Chapter 119 Being Targeted
"Qinli has to go home to review his homework, so he doesn't have time to accompany the idiot brother Yang Han!" Xiaoqinli was extremely stubborn, he was extremely repelled by Yang Han's coaxing him like a child, and turned around angrily after speaking to go.

"By the way, there seems to be a family restaurant with deluxe kids plate (deluxe children's set meal) here!" Seeing that the other party was dishonest, Yang Han simply let go, just looked at the other party's back, and said to himself in a somewhat loud voice Said like talking to himself.

Qin Li's footsteps stopped suddenly, her little head was a little stiff, and she slowly turned her head to look at Yang Han. This movement clearly depicted his mental activities.

"Don't, don't think Kotori is a gluttonous kid! I, I won't change my mind just because of the deluxe kids plate!" Her answer was so unconvincing.

"Oh, I suddenly want to eat Chupa Chups (double good)! But eating alone is too boring, if someone is willing to accompany me, that would be great!"

"Half... half small..." Qinli's voice suddenly became very small.

"What!?" Yang Han already knew the answer, but he still wanted to tease him.

"Half an hour! Seeing how pitiful Brother Yang Han is, Qinli will reluctantly accompany you for half an hour!" Sure enough, the girl's arrogant nature is hidden in her bones, and she doesn't show it, just because the timing is wrong That's all.

Ever since, Yang Han showed an expression of success, and successfully held the other party's little hand that seemed a bit reluctant, and led the other two girls, and continued to stroll around the street.

It's just that after he took the three girls out for more than ten meters, another little girl stopped at the spot where Yang Han had just stood.This is a girl with pure white hair pinned down to her shoulders with hairpins. She looks like a little girl in the sixth grade of elementary school.He ate the food in his hand that looked like compressed biscuits, biting it extra hard, and muttered softly while eating, "I found you!"

After the white-haired little loli finished speaking, she continued to quietly follow the four people in front.After she left, it was still at the same place, her long black hair was tied into two braids, her bangs covered the left half of her face, and a girl in a pure black dress also appeared on the stage. "Ah, ah, it's true that Mr. Yang Han doesn't even let such a small child go!" The girl walked into the corner and alley after she finished speaking, and disappeared.

The feeling of walking on the street with a little loli and two girls with beautiful faces made Yang Han a little uncomfortable. He could already clearly perceive the hostile eyes around him from time to time.There is jealousy and envy in it, all from the men around.

With these eyes, I finally came to the family restaurant designated by Kotori, but there were waves of unrest and waves of resurgence.

"Yang Han! What is this? It's so delicious! Clerk Sang, please add this, and one more, no, let's add three more!" Yang Han seemed to have underestimated Shixiang's appetite. Because of meeting Kotori just now, I forgot about it.He didn't realize this until when Tohka couldn't get enough of the food and simply ordered the whole meal. (Full order means ordering all the dishes on the menu)
Kotori originally wanted to compete with Tohka's appetite, but she didn't have Tohka's bottomless stomach, so she was defeated without eating the two luxurious children's meals.

In fact, Yang Han didn't really worry about his wallet. Icarus still made a small profit for him through the live broadcast for more than a month, but the restaurant gradually gathered around and looked at them with more and more curious eyes, which made him Just a little uncomfortable.


While Tohka is feasting at the family restaurant, let's talk about another person in another location.

The location is the headquarters of the DEM club in country Y.

DEM company, full name Deus Ex Machina Industry.It is one of the few companies in the world that can manufacture display devices, and this company also has many of its own troops that fight elves.

This troop is significantly higher than the AST troop regardless of the quality of soldiers, the level of equipment, or the aggressiveness of the crusade against elves.However, part of the combat power is the result of human body modification, which has great damage to the human body.The display devices of this company have a very interesting feature. They are named in reference to the characters in the legend of King Arthur (but the "Cong Yun" of Takamiya Mana is an exception. Just a reminder).

Unlike AST's purpose of guarding the people, DEM's crusade against elves seems to have an ulterior purpose!

Enough talking, let's continue to talk about the situation in the headquarters of DEM.

At the moment, in the executive director's office, a white-haired man in his 30s was holding a stack of documents and studying them carefully.The expression on his face was neither sad nor happy, but there was a kind of cautious emptiness in his eyes.

Just as he was looking at the information in his hand and thinking about something, there were two knocks on the door suddenly.The people following outside didn't seem to be prepared to wait for the other party's response, so they pushed the door open and walked in.

"Ike, the adjudicator has appeared again." The person who entered the door was a fair-haired woman dressed as a secretary, and her voice seemed to be emotionless.

"Yes, then there is no other way. Since he appeared in the same place again, then Ailian, you should go and solve it, for our long-cherished wish!" After hearing the message from the other party, the man directly He tossed the information in his hand into the trash basket, and then ordered from the second grader.

"I see." Nodding, the pale blond secretary replied as usual, then turned around and left again.

"Hehehe, things seem to be getting interesting!" Waiting for the other party to go out, the man sitting on the leather seat said to himself.

His name is Izak Ray Pelham Westcott. On the surface, he is the executive director of the DEM company, but in fact he is the founder of the DEM company.Although judging from his appearance, he looks like a handsome white-haired man in his 30s, but his actual age may actually be an old man in his 60s.

This man is obsessed with capturing elves for experiments, not only for huge economic benefits, but to try to rule the world. (Actually, it is the second disease)
Westcott is extremely obsessed with things related to elves.The reason why he is obsessed with elves is not complicated, that is, he wants to obtain the spirit crystals in the elves to obtain the power of elves, so that he can obtain immortality and become an artificial god.

When he learned that there seemed to be a male elf with extremely weak defenses and possessed great power, Westcott didn't care about the authenticity of the matter at all, and simply ordered his subordinates to intensify their investigations into the matter.

Now, Yang Han showed up again this time, so he was naturally very eager to get the other party.

 @无你的空间世界, puff~ The third year of high school has already started, the author is not gloating! @Quality Sangbujiao, recently I am adjusting the direction of the plot and laying out some stories, so it really doesn't play very well.I was in a hurry to catch up with the outline, and I didn't even think about what the protagonist would do next, lol~
(End of this chapter)

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