Chapter 130 Gaitia

"No, I'll choose the second option!" Ailian knew that the other party was not a fool, but it was absolutely impossible for her to be as smart as she was (Ailian's character has conceited elements), so the most urgent task was to ensure her own safety.As for Yang Han, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!Having figured it out like this, she agreed to the request to find a place for Yang Han.

"Cut, obviously you can enjoy while saving money... Well, forget it, let's talk about the accommodation you can provide, Miss Ailian!" Yang Han muttered in a low voice, and it doesn't matter whether the other party heard it or not. It's my own business.

"Just tell me where you want to live. There is no accommodation that I can't provide!" Ailian naturally heard Yang Han's mumbling just now, but she didn't want to talk to him.

"Happy! Then, Miss Ailian, please wait for me for a while, and I will draw up an agreement." After finishing speaking, Yang Han took out a pen and paper from the treasure of God and began to write.

Seeing the other party's actions, Ailian felt a little speechless, what a joke, how can there be any agreement in this world to restrain herself?It's just a piece of paper, just go back on it.She didn't know that the contract written by Yang Han was brought from another world, and it was a contract with magical effects.

"Okay, Miss Ailian, please verify it with Blood Drops. This is a magic contract, and the ancient characters on it are runes. I guess Miss Ailian doesn't understand, but I have already translated the neon text next to the contract. I want to Remind Miss Ailian, if you violate the contract, there will be serious consequences." Not long after, Yang Han handed the written contract to Ailian, and said so.

After hearing the other party's explanation, Ailian was stunned for a moment. He had expected that the other party would have a backhand, but he didn't expect such a method.After receiving the contract handed over by the other party, looking at the large section of twisted and messy characters on the top and the translation written in neon characters below, Ailian couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

The translation is very simple, roughly meaning that Ailian is required to find a place that she can afford for Yang Han and his party within three days. If they fail to do so, they will become paralyzed living dead.

The translation is gone here... yes, it's gone!Just such a simple request, and a vicious curse.Ailian was overjoyed when she saw this, it didn't say that secrets cannot be leaked, this person is too careless!
[No, the other party is not a fool, there must be some conspiracy! 】Thinking like this, Ai Lianzai carefully read it twice again, and immediately found the omission in the content, so she protested: "There is no mention of the benefits after I complete the agreement. Could it be that after I find you a house Are you still planning to imprison me?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, I just forgot, I'll just add this." Yang Han froze for a moment, then took back the agreement and started writing again.

Looking at the other party's expression, Ailian has already understood the emotion in it. The other party really had such an idea, paralyzed herself with the advantages of words, and then denied it after achieving her goal.Heaving a sigh of relief, Ailian was thankful that she had seen the other party's plot clearly, and then brought over the revised agreement again.

After carefully reading it twice to make sure it was correct, Ailian accepted the contract with a drop of blood.There are two copies of the contract, one for her and one for Yang Han, because this is a two-way agreement, if Ailian reaches the above agreement, Yang Han will set the other party free.

After the blood dripped, a ball of golden light rose from the contract book, followed by a strange feeling of connection, as if she was connected with the agreement in front of her, which made Ai Lian stare at her. Those charming purple eyes.If she was a little skeptical about the magic contract written in black and white just now, then now she can say that she really believes in the other party's words.

Unlike ordinary people who believe that science is the truth, Aileen, who knows the existence of elves and some unnatural laws, quickly changed her view.That's what she thinks at the moment [This contract is probably one of the other party's elf abilities, if you don't abide by it, something may happen! 】

"Okay, I've done everything you said, now let's talk about where you want to live." After thinking about it, Ailian didn't want to waste any more time. After all, the contract was time-limited, and she didn't want to waste time.And she had seen enough of Yang Han's face, and wanted to leave him as soon as possible.

"Hey, I remember that Miss Ailian should have a dedicated airship, right? I forgot the name...Gaia? Calcium in calcium? Calcium..."

"It's Goetia!" Ailian couldn't help retorting angrily when the other party named her warship indiscriminately. After she finished speaking, she realized that she was being led away by the other party again. She quickly covered her mouth , but it was already too late.

"That's right, that's Gaitia! I want that, take us there quickly!" Yang Han said with a playful smile.

Ailian clenched her small fists tightly. Gaitia is her dedicated airship. It is estimated that one ship is not tens of billions, and it is almost a few billions. There are only a dozen of such things in the entire DEM club. And it's still distributed all over the world. My own one has never been willing to use it, and now the other party wants to ask for it, which is too much!
This kind of airship is like an aircraft carrier in the past world. Just imagine, if one person dismantled another person, the other party asked you to pay for an aircraft carrier. Would you be willing?

"Are you kidding! Do you know how valuable that is!?" Ailian shouted angrily. It was the thing she was most proud of, how could she give it away.

"【Execution of the contract, order! You, give me the airship Getia as a place to stay!】" Yang Han ordered directly without talking nonsense.The contract didn't say where Yang Han wanted to live, it only wrote "a residence that I can afford", and the airship Gaitia really belonged to Ailian, and it was within the scope of her ability.

"The airship Getia is not around here..." Eileenton felt a compulsive force coming from her mind, and she tried her best to resist this compulsive force, and retorted.

"Is that so? Kuang San!! Are you there?" Yang Han murmured, then shouted to the surroundings.

"Ah, did Mr. Yang Han call me?" A small head poked out from the shadow, it was Kuang San or someone else!But this is the crazy three clone who stayed by Yang Han's side. As for her main body, she hasn't been back for a long time.

"Nightmare!" It was Ailian who spoke first, she exclaimed in disbelief as she looked at the little head protruding from her shadow.

"It's really fast, Kuang San! I have something to ask you. Do you know where this guy's airship Getia is?" Yang Han ignored Ailian's reaction. What happened today? For a big event, it is impossible for the crazy three-body who is always by his side not to follow him, so he is already mentally prepared for the opponent's appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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