Chapter 131

"Miss Ailian's airship? Well, it's not impossible to tell Mr. Yang Han, but he will give you a reward!" After getting along with each other for a period of time, the character of the crazy three clones who were originally awkward at the beginning also changed slightly. After Yang Han's questioning, he actually made such a request.

Facing Kuang San's request, Yang Han is also very helpless, and he doesn't know where the other party learned this reward method, but if he insists on finding the reason, it probably has something to do with Tohka or Icarus, because The two girls also like this one.

"Okay, tell me quickly!" After stroking the other party's soft black hair a few times, Yang Han continued.

"Miss Ailian's airship should be in the sky above country Y, but because the invisibility is turned on, I don't know where it is." Kuang San grabbed Yang Han's hand that was about to let go and pressed it on his own. On the head, while answering the other party's questions, at the same time doing it yourself to get enough food and clothing.

"How long will it take for that thing to fly over?" Yang Han followed the other party when he saw this, although he didn't know how comfortable it would be to use someone else's hand instead of his own, but he rubbed a beautiful girl's hair , It is estimated that few boys will be unhappy, right?
"It should be very fast. After all, this thing is much faster than an airplane, and it can fly over soon." Kuang San replied.

Ailian lowered her head helplessly after hearing the other party's words. She knew that her precious airship would probably be robbed by someone.

"Okay, I still have some things to do. See you next time, Mr. Yang Han. Ah! By the way, I will be very happy if you can consider not putting a nude girl next to you when you call me. "After enjoying Yang Han's hand enough, Kuangsan turned and left with a good look.But just when she was about to jump into the shadow in front of her eyes, she turned around and added this sentence before completely disappearing.

After the other party left, Yang Han froze on the spot for two seconds in embarrassment before hurriedly taking out clothes from the God's Treasure and giving them to Ailian. However, in order to prevent the other party from escaping, he could not leave and had to watch the other party change clothes. (Obviously people don’t have any equipment, how far can they run? You just want to see it!)

After enjoying a beautiful woman's full-court change, Yang Han expressed that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he couldn't help but quickly changed the subject: "When you're dressed, hurry up and command your airship over here."

"Pervert, you snatched the messenger, what should I use to notify Getia!" Ailian bit her lip lightly and said like a doormat.

"Oh, then I'll give it back to you." Yang Han ignored the other party's address and returned Ailian's armor from the God's Treasure to her again, but only part of it was returned to the other party, just to prevent Ailian from playing tricks.

Seeing that the other party was so cautious, Ailian was helpless, knowing that there would be no results if she continued like this, so she had no choice but to use the remote controller to control Getia to fly.

She regrets it very much now, why didn't she equip Getia with some people on it?
Since Ailian cherishes her own Gaitia very much, and basically does not use such a large armed force to attack, there is no other personnel on this ship except for the captain, and this ship basically has It was used to pull her and Westcott out to pretend to be X. (Both of them are a little secondary)

During the time waiting for Getia's arrival, Yang Han didn't just stay still, he swaggered back to the small town with the three daughters, and ate lunch leisurely.

The DEM Society has not yet been able to ignore a large number of civilians and directly dispatch a big killer to encircle him, so he doesn't have to worry.There was such a big scene this morning, and now he is also hungry. Since the "home" is still being done and it will take some time to arrive, he readily accepts it and eats and waits without haste.

This is a not-so-high-end cake shop, and the reason for coming here is simple, Shunlu and Tohka like it.Shixiang likes sweets very much, especially soy flour bread.Now she has become an ordinary girl because of the loss of her spirit crystal, so eating is very important and cannot be delayed.

Although she became no different from ordinary people, her appetite did not show any signs of diminishing, so the result was that she ordered a lot of cakes, which was inconvenient to take away, and there was nowhere to eat them, so everyone simply ordered I ordered some and ate them in the store.

"Adjudicator, if you want my Gaitia, there is no way to use it for a long time. Although it has a huge amount of energy, it cannot withstand long-term consumption. Even the most basic lingering in the air will take more than ten days. It consumes all the energy inside it." Ailian ate the cake in front of her with some loss of appetite, and couldn't help but make the last resistance.

"Don't call me that, I have a name, and I especially allow you to call me Master Yang Han." Yang Han ignored him at all, and he, who has the treasure of God, copied a lot of energy for you in minutes, no matter who you are Those who burn diesel or gasoline, even if they are nuclear-powered, just throw the fuel into the treasure of the gods, and you can't get out as much as you want?If it weren't for my God's Treasure still not being able to fit a single airship, it would be a piece of cake to replicate a few for you every minute.

This is actually a very helpless thing. Yang Han's treasure of God is actually linked to his level, and the range of summoning is increased according to his level. Now she can barely squeeze in nearly [-] square meters of things in one go. Large objects are not enough, and the physique of an air ship is still slightly larger, and it is estimated that it will need to upgrade a few more levels to do it.

After listening to the other party's answer, Ailian immediately lost her appetite, 【This guy is sure to eat his Gaitia, but it doesn't matter, I still have a last resort! 】Thinking of this, Ailian viciously picked up a piece of cake and took a big bite, as if to vent her anger.But when she thought of her last resort, she couldn't help but loosen her brows a little.

In order not to be tricky, here I will tell you what Ailian wants to do decisively!

Aileen temporarily named her strategy "Catch the turtle in the urn and fight", the strategy is actually just the literal meaning, and the so-called "urn" refers to Gaitia.

After all, Getia is the air ship she is most proud of, and Ailian said that she is still very clear about its function.

As long as he brings Yang Han and his party up, the contract between the two will be considered complete.

At that time, if you use some tricks to trick the other party into a room that has been specially reinforced to prevent the capture of elves, and then lock the other party up, even if this guy has the ability to reach the sky, it is absolutely impossible for this guy to come out again.

(End of this chapter)

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