I want to discuss something with you..." Suddenly, a money-making plan came to mind, but Yang Han felt that if he really did that, it seemed a bit too cheap.

But it is too difficult to start from scratch, and he can't think of other ways.Ever since, he asked Icarus, who didn't understand anything, for advice as if he was self-comforting.In fact, he has already made up his mind to do so.

"?" Icarus didn't speak, but just showed a cute tilted expression as usual, waiting for the other party's next words.

"To put it simply, we are going to punish rape and eliminate evil next! And you, you are responsible for going to the dark alleys as bait. If anyone comes to strike up a conversation with you, we will beat them up and take away their money." Money! No, this is the tuition they should pay, and it can’t be called robbery, yes! It can’t be called robbery.” After Yang Han said it smoothly, he explained himself very far-fetchedly.

Icarus nodded half-understood, making sure he didn't say anything.In her view, every word of Yang Han is an order, and she just needs to be responsible for executing it.So, a two-dimensional preparation god with no integrity and a cute artificial angel girl started this kind of work to make a fortune.


"Oh, it's not bad! I was able to save seven Yuji (Japanese 1 yuan banknotes) from these guys. I didn't expect the neon gangsters to be so rich. It seems that there is no need to worry about money in a short time Yes. Sure enough, the law and order of Neon is still as bad as ever, there are only so many punks in broad daylight. Okay, Icarus, let’s call it a day.” Yang Han counted a stack of banknotes with odds and wholes while talking. Clearly, and stuffed it into his pocket.Immediately after he greeted him, he led Icarus out of the alley.

He really didn't expect that Icarus's charm was so great. In less than two hours, he attracted four waves of gangsters who wanted to plot against him.

Icarus just stood aside and listened quietly from the beginning to the end. It was not until Yang Han said to leave that he raised his footsteps and walked out of the dark alley behind him.

After exiting the alley and returning to the commercial street, this time he walked into a shop selling computer products.For Yang Han, who is an otaku at heart, there is nothing more attractive than this.In the world of "Blessings for a Beautiful World", he hasn't touched such a thing for 14 years. Now that he has the opportunity to kiss Fangze, what can he do without buying a computer and staying at home for two days?
Neon's technological development level is very advanced, so the price of the computer is not very expensive, and he did not buy the most expensive one, so there is still some money left after the purchase.As for the Internet environment, he doesn't need to handle it. Kuangsan's apartment has its own wifi for him to use.

I found a corner where no one was watching, and threw the desktop computer I bought directly into the treasure of God. Today's shopping is considered to be over.Although he didn't have anything in his hand, this day's shopping was a rewarding experience.In order to prevent Icarus from wearing the slightly tight clothes all the time, Yang Han prepared to go back to the apartment early.

But at this moment, he met a boy and a girl again!
"Please let me out, please let me out!" It was a boy who looked only eleven or twelve years old.With some difficulty, he carried a little girl with red double ponytails who looked a year or two younger than him, and ran towards Yang Han's direction sweating profusely.

"Wuhe Shidao and Qinli?" Yang Han quickly recognized the identity of the other party, because he had just met yesterday.So he quickly stopped the other party, and said, "Wait a minute, what's wrong with your sister?" After speaking, he immediately motioned to Icarus to help him translate.

Shidou, who was carrying his sister on his back and trotting hard, was suddenly stopped by someone. He was a bit ignorant, but after hearing what the other party said, he explained eagerly, "My sister has a very high fever, please let me As soon as I give up, I will take her to the clinic."

After crossing the shopping street and walking 200 meters west, there is a clinic, and that is where Wuhe Shidao is going now.Her younger sister has been in a bad state since she woke up this morning, her eyes were dull at first, until Shidou touched the other's forehead worriedly, and was startled by the temperature coming from it.

"She doesn't have a fever. If you believe me, I can cure her now. Otherwise, even if you go to the hospital, you won't get any results."

"You? Can you treat my sister?" At first, he was a little suspicious because he was not a few years older than him, but the confident temperament of Yang Han still prevented Shidao from refusing immediately. .

"Follow me!" Yang Han snatched Qinli Wuhe Shidao was carrying, hugged him to his chest like a princess, and then ran quickly towards a street corner.

Seeing this, Wuhe Shidao had no choice but to follow.

Yang Han really didn't expect that Wuhe Qinli's magic power would recover and overflow in just one day.At a slightly inconspicuous corner of the street, he let Icarus block his figure, and took out an empty magic-sealing crystal from the treasure of God.Using the same method as yesterday, he quickly extracted the energy from your body again.

"Brother magician?" With the energy drawn out, Wuhe Qinli quickly recovered.He looked at Yang Han who was holding his hand in one hand and a red glass ball in the other, and said in surprise.

"Feeling better?" While helping the other person up, he asked Icarus to translate for him.

"Well, thank you brother, thank you for helping me again." Wuhe Qinli nodded obediently and thanked.

"Kotori, Kotori!" At this time, Wuhe Shidao, who had been waiting anxiously, also stepped forward to call his sister eagerly.

"Your sister doesn't have a common cold, but a slightly troublesome disease." While Wuhe Shidao was observing Qinli, Yang Han stood aside and explained.

"What? Then, what should we do then?" Upon hearing Wuhe Shidao, he got up anxiously and looked at Yang Han with a sad face.

 A local tyrant A sauce built a building in the comment area, the first floor is 10 coins, if you have time, please help build it!The author would like to thank you in advance.In addition, I also bring some practical things. Today’s double update, there will be another chapter at five or six in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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