Chapter 103 Spirit Crystal

After Wuhe Shidao heard Yang Han's words, he obviously fell into a state of panic.Qinli is his very important sister, and he is willing to do everything for his sister to recover, but now he is helpless about it, and can only put all his hopes on Yang Han.

"One for the symptoms and one for the root cause, which one do you choose?" Looking at the other party's gaze, which was more like pleading than expectation, Yang Han spread his left and right hands and gave the other party two options, and asked Icarus to help translate. .

"That must be a permanent cure!" There was no choice at all, so Wuhe Shidao's answer was also expected.

"Well, you brothers and sisters, come with me." After finishing speaking, Yang Han led the Wuhe brothers and sisters and walked towards the apartment where Kuangsan was.

Yang Han also made his solution to Wuhe Shidao's answer.

If the opponent's choice is to treat the symptoms, then he will directly ask Wuhe Shidao to kiss Wuhe Kotori, and use his special system to temporarily seal Kotori's spirit ability.But since Wuhe Shidao's choice is to cure the root cause, then the spirit crystals in Kotori's body must be completely extracted!
Girls like Tokisaki Kurumi and Wuhe Kotori who can transform and possess special abilities are called elves in this world.Some of the elves are mysterious life forms that are different from this world, and some are humans who have inherited the abilities of the previous generation of mysterious life forms.

And this so-called spirit crystal is the core of the elves and the source of power!The spirit crystal will materialize and appear after the elf dies. If the spirit crystal is taken away before the elf dies, the elf will die immediately.

As for how the spirit crystals on Wuhe Qinli, who is a human being, came from, the explanation is also very simple.Wuhe Kotori was originally an ordinary human being, but not long ago she accepted the power of "someone" because she wanted to become a strong younger sister that her brother liked, so she became an elf.

The person here is actually referring to the mosaic figure that Yang Han met yesterday when he crossed over to rescue Qinli. "It" gave Wuhe Qinli a manifested spirit crystal. As for how it was stuffed into her body, this is unknown.

All in all, it is easy to put this thing in, but it is very difficult to take it out. It is estimated that there is no other person in this world who can do it except Yang Han.Of course, except for obtaining the materialized spirit crystal after killing the elf.

Not long after, the group returned to Kuangsan's apartment.Compared with the absence of any outsiders on the street, it is possible to unscrupulously explain Kotori's abnormality.Yang Han roughly explained the current situation to Wuhe Shidao Kakotori, both of them couldn't believe it, but the facts were in front of them, and they had to accept it.

"Then, what is the solution? Since the spirit crystal will be life-threatening if it is taken out, are you sure about the solution, Brother Han?" Wuhe Shidao became more and more anxious the more he listened, before Yang Han finally stopped. After the explanation, he couldn't wait to ask a series of related things.

"Naturally, it can be solved perfectly, but it will take some time. The main reason why I brought you here is to let you know the way first. From now on, you will take Qinli through every day, and I will be responsible for cleaning her body. The filling ability is drawn out. When I am ready, I can draw out the spirit crystals in Qin Li without any side effects, and you can rest assured that there will be no pain during this process." Yang Han patiently explained.

"Then can you tell me how you need to prepare and what to prepare?" The most important sister was taken over by Yang Han's words, which made Wuhe Shidao very worried.

"It's hard to explain! Basically, you can understand it this way, that is, I don't have enough mana right now, and it takes a while to recover. If it's fast, it's about a week, and if it's slow, about ten days is enough. You can use magic after the mana is restored. "

"So that's the case. Cough cough, brother Han, even though we just met, I, I still have an unfeeling request... Can, can I let my sister live here for the time being? I'm really worried about her If any special situation happens to my body, I’m afraid I will be helpless," Wuhe Shidao nodded in understanding first, then hesitated for a while, and actually knelt on the wooden floor and begged like this .

"Oni-chan..." I asked you to blame yourself a little bit. I wanted to make myself stronger, but I didn't expect it to cause more trouble for my brother.He pinched and rubbed the corner of his clothes a little vigorously, and tears had begun to form in his eyes.

"It's okay, the owner of this apartment is very talkative, I promise you on her behalf." Supporting the other party, Yang Han agreed to the other party's request.When talking about the owner of this apartment, he was very easy to talk to, but when he said this, his expression was mixed with an unreadable meaning.

In order to reassure the two brothers and sisters, after chatting for a while, Yang Han immediately started to prepare for the extraction of the spirit crystal.Knowing that the other party started to make preparations, Shidou was a hundred supporters, he took his younger sister Kotori to stay in the living room and didn't bother the other party until it was about dusk and he left here alone.

Originally, the three people crowded in this small apartment should not be deserted, but Yang Hanwo remained silent in the bedroom, and Icarus was not good at chatting, and Kotori became a little reserved after his brother left. It seemed a little too quiet.

"Ah? Who is this little girl?" Walking out of the shadows with unhurried steps, Kuang San looked at Qin Li sitting in the living room, and said.

"Master's... acquaintance?" Icarus didn't seem to be able to find a suitable explanation at the first reply, so he switched to asking and looked at Kotori halfway through the sentence.

"I... Brother Magician and I are..." Being stared at by the two, Qinli became even more nervous. She didn't know what kind of relationship she had with Yang Han, so she could only squeak and say nothing. Why come.

"Well! Forget it, anyway, if it has something to do with that man, I don't have any interest." After hearing Icarus' master, Kuang San didn't want to ask any more questions, she waved her hand and turned around again walked away.

When Yang Han walked out of the bedroom again, it was already time for dinner.There were more Kotori on today's dining table than yesterday, so this small square dining table just happened to be full.The dinner was made by Icarus, but the food she served was exactly the same as today's breakfast, which was fried eggs, fried bacon, milk and bread.

This is also a matter of no choice, although Icarus has a high learning ability, but she still doesn't know how to be flexible, so Yang Han didn't say anything, just expressed apologies to Qinli.As for Kuang San, the other party quickly wiped out all the food on his plate when Yang Han first came to the dining table, and then left.

 The two updates are over, please point out any typos, and I will make changes tomorrow night.As usual, I wish you all a happy reading

(End of this chapter)

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