Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 120 Space Regression

Chapter 120 Space Regression
Yang Han, who didn't know that Westcott was planning to eradicate him, was still accompanying Shixiang and others in the family restaurant.

"Wow! So full!" After putting down the last empty plate in his hand, Tohka finally gave up on ordering more with satisfaction.

"Hello, guests at table 8, I am the manager of this store. Thank you very much for achieving the achievement of trying out all orders in this store, so we decided to charge only 80% of your consumption this time, and Miss, you will also get a prize from our store and a photo taken in the store." A woman in her thirties who didn't look like a waiter was typing frantically with a calculator in one hand, while talking to Yang Han and the others. Said.

"Really! Is there any reward!?" Tohka immediately got up and ran to the other party, and asked again expectantly.

"Miss, please come with us, we will take pictures for you and give you rewards!"

"Okay! Then Yang Han, I'll go first and be right back!" Shi Xiang happily followed a waiter to receive the prize, while Yang Han settled the bill dumbfounded.

When he got the bill receipt which was nearly twice as long as his height, Yang Han's jaw almost fell to the ground.Although the food in this family restaurant is not expensive, plus the discount, the total amount they spent was 38650 yen.This is converted into soft sister coins, but it is more than 2000 yuan!

Yang Han is really curious at this moment, what is the daily expenses of Tohka who lives in Wuhe's house in the original work?
"Thank you Brother Yang Han, Qinli is very satisfied!" Walking out of the family restaurant again, Qinli hugged Yang Han's arm happily, and said so.

"Yeah! Me too, Yang Han, thank you for allowing me to get so many presents." Ten Xiangbao, a set of tableware with a rather childish shape, thanked Yang Han while showing off. He got these tableware. achievement gift.

"It's nothing, it's just a meal! And the money is not mine, it was earned by Icarus. You can thank her if you want." The current Yang Han is different from his previous life, and money is important to him. There is no preciousness at all, so spend it if you have it.

"Well, thank you, sister Icarus, too. But Kotori is about to go home soon, and the school prohibits bringing mobile phones. If I haven't notified my brother for so long, I'm worried that he will wait anxiously." Kotori asked Icarus again obediently. I thanked him, and then said with a slightly apologetic expression.

"Kinli... What's in it, can you let us go to your house tonight to stay overnight... I just said that the apartment we lived in was destroyed by the space shock, and now I'm worried about having no place to live... ..." Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Yang Han said a little embarrassedly.

"Oh? Brother, don't you know that the house destroyed by the space quake will be restored two hours after the space quake ends, as long as it is not a living thing, it will return to its original state!" Qin Li seems to have forgotten that Yang Han is a magic from another world Teacher, I can't help explaining it.

"There is still such an operation! Is the state responsible for maintenance?" Yang Han continued to ask.

"I'm not too sure about this. What I heard on TV probably means that after a period of time after the space quake, it will automatically return to normal, and all dead objects will return to their original appearance after being destroyed by the space quake..." Kotori Pointing his index finger on her alluring little lips, he replied with the only answer he knew.

In fact, all the real reasons for the space regression are still a mystery for the time being. As for the explanations given by those experts, it doesn't matter whether you listen or not.As long as you know that after a space earthquake, the destroyed buildings will be restored in a short period of time. (This is the setting in the original light novel. I don't know why. I really didn't write it indiscriminately.)
"Well, this is good news anyway. No wonder the people who came out of the shelter didn't care much about this natural disaster when I was shopping just now. It turns out that it will be restored! Thank you Kotori You told me the news. Since you are going home, be careful on the way, we won’t bother you.” Because I don’t know if there are parents in the other party’s house, it is inevitable that such a large group of people will be a bit abrupt. , Yang Han gave up the idea of ​​sitting in the past again, took Icarus and Tohka, and walked towards Kuangsan's apartment.

"Huh? Ah... It's nothing, nothing, then Qinli is gone." Qinli was stunned for a moment, only to realize that she seemed to have made a very wrong decision.If I had known earlier what I was telling the other party what these things were for, it would be a good thing now that they would not come to live in my house.But seeing that there was no room for redemption, he forced himself to smile and waved his hands again and again, indicating that the "ah" just now was nothing, and then trotted towards home.

"This girl... well, let's go home too!" Looking at the other person's leaving figure, Yang Han shook his head and gave a wry smile, then walked back in the same direction as the two girls beside him.

Kotori was right, and when they returned to Kuangsan's apartment, they saw that the surrounding ruins caused by the space quake had returned to their original state.Including his own building, the other surrounding buildings, as well as the one that Tohka split in half with a fierce killer, were all restored to their original state.

"This is really miraculous! Is it man-made, or is it a phenomenon of spatial regression?" Standing downstairs in his apartment, Yang Han couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw the scene where even a piece of glass and a plant of grass had been restored to their original appearance. road.

"This is Yang Han's home! It feels so majestic, like a castle!" Shixiang sighed while looking at the building beside Yang Han.

"No, no, my home is just a small room in this building, and the rest are other people's homes." Yang Han explained to him.

"Do many people live together, it must be very lively?"

"On the contrary! Although we do live in the same building, the other people here don't know us at all!" Spreading his hands, Yang Han didn't explain too much, just said this sentence, and took the other party on the elevator upstairs.

This is the situation among the neighbors now. He felt that relying on his own eloquence was difficult to explain to Tohka, so he didn't say anything more.As the curious Tohka dishonestly looked at the stairs, the elevator that went up quickly stopped at the floor designated by Yang Han.Walking to the door of the apartment and taking out the key to open the door, the three of them walked into the house one after another.

"Is this Yang Han's home? I always feel like there's nothing there?" After entering the door, looking at the empty room, Tohka spoke again.

"Because I packed up the things before the space quake, Shixiang and Icarus, you also come to help and arrange this pile of things." While explaining to Shixiang, Yang Han picked up the treasure from God. He took out pieces of furniture, computers, pots and pans, and hand-made game consoles.

Although God's Treasure can hold things, it doesn't have the function of throwing it in and then taking it out and returning it to its original place!

 In fact, when writing this plot, the author deleted the outline a little bit, because I feel that the state is not good recently, and many things will not be interesting to write, so I am ready to enter the normal strategy plot.In the afternoon, I might write something about the live broadcast of Icarus and the daily life of Shixiang living in. It depends on the situation, and the earliest Monday will enter the battle, flirting with girls and other plots.I do have a bit of text, and the more I write, the more I can't grasp the rhythm. I always want to write some extra stories to introduce the current situation, but in the end I'm going to use chapters to change the perspective to narrate.Whether the writing is good or not, I hope everyone will comment positively. I seldom ask for this or that. I just hope that everyone can talk more, otherwise I really have no motivation to write ignorantly, and I don’t know how to write. up...

(End of this chapter)

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