Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 125 Teaching 2 Girls to Play Games

Chapter 125 Teaching Two Girls to Play Games
In order to relieve the pressure on Icarus, I also want to invite you, Tohka, to go to the live broadcast too! "Yang Han said flickeringly.

"If it's a lack of money, then I can go out to work." Shixiang was stunned for a moment, and understood Yang Han's general meaning, but she didn't agree, but gave another suggestion.

"No, no, Shixiang, you don't have a real identity, so you can't participate in normal part-time jobs. Therefore, you have to play live broadcasts on the computer, otherwise we will starve to death!" Yang Han shook his head and rejected the other party's proposal, and returned Alarmist talk.

In fact, the expenses of the three of Yang Han are now basically equal to zero. Their three meals a day are made directly from Yang Han's God's Treasure. Except for water and electricity bills, there is no need to spend money at all, so naturally there is no shortage of money.Yang Han just wanted to use this to give Shixiang something to do, even if it was being a house girl or playing games.

"But, but I don't know how to use a computer..."

"It's okay, I'll teach you from the beginning."

"Well, that's fine."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Yang Han immediately assembled another computer in the living room.After assembling and helping Tohka install the game, she pressed him on the chair again, and then began to teach him how to play the game step by step.

The reason why a new computer is installed in the living room is to avoid disturbing Icarus who is live broadcasting in the bedroom.In short, from this day on, he taught Tohka how to play games in the living room, and this teaching lasted for a full week.

Tohka doesn't have much talent in playing games, and she doesn't have super calculation ability like Icarus, but she is very good at reaction, especially in some real-time battle games, Tohka's reaction ability is even very good. Stronger than Yang Han.

In addition, Yang Han was surprised to find that Tohka had a strong sense of crisis.For example, when playing the No.1 shooting game, she can always vaguely guess where the enemy is.It's just that because the operation is still a little unskilled, when confronting others head-on, they are always the first to die because they can't hit the enemy.

With the passage of a week, although Tohka is still not used to the mouse and keyboard in terms of operation, she can roughly understand how to play many games.

During this time, Yang Han also thoroughly understood Tohka's obsession with games.She is undoubtedly a very talented anchor, because Shixiang always forms a strong sense of substitution when playing games, and can talk frequently while playing games, which is a talent as an anchor.

"It's not fair." Icarus said abruptly at the dinner table tonight.

"What's the matter?" Yang Han didn't understand what the other party meant, so he asked.

"The master has taught Tohka how to play games for a week, but he never taught me."

Hearing the other party's answer, Yang Han's face was full of astonishment. He never thought that Icarus would be jealous one day.

"I'm sorry, Senior Icarus, let Yang Han teach you how to play games tomorrow, and I'll be in charge of the live broadcast." Since Icarus taught Shixiang how to cook, Shixiang called him Senior Icarus.After hearing the other party's complaints, she also felt that she was too clingy to Yang Han in the past few days, so she said this.

"Ah yes, I'll teach you how to play games tomorrow, and it's time for Shixiang to try live streaming." Yang Han also echoed.

Then the next day, the two switched places.You Shixiang is responsible for using Icarus' live broadcast account and his own game account to broadcast live, while Icarus uses his own game account to learn the game with Yang Han.

Having to say that teaching Icarus how to play games is actually quite embarrassing.The other party has super high calculation ability and better reaction ability than Yang Han, so when Yang Han watched him play games from behind Icarus, basically he could only open his mouth wide and watch him speechless.

[Five kills! 】As such a message popped up on the computer, Yang Han's head was full of black lines.The opponent's extremely accurate calculation ability is even more difficult than n nightmare-level computers.

Most people feel like playing games with Icarus is like facing an enemy with automatic avoidance and automatic attack plug-ins.All skills are basically empty in front of Icarus, but all his skill predictions can maintain [-]% accuracy.

Watching Icarus play games is indeed a pleasing feeling, because the opponent's character is almost like an undefeated king in the game.Strong reaction ability and calculation ability make Icarus just like Bai in "NO GAME NO LIFE Game Life".

Of course, it would definitely be the opposite if Icarus was allowed to play galgames, but online games are basically combat-oriented games, so there is no need to take these into consideration.As long as it's a game that requires action, Icarus doesn't fail (blank doesn't fail!).

"Master, how is my game?" After playing a round, Icarus turned his head and asked Yang Han.

"Huh? Well, it's a good game. But are you always so silent when you play games?" Yang Han recovered from his thoughts and asked him after thinking about it.

"No, I will promptly reply to all the barrage during the live broadcast."

"Really? Then you start another round, and I'll ask you to try it?"

"Okay." After that, Icarus matched another round.

Now she is playing a multiplayer online tactical arena game, which is the [MOBA] that everyone is very familiar with.In the first few minutes of the game, Yang Han did not speak. It was not until Icarus began to concentrate on replenishing soldiers that he tried to ask: "Which area are you from, anchor? How long have you been playing before you have such skills? "

"Fourth District, I've been playing for a few days." Icarus' answer was extremely concise, and his tone was also very flat, no different from usual.

"The other side's jungler seems to have stolen your blue buff. Don't you just retreat? Are you too far ahead now?" Yang Han asked again.

"The opponent's jungler was injured. He lost 350 HP when he grabbed the buff. Before he left, he was hit by our jungler's Q and turned in Ignite. Now his HP should be less than 70, and he returned to the city." Icarus replied.

Yang Han heard that it was a black line. When the enemy's head was displayed on the mini-map just now, Icarus just swung over to take a look and then cut back immediately. She didn't see what was going on, but she answered so accurately. .

"How old are you, anchor, do you have a boyfriend? I'll give you a gift of 100 million. Make friends with me!" Yang Han still didn't give up. He thought about it, and thought of a very likely problem, and then Asked like this.

"..." Icarus didn't speak.

"Anchor, how old are you, do you have a boyfriend? I'll give you a gift of 100 million, make friends with me!" Yang Han waited for a while and saw that the other party didn't answer, so he asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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