Chapter 136
Dinner was very lively, because there was such a big foodie as Shixiang, everyone had to scramble for each other with their chopsticks quickly, otherwise most of them would not be full.

Erya also quickly joined the ranks of fighting for food after the initial daze. She was not disgusted with such an atmosphere.

"Yang Han, as the price for deceiving me, let's take your croquette as an apology!" It was rare for Yang Han to snatch a piece of croquette, and before it was warmed up in his own bowl, Ailian snatched it.

"Damn it, you are obviously a prisoner, yet you dare to act recklessly like this!" Yang Han said while counterattacking, the chopsticks in his hand clashed with Ailian's defensive chopsticks.

However, Ailian was already well prepared, coupled with her good fighting skills, Yang Han couldn't win the opponent for a while without using his strength.Seeing that the other food had been taken away by everyone, he had no choice but to give up and go grab other food again.

[Here seems to be a very good place! 】Erya watched such scenes happen frequently, and she came to such a conclusion in her heart.

After drinking and eating, Ailian and Shixiang were responsible for cleaning up the dishes. One of the two was forced labor, while the other was willing.As for Yang Han, he was in charge of taking Erya to the room where she would live in the future.

"Here, Ms. Honjo, you can live here. Opposite is Tohka's room. That room is occupied by Kuang San. You can ask them if you have any questions. I live in the captain's room, which is the upstairs conference hall diagonally. On the opposite side, if it’s not too far away, you can come and find me. Oh, by the way, that guy Ailian lives next door to me, so don’t make a mistake!” Yang Han said as he took the other party to a room on the lower floor.

"Okay." Erya smiled and nodded to show that she understood.

"You can adjust the furnishings in the house as you like, just treat this place as your own home. But I don't know what you need, and there may be a lot of incomplete things. Icarus can bring you home after you have a good rest. You go outside and buy some. If there is no problem..." Yang Han didn't go in, and after saying a few more words, he was about to leave.

"Mr. Yang Han, please wait." At this moment, Er Ya grabbed Yang Han's corner and called him to stop.

"Huh? Is there anything else?" Yang Han turned around and asked in confusion.

"There are indeed some things I want to talk to you about, and it can't be finished in a sentence or two. Is it convenient for you to come in and talk with me now?"

"Alright then." Yang Han didn't have anything to do at all, since the other party had something to do, he readily agreed.

After entering Erya's room, he found a seat and sat down.The furnishings in the house were all done casually by Yang Han imitating his own room, except for this one, the rooms of Shixiang and Kuang San's clone were also made in the same way.

"Is there anything Miss Bentiao can say." Yang Han said with a smile.

"First of all, can Mr. Yang Han call me Erya in the future? My parents are gone, and being called Bentiao will always bring back some bad memories."

Yang Han was taken aback, then nodded and agreed: "I'm so sorry, I don't know such a thing."

"It's okay. Mr. Yang Han, the reason why I want to talk to you in detail is because I have something very important to tell you, and I also have a request."

"Well, Ms. Erya might as well just say it directly." Even though he called her by her first name, Yang Han didn't exactly address her as Erya, because despite her appearance being similar to Shixiang and the others, she was actually a very mature age inside.

"First of all, I want to ask, do you also want the spirit crystal on my body?" Erya said straight to the point.

Yang Han, who didn't expect the other party to ask this question as soon as he opened his mouth, was a little dazed, but he also felt that there was no need to hide it, so he gave an honest answer: "I think."

"What are you going to do after you get the spirit crystal?" Erya seemed to have guessed the other party's answer, and asked immediately.

"Improve your strength." Yang Han continued to answer honestly.

"Then what are you going to do after gaining strength?" Erya continued to ask.

"Get eternal life, and let my woman also get eternal life, and then be together forever." Yang Han looked into Er Ya's eyes, and answered each other's questions with his heart without thinking.

After Erya listened to Yang Han's answer and then looked at the other party's expression, it was his turn to be dazed this time.In fact, she imagined countless answers, but she never thought that the other party would answer like this.

Unlike other elves, Honjo Nia is about 45 years old now. She is mature and will act rationally in everything. It is obviously wrong to look at each other with appearance.

"Yes, can you tell me who is that happy girl?" Perhaps because she didn't know what to ask for a while, Erya spit out such a question for no reason.

"His name is Huihui, he is a very unusual guy!" Yang Han said with a smile, without any intention of avoiding taboo.

"...Thank you, Mr. Yang Han, for telling me this. Then my question will end here. Next, I would like to make a request to you. Of course, it is not free. I will give you my spiritual crystal. In return." Seeing the expression on the other party's answer, Erya felt jealous for no reason, but she didn't continue to ask, but made a request for a similar transaction in a daze.

"Please speak." Yang Han had already noticed that he was being carried away by the other party's words, but he did not reject it, but waited for the other party's words with a calm mind as always.

"I want a sum of money, and I hope that Mr. Yang Han can always keep me safe!" Erya stared into Yang Han's eyes and said, but the request didn't seem too difficult for people to accept.

Yang Han couldn't believe this expression, he thought what kind of request Erya would make, but he didn't expect it to be such a simple matter.

"That's not a problem, it's better to say it's a matter of course." Yang Han replied.

Erya smiled slightly, expressing that he had seen through Yang Han's thoughts, and continued: "Mr. Yang Han thinks such a thing is very simple, right? To be honest, this request is actually very difficult, because I am not An ordinary person, but a person who owns or already has a spiritual crystal."

"I don't quite understand what this has to do with being an ordinary person?" Yang Han was puzzled.

"It seems to be too troublesome to explain. Before explaining, let me tell a story to Mr. Yang Han, how about it?" Erya made a suggestion, then looked around, as if he was worried about something.

Seeing that the other party was worried about Ailian or Kuang San coming to eavesdrop, Yang Han summoned a sword and a magic sealing crystal from the treasure of God.He laid the sword flat on the ground, then crushed the crystal, and a light blue barrier enveloped the small room out of thin air.

 The memorized plot is about to be original, and some original elements will be added, but most of them are original, I hope everyone will like it.As for the Purcell number, I don't know very well, so I probably can't write it, sorry.The last one who asked to show her breasts, hello!Uncle policeman, this is the man!

(End of this chapter)

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