Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 115 Class B Spacequake

Chapter 115 Class B Spacequake
Meijiu is a very strong girl. After coming out of the blow, she began to devote herself wholeheartedly to the study and creation of music.She used the savings left by her parents to hire several professional music teachers and tutors. Instead of going to school, she stayed at home all day to learn music.

She arranges her time very tightly, with eight hours of music study a day and four hours of general course study.

Give yourself only one hour for eating and bathing, and one hour for rest every day.And that one-hour break time, she still left it to Icarus, because Icarus will live broadcast for about an hour every day.

Now Miku has completely become an Ika fan. Although the other party is a very dull cute girl, and she has never sung since the release of "fallen down", but these can't shake her Ika heart.For Miku now, Icarus, who doesn't know her at all, is her spiritual pillar.


"Master, lunch is ready." Such a voice has gradually become a habit in Yang Han's life.Today was no exception. At exactly 11:30 noon, Icarus' voice came from the bedroom door on time.

"What are you eating today, Icarus?" Yang Han has almost evolved into a dead house.In the blink of an eye, he stayed at home for another month, and now he has even forgotten what day it is.

"Today I made Tamagoyaki." Icarus replied honestly.

Tamagoyaki is a classic Japanese dish, well, to put it bluntly, it is actually a Japanese egg roll.Yuzi means egg in neon language, so Tamagoyaki is also called Thick Eggyaki and Melaleuca Egg.

It is said that all Japanese housewives must know how to make Tamagoyaki, otherwise they are incompetent.And Icarus seems to have been indoctrinated with this idea, so all kinds of jade burnt have always appeared frequently on the dining table of "my home" these days.

But Yang Han didn't have any complaints.Because the tamagoyaki made by Icarus will always have a slight change in the ingredients, sometimes adding meat floss, ham, sometimes adding seaweed, vegetables, etc., and he will not get tired of it.

"It's still as delicious as ever! Mmmm, it's delicious." Yang Han gorged himself, and praised repeatedly while eating.People who have never eaten Icarus rice will not be able to appreciate this taste. In short, it is very delicious, so delicious that even if you only eat this kind of food for a lifetime, you will not get tired of it.

However, while Yang Han was devouring his lunch, the space quake alarm, which hadn't sounded for nearly two months, sounded from all directions outside the apartment at this moment.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" After the annoying siren sounded, the mechanical sound that was divided into paragraphs of words also entered their ears: "This is not, training. This is not, training. Observation We have arrived, the foreshock. It is expected that a space quake will occur. For nearby residents, please quickly evacuate to the nearest shelter. Repeat..."

"Master, do we need refuge?" Icarus asked Yang Han.

"I'm afraid the space quake is going to explode this time... Who is inside, Kuangsan's avatar, are you around? Do you know what the space quake is going to do this time?" Yang Han stopped the movement of his hands , after swallowing the food in his mouth, he thought for a while before asking loudly to the surroundings.

"Ah, ah... Yang, Mr. Yang Han! It is true that a space quake is about to erupt this time, and the magnitude of the earthquake is estimated to be B-level. So, so you all go to evacuate quickly." The tone of his voice seemed a little weird, and he didn't have the kind of sickly madness he used to have.She didn't look at Yang Han, but poked out a small head in the shadow by the curtain, turned her head to look elsewhere and replied.

"Then it seems that we can only run away. Really, I have to move after only a few days..." After Yang Han got the answer, he left half of the food and ran back to the bedroom, and started Packed up his house.

Although there will be no loss or anything, the rare nest will be scrapped. The B-level space quake is one level higher than the space quake caused by Kuang San's body (Kuang San can cause C-level space quake). It is estimated that this apartment will not survive the B-level space quake, even if there is no If it collapses, it will never be able to live again.

With a wave of his hand, he threw all the belongings in the bedroom directly into the treasure of God, and Yang Han took Icarus out the door.But he didn't take refuge, because he really wanted to know if the space quake was caused by some elf girl.

If it is, then it is also a good choice to do the other party a favor and extract the spirit crystal, so as to achieve a win-win situation and mutual benefit.The current Yang Han always struggles with the fact that he has no means of defense. If he can help the other party to extract the spirit crystal, so as to quickly increase his level of divine origin, why not do it?

Out of the building, Kuang San did not follow, but disappeared again.Yang Han didn't care about it at all, he and Icarus found a relatively safe and open place, and then asked the other party to spread their wings to protect themselves in it.

At this time, Icarus once again felt the warmth of the power furnace, which was much stronger than before.Because in order to protect his master, Yang Han hugged Icarus tightly at this moment.

He put his arms around Icarus' waist and was very close to her. The other's wings wrapped from back to front, protecting most of his body, with only a small part exposed.This kind of posture can no longer be called intimacy, but a genuine action that only lovers can do.

The two of them hugged each other tightly for about half a minute before the space shock began to erupt in this area.

The space began to distort hundreds of meters in front of Yang Han and Icarus. The first thing you can see is that the wind is compressed into a spherical shape. After the compression reaches the minimum point, the space begins to collide and expand rapidly.It was a black-purple strange space ball, it grew bigger and bigger, and immediately caused a big explosion after it spread to the ground.

Deafening explosions and violent shock waves began to hit Yang Han and the others at this moment. It was a wind pressure that could not even be compared with a typhoon, and the blown places were covered with scars.This gust of wind came and went quickly, and after leaving in an instant, there was only an environment like ruins, and the huge deep pit left in the center of the explosion.

"The power is really not small. I was almost forced to use [Scorching Ghosts]." Despite the protection of Icarus, Yang Han still had some injuries on his exposed body.He took out the magic sealing crystal for healing from the treasure of gods to heal himself, and said to himself.

"Master, there is danger ahead." Icarus's usually expressionless face seemed a little more dignified than before. She stared at the big pit in front of herself and Yang Han, and reminded Yang Han.

Looking in the direction the other party said, Yang Han immediately felt relieved.It turned out that what caused such a terrifying Class B space shock
The culprit turned out to be her!

 Thanks and congratulations to Don’t Cry, Don’t Cry, students who became the vote king of this book~102 votes, wow, Arigado
(End of this chapter)

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