Chapter 114 Miku
We adjusted the time and the camera slightly, and the time went back a little, to the day after Yang Han uploaded the finished MV on the Internet.And the camera also temporarily moved away from Yang Han's body, and moved to a villa in a certain villa gathering area in Tiangong City.

This is a small study room in the villa. A little girl who looks eleven or twelve years old is sitting in front of the computer in the study room, staring at the MV sung by Icarus and edited by Yang Han. .

This little girl's name is Yuxiao Meijiu. She is not only cute and cute, but also very obedient and sensible.

She has a very happy family.His father is the president of a certain company, and his mother is a musician.However, because of her younger age, Mei Jiu liked her gentle mother more than her more serious father.For this reason, Meijiu's biggest dream is to be like a mother, hoping to be recognized by more people on the road of music.

Therefore, when she discovered the MV titled "fallen down", she was very excited, and she watched it more than ten times in one go.

"Ding dong!" This is the doorbell of my own door!
My parents are busy people and often travel to and from all over the world.Five days ago, they flew to Switzerland again, and they probably were too busy, so they never contacted themselves.When the doorbell rang at this time, it was probably my parents who deliberately pressed it, in order to give myself a surprise when I was guarding the door, right?

Meijiu had eaten such a little surprise many times, but Meijiu didn't dislike it.Thinking of this, she immediately left the computer and trotted to the gate of her house.

However, when she opened the door, she found that the people standing outside were not her parents, but the servant aunt who should come tomorrow, and a group of middle-aged men and women in suits and leather shoes.

"Uncle Toto?" Miku asked suspiciously. The person she asked was a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his early 40s.She knew this person. He was an uncle who often came to the house with her father. His surname was Daoteng.

"Niece Yuxiao... These people are the upper-level shareholders of your father's club. This time I came here mainly to talk about your father, Mr. Zhangkou said.

For some reason, after listening to the other party's words, Mei Jiu suddenly felt a dull pain in her heart, as if the other party was about to say bad news.When Toto spoke, his tone was very gentle, but Miku didn't like the way the other party spoke. It felt as if the other party was talking to a poor abandoned dog.

"My father is not at home these days, and went to Switzerland with my mother five days ago." Meijiu was very puzzled, and she didn't understand what she was talking about in such a matter.

"Miss Yuxiao, it's like this...Unfortunately, your parents died when they took the plane to Japan this morning...So, they, they may not be able to come back..." The middle-aged man spoke hesitantly , but in the end he gritted his teeth and told the whole story.

"Huh?" Meijiu sighed subconsciously after hearing this, and then completely froze.

"Miss Yuxiao, we came here to talk to you about your father's shares. Whether you accept this fact or not, please calm down a little bit. I know this is very difficult. But the amount of money involved in this matter is too much, so we can't keep procrastinating!" Seeing Meijiu's expression, the middle-aged man named Daoteng didn't leave, but started like a cannonball Anxiously said another thing.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" Wah's doing that

Seeing this, the middle-aged man immediately motioned to the maid standing beside Meijiu to coax her. This person was specially invited in advance to coax Meijiu.But how could such a thing happen in a short while, Meijiu cried and cried, crying from morning to afternoon.In the end, Toto and his party left, leaving only the servant auntie to take care of Miku.

Miku couldn't get through to her parents' mobile phone...

Grandparents and grandparents passed away early, and her parents had no brothers and sisters, they were all only children. Suddenly, Meijiu found that in this world, she might become alone...

Thinking like this, Meijiu locked herself at home and didn't care about anything else, she couldn't do anything but cry every day.When she woke up, she would sit in front of the computer in a daze and listen to the song "fallen down", crying while listening.He didn't eat well and didn't sleep well, and soon he lost almost a circle of weight in a few days.Finally, within a week, Meijiu fell ill.

However, after coming out of the hospital again, Meijiu has not yet recovered from the blow, and the group of people who reported to the house a few days ago came to the door again.

The news they brought this time was the bankruptcy of their father's company.

Because the parents who flew to Switzerland negotiated a business but did not reply for a long time (the person died naturally did not reply), the last time Dao Teng brought a group of people to talk about the matter and there was no result, the matter was shelved and shelved. breach of contract.In addition to losing money, many people in the company are also dismantling the company from the inside. Shareholders withdraw capital, small shareholders, and some people take the opportunity to disrupt private funds... A series of things followed, and the upper management couldn't handle it at all. A thriving business collapses in a matter of days.

When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, and when the wall falls, everyone pushes away.The company's internal villains added chaos, and external competitors took the opportunity to attack. Meijiu's father's business went bankrupt without any resistance under the attack.And what was left to her was only some fixed assets and a villa where she lived now.

This kind of news didn't hit Meijiu any more. For a child of her age, money, business, and rights are not things that can make her heartache. Her parents are the most important thing, but they are gone.

Daoteng went away with a sigh... He is a large shareholder of the company, and the collapse of the company caused him a great loss. He is very busy these days, and he can't stay here to take care of his friend's children all the time .

During the time Miku had to accept all this, only the song "fallen down" was left.She listened to it repeatedly, and she didn't know how many times she listened to it...

In this song, she recalled the scene of her mother teaching herself to play the piano for the first time; she recalled the smile of her unsmiling father after listening to her clumsy performance of a complete piano piece for the first time ;
Mijiu gradually recalled many happy memories that only belonged to her...

She slowly stopped crying in these memories...

Because Meijiu decided to be strong and not let her parents in Heaven worry about her anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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