Chapter 141 Status Quo
"C-level space shock, introverted little girl... Well, I understand." Yang Han lazily lay on his bed, frantically rubbing the PFP in his hand, and lazily replied.

His room didn't look like a garbage dump like a cripple, but it looked very clean and tidy.In fact, it's not that Yang Han has self-control, it's all due to Icarus, the angel sauce who takes care of everything.

But although the room hasn't changed much, Yang Han's whole person is very different from a year ago.First of all, in terms of physique, in this short year, his height has grown by nearly two centimeters, and his figure is not as thin as before, and he has gained a little flesh. He just looks fat.

His black shaved hair is quite image-destructive now, because it is too long, but the nerd attribute firmly tied Yang Han's mind to get a haircut, so he simply tied a ruffian braid.

"It seems that telling you this is really playing the piano with a cow..." Seeing the other party's appearance, the crazy three-body avatar felt a little angry. This man is really too lazy. He only knows how to eat, sleep, and play every day.Even if you have a pet and know how to act coquettishly and roll with the owner, and occasionally do activities to be cute, he is so good that he has nothing to do all day long, but only knows to eat and wait to die.

"Hey, hey? Don't go, why are you playing the piano to the cow, I am really listening!" I don't know if it's because I finished playing a game, or I really listened as he said, in short, Yang Seeing Kuang San's movements, Han threw the game console aside and called out to him.

"There's nothing to say, you just stay here and wait for it to get moldy!" Kuang San didn't turn around, but he didn't move as he was about to walk.

"Okay, okay, why are you so angry! It's not that nothing happened during this time, why can't I just create trouble and solve it myself? Now that Xiao Sier is coming, I will definitely help!" Yang Han turned over and sat up, moving his joints randomly, making a series of crackling sounds.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what he said. It is no longer possible to raise the level of adventurers in this world, and the main storyline will not start until several years later. Of course, he can't do anything.

If you talk about it and disrupt the layout of AST or DEM... It's not like he didn't think about it.

The key point is that Yang Han didn't dare to do whatever he wanted after he saw that his little actions had caused drastic changes in the whole world.If he messes around and loses two characters that should have been transformed into elves, the trouble will be even greater.

In fact, to be precise, Yang Han didn't just stay at home and do nothing all the time during this year. He has already inquired about the news of Meijiu's debut as a singer through the Internet of this world, and he has been keeping an eye on this aspect all the time. news.

In addition, he also used the long-range radar on Getia to scan the sixth star palace that has been sleeping far away in space.In addition, the Eight Dance Elf couldn't keep up with the investigation due to his high speed. He could only track the typhoons, tornadoes, and storms that continued to appear all over the world, waiting for the other party to split.

He has no way to help these elf girls, and they don't need to help them for the time being. Instead of going to find trouble when they have nothing to do, it's better to just wait for the opportunity to be at ease.

What's more, there are computers, game consoles, comics, animation, peripherals and a series of two-dimensional homeschooling waiting for him to explore, so it is even more difficult for him to make unnecessary fuss.In short, this is the life policy of an otaku after careful planning and careful planning. After all, in Yang Han's view, to forcefully help meaninglessly is no different from wasting time.

Alas, it seems to be telling the truth... All in all, Yang Han is very "serious" about his current state and defines it as planning for a rainy day. As for whether he has paid attention to the collection of spirit crystals, who knows the real answer? , and he was the only one.

"Why am I angry? I just came here to say something." The mad three-cloth still refuted Yang Han's words with his back behind his back.

"All in all, this vacation is really coming to an end! Miss Kuangsan, can you help me?" Yang Han sat up from the bed, while fiddled with the slippers that were some distance away from the bed, sideways.

In fact, he could see Kuang San's state, which was anxiety.Yes, she is the only one in Getia who is anxious.

Because other people have an indifferent attitude towards the original elves and the DEM club. Although there are some small frictions between them, they have not yet reached the point of endless death, or it can be said that the one-year house life has made Shixiang , Erya and the others lost most of their desire to fight.

Such is the nature of the second sub-nature.It has been more than 20 years since she changed into an elf, but she spent all this time drawing manga; and Tohka was originally just a girl like a blank sheet of paper. At first, she had to fight because of the entanglement of AST. After transforming into an ordinary girl, her personality began to change. After accepting the life rules of a group of housemates around her, he was not dissatisfied with the current life.

As for Kotori, she has now returned to a normal life, even though she occasionally comes to Getia to play with everyone, it will not affect her original normal life.

Ai Lian is worth mentioning, she was fooled by Yang Han to Icarus, and she was called to teach Icarus to fight.Yang Han's original words were like this: "A maid who can't protect the safety of her master is extremely unqualified." Because of this sentence, Icarus honestly went to practice with Ailian.

Although the battle memory on her body was sealed, but even if Icarus, the strongest battle angel, stood still and let Ailian fight casually, he would basically be unable to break through the defense.So Ailian found a new training goal. The daily life of the two of them is to play games together, fight each other, cook and eat together... In short, it is right that they are almost turning into lilies.

This is a very reasonable allocation. At least now, Ailian has a more or less sense of belonging to Gaitia. After all, unlike the DEM agency, there is no need to go through procedures.Here Ailian can do whatever she wants, and if she is too lazy to do anything, it doesn't matter if she stays in the house for a whole day.

As a result, Icarus has also learned part of the combat ability, but he is still unable to use the absolute defense circle and the permanent rear-rearing air-to-air missiles, and can only use Yang Han to copy Ailian's equipment to achieve long-range output.Of course, she can also be a meat shield very competently.

 This chapter is still about the status quo of everyone one year later. I plan to sort out the "Getia faction" and make it a new combat force, and then start to mop up the various small forces.Including DEM club, Ratatoskr, initial elves and so on, such a wave of sweeping is always much faster than writing one by one, and the progress is at least a little more sense... Well, a little water words, But the introduction should be clear, otherwise, to be honest, I doubt that anyone can understand the status quo.In short, I will not give up any of the spirit crystals, I want all of them, but I may temporarily divide a few elves into the [prime elves] strength, and then smash them in one fell swoop, otherwise it will be too long. Write hundreds of thousands of words.Next, we will mainly focus on team battles and dating. If it is not good, you can watch pirated copies to pass the time. Wait for me to finish writing the dating chapter after a long time before talking about the new chapter.Soy sauce first.

(End of this chapter)

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