Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 135 2 Ya's Arrival

Chapter 135 The Arrival of Erya
"Stop laughing!" Just as the avatar Kuangsan was smiling without image, the main body Kusan contacted her again.Kuang San didn't want to show up again, but there was something I just forgot to say.

"What else is there?" the avatar after laughing asked rubbing his little painful face from laughing.

"Tell Yang Han that I have an elf named Bentiao Erya who needs his help to take care of him." Because of her special nature, she must have no time or energy to take care of him, so she thought of Yang Han.

After all, this time Kuang San's body has completely cut off the connection, but at this time, no matter how elegant she is, she can no longer conceal her original personality.

As soon as the connection with the main body was cut off, Yang Han immediately opened the door and walked into the room of the clone Kuangsan.He didn't knock on the door either, out of curiosity he couldn't wait to ask: "What happened?"

"Ah, Mr. Yang Han, you came just in time. I just happened to have something to ask you..." Seeing the other party come to the door, the avatar Kuang San greeted Yang Han and repeated the instructions of the main body to Yang Han.

Yang Han was a little dazed after listening to the other party's words, because it was quite different from the plot he knew.You know, in the world of "Blessings for a Wonderful World", no matter how big his actions are, he did not distort the original plot, and now he has only stayed in this world for less than four months. After sealing two elves, why do you suddenly feel that you can't keep up with the plot?

No one can give a precise answer to this question.There are many things in the world that are arranged in the dark. Maybe the future can be changed, or it may be predestined. The current development can only be said to be due to Yang Han's ability, which is not enough to master all these things.

He also knew this truth very well, so he didn't make random guesses in this regard, but turned the focus of the matter back to Bentiao Erya, the elf.

Bentiao Erya didn't appear in the original animation, which led to the plot related to her, Yang Han didn't know at all.However, Yang Han, who has checked some online encyclopedias, still roughly remembers some relevant information about the other party. Erya seems to be a cartoonist, and he likes the kind of otaku culture. They are of the same kind. Although the two of them have come into contact with otaku cultures from different worlds, at least they have some common language if they know a little bit.

What's more, Yang Han, who has been in this world for four months, doesn't know anything. He used this time to watch a lot of animations in this world, and these animations will definitely become a part of the world when communicating with Erya. A big help.

Thinking like this, Yang Han soon ushered in the arrival of Bentiao Erya...

This article Erya was escorted to Tiangong City (the urban area where Yang Han and his party are located) by Kuang San's avatar two days later. As for the main body, according to the avatar, although he also came back, the other party has other things to do and has no time see myself.

After she brought Bentiao Erya to Getia, she left in a hurry without having much conversation with Yang Han, but when Yang Han was about to talk to Erya, the other party spoke first: "Here is the relationship with DEM." Is it an organization like a society?"

Because he didn't know the character of the other party, and couldn't judge why she asked this question, Yang Han thought about it and started to talk with the other party with the truth: "No, this is just my house here."

"You just said that you are a house? Are you a house?" Er Ya's plain eyes couldn't help but light up, but it was only for a moment.

"That's it!"

"Why do you say it is?" Erya continued to ask.

"Because I'm not from this world, I was indeed an otaku in the original world."

"What!? Do other worlds have Two-dimensional culture?" This time Yang Han saw it clearly, because the light in Bentiao Niya's eyes was no longer faint, but dazzling.

"Um, yes. However, although anime and light novels are more developed than this world, games are relatively inferior. (Because this world is more advanced in technology)" Yang Han first took a step back and kept an appropriate distance from the other party. , and then answered honestly.

"What is it like, what is it like!?" Erya took a step forward and pulled the distance back again.

"How can this be explained clearly in a few words? In short, it is almost the same as the Two-dimensional culture of this world." Looking at Erya who was approaching again, Yang Han had no choice but to hold the opponent's shoulders and forcefully distanced himself a little further.

"Master, if you don't go to eat, the food will be cold." At this time, Icarus happened to come to make a rescue.

Seeing that Icarus came to make a rescue, Yang Han couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.Now it's time to have lunch, so under Erya's somewhat reluctant eyes, the group of people still walked towards the restaurant.

In just two days, Ailian's Gaitia was given another look by Yang Han.At the moment, there are a lot of home furnishings inside the battleship, but because the tables and chairs are all copied by Yang Han with the treasure of the gods, everyone uses exactly the same style, which seems a little monotonous.

After walking a few aisles, Erya came to the restaurant led by Yang Han.There weren't many people inside, and besides Kuangsan's avatar and Tohka, Ailian was also there.

"Why are you here!" Seeing Erya, Ailian immediately got up and asked.

"Ailian Mira Messers..." Erya also showed an unbelievable expression. She looked at the other party's face and murmured the other party's name, but did not answer the other party's question. talk.

"Answer me, why are you here?" Ailian asked again.

"This will be Erya's home from now on, why can't she come here again?" Before Erya could speak again, Yang Han stopped in front of Erya, looked at Ailian's impatient face, and answered for her.

"I mean, how did she leave the DEM club?" Ailian was not afraid at all, she also looked at Yang Han when the other party interrupted, and asked.

"It's nothing, I just happened to pass by the headquarters of the DEM club, and then accidentally bombarded two cannons below with Getia. As a result, everyone except Erya died. I think I got into trouble and blew up other people's houses. In order to make up for my mistakes, I plan to let Erya live here permanently." Yang Han said nonsense while running the train.

"What, what did you bastard do!!?" Naturally, Ailian didn't know this. She was forced to live in the battleship every day as if she was under house arrest these days, because she didn't have permission to go to many places. She couldn't go there, and she couldn't forcefully escape without equipment, so she, who didn't know much about it, took Yang Han's words seriously.

Seeing this, Erya couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.When she first saw Ailian, her first thought was that her legs were weak, because it was this person who arrested her, and then went through several months of brutal experiments.She had an uncontrollable fear of the other party in her heart.Yang Han also saw this point and made such an answer.

 The author's mind has been broken recently, and I forgot to set the timer yesterday, but I came up to have a look... ==!Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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