Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 126 The Tranquility Before the Storm

Chapter 126 The Tranquility Before the Storm

"Anchor, how old are you, do you have a boyfriend? I'll give you a gift of 100 million, make friends with me!" Yang Han waited for a while and saw that the other party didn't answer, so he asked again.

"..." Icarus still didn't answer.

"Why don't you answer this question?" Seeing that the other party didn't answer himself after asking twice, Yang Han patted the other party's shoulder and asked.

"Because master, you asked more than 30 characters, and there is no way to type such a question." Icarus' answer made Yang Han speechless at that time. (Live messages can only be typed in [-] characters. This is the setting of many online live broadcast platforms, so I will use it here as a meme.)
After this question, Yang Han also thought of some weird questions to embarrass Icarus, but they all got fairly appropriate answers.

Icarus basically answered Yang Han's inquiries in the most precise and concise way. She also knew that there were some questions related to personal privacy and other issues, so she did not choose to answer them.In general, it can be called qualified.Coupled with his superb skills and good looks, it is more than enough to be an anchor.

After Yang Han chatted with Icarus for more than an hour, it was time for Icarus to prepare dinner for everyone, so the teaching time with her came to an end.

Seeing Icarus get up and go to the kitchen, Yang Han also got up and went to call Shi Xiang.He walked to the door of the bedroom (it's been three months, and it's time for a new door to be installed in the broken door frame of the bedroom), and knocked on the door twice, but he didn't ask.

After a while, Shixiang also came to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, she said, "Yang Han, you are finally here! The people from the Joint Management Committee of Different Worlds are all staring at me in the computer. Did I do something wrong? What happened!?"

"Huh?" Yang Han had a cute face, not knowing what the other party was going to say.

In fact, the general content is this.After a week of studying with Yang Han, Yang Han also taught her some skills about live broadcasting.For example, the audience in the live broadcast room was explained by Yang Han as the surveillance personnel of the Joint Management Committee of the Different World.

His original words are as follows: "Ten Xiang, this number shows the number of people under surveillance by the Joint Management Committee of the Different World. The higher the number, the higher your status in the Different World, and you need more More people are responsible for monitoring your behavior. Although you don’t need to answer all the answers from the other party, you should choose a few to answer to show that yours is good. They are all aborigines from different worlds. They are good friends! Well, in fact, the number of people was not very large at the beginning, and it will only increase slowly after the live broadcast for a long time."

However, Yang Han forgot one thing, that is, the live broadcast account Shixiang used today belonged to Icarus.As an anchor who can earn living expenses, Icarus's live broadcast room is naturally watched by many people.As a result, it suddenly changed to another anchor today, so it's no wonder that he didn't fry the pot!

According to Tohka, he received various inquiries from many people at the beginning of the live broadcast.

For example: "Did I go to the wrong live broadcast room?", "The anchor has changed, is it the sister of Master Weijialu?" and other questions.By the way, Vegalu Lord is Icarus' screen name, and the Japanese pronunciation (いかろす) is the same as Ikaros (イカロス).

"Then how did you answer them?" Yang Han asked.

"I told them that Master Icarus has gone to learn how to play games, so I will broadcast live today. Yang Han, don't worry, I have explained that I am a novice, so it is not a violation of the regulations of the Joint Management Committee of Different Worlds!" Ten Xiang put her hips on her hips and replied with a look of showing off how thoughtful I was.

Yang Han sweated wildly. Although he had already thought of the general result, he still couldn't help being curious, and continued to ask: "Then how did they answer you after you explained it?"

"Afterwards, the screen was full of [?], at first I thought it was broken, I took a picture of the computer twice and it was fine. After that, everyone praised me for being cute and cute, hehe!"

Seeing the other party's expression that I am a little repairman, Yang Han felt ashamed for a while. At this moment, the scene of Shixiang knocking on the monitor anxiously appeared in his mind.Dear, those people say it nicely to praise you for being cute, and to put it bluntly they call you stupid...

"Then what happened afterwards? What did you do after the computer was repaired?" In order to get to the bottom of the matter and find out what happened, Yang Han continued to ask the other party about the process.

"Later, I played games with everyone while chatting! Some people found me after seeing my game name and asked me to play with them, and then I played Elffire with them. I had a lot of fun, It's much more interesting than playing games alone." Shixiang kept talking about her live broadcast experience excitedly.

Hearing that the other party was having fun, Yang Han felt relieved.As long as it's interesting, Shixiang, who doesn't know what the live broadcast really is, has no pressure at all, and there is nothing wrong with Yang Han being able to play games happily and be a house girl.

"Okay, let's chat with Icarus at the dinner table later. You go wash your hands, and I'll turn off the computer for you first." Gently rubbing Shixiang, who was overly excited, Yang Han was like a parent stepping He praised like a child.

"Yeah." Tohka agreed and went out.

Seeing this, Yang Han also smiled and came to the computer to turn off the computer, but when he was about to exit the live broadcast software, he couldn't help being stunned.I saw that the current page of the live broadcast software is the background of the broadcaster, and the income of the broadcaster today is impressively realistic [28560]!This number represents the actual number of neon coins, which is nearly 1000 yuan when converted into soft sister coins.

Yang Han couldn't figure out how Shixiang managed to earn so much income in these two hours for the first live broadcast.But this can only be said that the other party has talent in this area!
Since the other party moved in and didn't buy her some clothes, it seems that the money should be used to reward her.Thinking of this, Yang Han turned off the computer, and then went out to have dinner with the second daughter.

A dinner is very ordinary, but it is this ordinary, the three people at the table enjoy it very much, and ordinary is often the best.

However, such an ordinary life is destined to be broken.

While the three of them were chatting with each other and having dinner, a special business plane from the DEM company in country Y slowly landed at the airport in Tiangong City.

A woman with purple eyes and long pale golden hair got off this special plane.She was wearing an ordinary business uniform. Although she looked like a weak woman whose physical fitness was not as good as that of ordinary people, her real identity was...

 Just one update today.Please don't wait for Chapter 2 any longer, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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