Chapter 121 Everyone Comes the Same

In fact, there are not many decorations in the apartment, only the bedroom where Yang Han lives is more miscellaneous.But this time the space shock is not without some benefits, at least it saves the cleaning.

After putting the figurines, game consoles, computers and other items back to their original positions, Yang Han climbed back on the bed and entered the house mode.

"Master, today's live broadcast..." Seeing his master start to browse the webpage again, Icarus walked up to him and asked in a light tone.

"Oh, by the way, it's almost time! Then start the live broadcast, and Shixiang and I will go to the living room to play first." Hearing what the other party said, Yang Han remembered that it was almost time for Icarus' live broadcast, so he said Sit up again, ready to go out.

When Icarus broadcasts live, he basically avoids it. After all, it is easier for a beautiful anchor to attract popularity, but a beautiful anchor with a boyfriend is relatively weak.This is almost the same as the stars in the entertainment industry. Whether it is a singer who can sing or a star in the entertainment industry, fans are almost all artists who prefer to be single.

"Hey, Nani Nani? Yang Han, what is a live broadcast?" Shixiang beside him didn't understand these things, so he asked with great interest.

"There are many types of live broadcasts. A game anchor like Icarus is a manipulator who gives a puppet a new life force, and then manipulates it to fend off the middle and the west in that puppet world, helping it achieve great things!" With Shixiang's pure and clear eyes, Yang Han couldn't help but want to teach him badly.

"Wow! It seems very powerful! Then why did you go out first?" Sure enough, after hearing Yang Han's words, Tohka gave Icarus a look of admiration.But she still didn't understand why she wanted to go out, so she continued to ask Yang Han.

"Hmm... It's a bit difficult to explain this (actually, I just didn't think about it). According to the law established by the United Management Committee of the Different World, each person can only give a new life to a puppet. It's a violation of the regulations. It's like your own body is a shell, and the soul is the leader. If there are two souls in one body, it is a violation of the regulations, and it is unreasonable!" Yang Han was talking nonsense.

But Tohka listened with gusto, and the boss with a small mouth was full of admiration for Yang Han who knew so much. "Icarus is so strong, he can do such a thing! Hey (that's great), I really want to give life to a puppet..." After listening to Yang Han's explanation, Tohka stared at Ika Ross, eyes full of envy.

Icarus didn't refute Yang Han's remarks at the side. To him, what the master said was nothing, but although his expression didn't change, Yang Han seemed to be blinded for a moment, and he even vaguely saw the other's shoulder. It was trembling slightly, as if the calmest person was holding back a smile.

"Then why don't you try it? Maybe Tohka can also give life to a puppet!" Hearing Tohka's envious words, Yang Han bewitched.

"Can I do it too? Can I really do it?" The silly and sweet Shixiang immediately took the bait. He put his little face close to Yang Han's and asked excitedly. If the distance was any closer , the two of them can almost kiss each other.

"Of course there's no problem! But our bodies can't go to other worlds, we can only manipulate puppets in this world through specific machines. I need to explain this to Tohka first."

"So that's it, I don't understand at all! But Yang Han, can you teach me?" Shixiang showed a look of thinking carefully, pinched her little chin and nodded, and then said.

"Of course, it's not just me, Icarus will also teach you. But you have to wait for a while, I have to install the computer for you first." After answering the other party in the affirmative, he began to help Shixiang install the computer Come.

Yang Han once again took out a brand new computer from the God's Treasure and helped Shixiang assemble it.The computer comes with its own system, and the internet speed in this world is extremely fast. Within 10 minutes, Tohka's dedicated computer was fully equipped.

"Oh!? I want to sit here? Then I will stay with Icarus?" Yang Han helped Shixiang assemble the machine, and put it directly next to Icarus's computer. Seeing this, Shixiang was puzzled asked.

"It doesn't matter, because Tohka doesn't know anything yet, so it won't interfere with Icarus' operation. The Joint Management Committee of the Different World also stipulates that novices can observe and learn!" Mind, say what comes to mind.

"The United Management Committee of the Different World is really thoughtful!" Shi Xiang said in admiration.

"Okay, it's finished, Shixiang, you can start playing, no, you can start helping the puppet who wants to help. Come and give your puppet a name!" After finishing speaking, Yang Han stood up came over, and pushed Tohka onto the seat.

What is displayed on the computer screen at this moment is a game called "Elf Alliance".After helping Shixiang install the game and log in to the game, the next step is to choose to create a character and name it.As for this link, Yang Han taught Shixiang.

"How do I get it for her?" Shixiang asked with question marks as she looked at the keyboard and mouse.

"If you don't know how to use a keyboard, just tell me the name you want, and I will fill it in for you."

"Then call it Mushroom Burger! No, no, let's call it Baked Rice with Shrimp! No, wait for Yang Han, let's call it Salmon Chowder Porridge! No, no, woo, it's so difficult to choose a name!" Ten At the beginning, Xiang simply reported one name, but after she said it, she interrupted Yang Han to change another one, and repeated this several times, but she still couldn't come up with a name she was satisfied with.

"Then just call it [everyone comes the same]!" Yang Han complained.

"As expected of Yang Han, this one is good! Mmmm, this is it!" However, Tohka, who heard the complaint, affirmed the proposal with bright eyes, and she replied with a small head.

Yang Han couldn't help but rolled his eyes, as expected of Tohka.Although he thought so, he didn't say anything more, but directly wrote "everyone comes the same" into the character naming option.

After creating the character, Yang Han clicked to enter the game.The first time she entered the game was a simple plot introduction video, which made Shixiang excited for a long time, and she was quite absorbed in watching it.

After the video introduces the game, it switches to another scene.It was wearing a simple cloth and holding a wooden stick [everyone comes the same], she stood motionless in a forest, and beside the character, there were three goblins and a felled goblin. girl.

The character of pressing W to move forward danced slowly on the screen, so Yang Han said to Shixiang: "Follow the prompts displayed on the screen and try to press the corresponding key on the keyboard!"

(End of this chapter)

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