Chapter 142
"Miss Kuang San, can you help me?" Yang Han said.

"If it's my spirit crystallization, you'd better talk to the main body." Kuang San replied with his body behind his back.

"That's not what I'm talking about, I want you to help sail the boat!"

"Start the boat?" Kuang San expressed his confusion.

"That's right! Since we're going to make trouble, we can't leave this Gaitia here forever, can we? But there are only a few people on board. If you don't come to help drive, I'm afraid there won't be enough people." Yang Han spread his hands and said.

Kuang San never expected that the other party would actually make such a request, but after thinking about it, what the other party said was reasonable, so he agreed.

After leaving Yang Han's house, the two quickly arrived at the control room.Getia's control room is not very spacious. Since there are operating positions such as the console and the captain's main control position, there is not much room left.

"Icarus and Ailian, and... Well, anyway, everyone, come and gather in the main control room." Yang Han went to the captain's control station and pressed a button for the ship's notification, and then said into the microphone.

Not long after, a group of beautiful girls came to Getia's control room one after another.

The first to arrive were Tohka and Icarus, the two of them belonged to the kind of people who had very few hobbies.In addition to doing "housework", Icarus basically only takes care of the few flowers and plants in the ship. In order to cater to her hobbies, Yang Han also set up a small flower garden inside Getia, and there is It became the place where Icarus stayed the longest.

Not to mention Shixiang, besides eating and playing with the computer, he is basically a soy sauce existence.When Icarus is playing with flowers, she may go to learn how to water and fertilize them. Erya may also add to the chaos when drawing manga. Occasionally, she will also help Ailian practice fighting. In short, she is a versatile bear. child.

"This article says that the deadline for her manga is approaching, and there is no time." Ailian arrived a little later, and brought Erya's reply along the way.

"That's fine, this manpower is enough... Cough cough, there is a little girl who needs us to save, and now we need to drive Getia to the scene to rescue, do you have any objections?" Yang Han was also helpless, Er Ya When painting, no one will give face.Since the other party was not willing to come, he didn't force it, but coughed lightly and asked about the other girls.

"Where are you going?" It was Ailian who asked the question, and her words were very concise.

But this question stumped Yang Han for a while, because he didn't know where he was going!Yang Han looked at Kuang's third avatar with some embarrassment, intending to let the other party inform him.

"Don't look at me, how would I know." Kuang San turned his head aside with his arms folded, and the scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

"Miss! Didn't you tell me that the next elf is about to awaken, and the awakened one is a nine-year-old introverted girl? And you also said that the place of appearance should be near here, how could you not know?" Yang Han turned from embarrassment into anger and said to Kuangsan.I don't know where the other party is, but if I call other people over in such a stupid way, isn't that making fun of them?

"Yeah, I told you, it's near here, if I know the specifics, wouldn't I tell you as well?" The crazy three clones still spoke righteously.

"Okay, okay, there was a mistake in the order. In short, let's sit down separately. Icarus is in charge of operating the spiritual perception position, and Ailian is in charge of operating the battleship movement position. Although I am a little worried, but the manpower is limited, Kuang San, you go Operate the armed position of the battleship. Lastly is Tohka, you sit in the radar defense position first." Yang Han stroked his forehead and arranged for everyone.

The so-called energy awareness bit, as the name suggests, is to detect the position of energy and elf reaction, mainly used to search for elves and detect enemy thermal energy attack energy storage, etc.;
It is easier to understand the movement of the battleship operated by Ailian, which is to simply control the movement of the battleship. However, with limited manpower, she can only make the battleship move at the most basic uniform speed by herself. She cannot do emergency evasion or speeding alone. Arrived;
There is no need to explain the armed position of the battleship operated by Kuang San, yes, it is used to attack the enemy.Of course, she also manages some support methods, such as the ability to control Getia's invisibility.

The last is Tohka's radar defense position, which is still literally in charge of Gaetia's defense mechanism.In addition, there should be multiple people controlling this area, because Getia has many defense mechanisms, including energy shields, protective shields, radar defenses, anti-radars, etc., all of which require the cooperation of multiple people, but this time the movement is estimated to be difficult. These are not used, so let the other party sit first.

Tohka doesn't understand these things herself, so she just came here to make up for it.Naturally, this aspect is not Yang Han's bad taste, so I can only say that Er Ya didn't come, there is no other way, otherwise she can be used as a deputy.In addition, if everyone is driving Gaitia and not calling Shang Shixiang, this guy will probably have a little temper, which is also one of the reasons why Yang Han is scrupled.

After handing over the operating position to the girls, Yang Han also sat on the captain's seat.He touched the console in front of him lightly, and Getia immediately released the stagnation mode and began to move slowly in the air.

"Above the urban area of ​​the target Tiangong, coordinates X531, Y690, altitude 2000 meters." Seeing that everyone was sitting in their respective positions, Yang Han said to Ailian who was operating the ship.

Getia's position will not cause unnecessary troubles, and they are usually stuck above the sea, so since they want to dispatch, they must first leave this area where there is nothing.

"Tch, you dare to order me with a very impressive appearance." Ailian muttered something casually, but Gaitia still slowly turned the hull, and then flew towards Tiangong City.

"Turn on psychic detection, the range is C-level, the value is 100 to 300, the detection radius can be any size, anyway, we have enough energy." Yang Han said to Icarus this time.

"Yes, master." Icarus became more tempered, and she agreed, and started the operation.

"It hasn't reached the land yet, why are you in a hurry to detect?" Ailian seemed to feel that her Gaitia was being manipulated by a foolish rookie, so she said dissatisfied.

"What are you afraid of? If the AST counter-detection, ours will directly attack them." Yang Han raised his eyes to No. [-] and didn't care.

"I'm talking about energy. Does psychic detection cost no energy? The detection radius is arbitrary. This detection of psychic power is not a radar. The consumption of a wave of detection is very high. Do you understand!?" Ailian retorted.

"Tsk, do you think we lack energy?" Yang Han clicked his tongue, then took out an energy bar full of energy from God's Treasure, looked at Ailian with disdain on his face and said .


 Is there only one person left in the automatic subscription... Well, I can't do anything about it~ Anyway, it's still a 2k update.

(End of this chapter)

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