Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 147 Sudden Level Up

Chapter 147 Sudden Level Up

"Stop it!!!!" At the moment when the weapons of the two were about to collide, Yang Han finally couldn't bear it.

I saw a pale golden ripple in the space where the weapons of the two women were about to collide. Most of the weapons in their hands disappeared as soon as they touched, and merged into the pale golden ripple.Immediately after a majestic and powerful pull, the two women only had time to let go, and the huge knight spear and the silver chain were absorbed by the golden ripples.

Because their respective angels suddenly disappeared, the two girls immediately felt a sense of emptiness coming from the original spirit crystals in their bodies. This feeling seemed to have drained most of their energy suddenly.The sudden consumption made their aura immediately sluggish, their calves became weak, and then they fell to the ground one after another, as if they had lost all strength.

"Hey, what's going on here!?"

"Frightening. Feeling exhausted."

Seeing the unbelievable expressions of the two women at the same time, Yang Han originally wanted to say a few words, but a strange feeling came into his mind from the storage of the treasure of God, interrupted The words he was about to speak.

This stunned time was not too long, and Yang Han, who understood what was going on in an instant, quickly adjusted his mood, and said again: "I don't want to embarrass you, and I will be steadfast for the next period of time." Just pay off your debt here! When you pay off, I will set you free. At that time, you can fight as you like, and I will never stop you."

The two elf girls looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes, so when they turned their eyes back to Yang Han again, they nodded after a little consideration.

"Since the concubine has received your favor, I will reluctantly help you for a while. But make it clear, I am not afraid of you!"

"Promise. Even if I leave here, I have nowhere to go, so I'll stay here too."

"Very good, but I see that you are all fighting for the name [Bawu], so you are both unhappy, so both of you have the surname of Bawu, and each of you can choose a new name!" The two women seemed very mutual Hostile, but the decision is the same.After getting a satisfactory answer, Yang Han didn't intend to embarrass them anymore, but made another suggestion.

"Name? It always feels very troublesome, so you can just choose a famous name for your concubine. Of course, if the name you choose doesn't match the perfect me, I will never agree."

"Reconsideration. Please give me a name that can surpass this idiot."

"What did you say?" The elf who just got up was too emotionally impatient, and looked like a flammable and explosive powder keg.

"Okay, okay, stop messing around!" Looking at the girl who rolled her arms and sleeves, and the girl who was covering her small mouth and pretending to be smiling despite her expressionless face, Yang Han immediately stepped forward to smooth things over.After tossing and tossing for a while, he said to the two daughters exhaustedly, "You, from now on, will be called Yawu Yaguya. And you, from now on, will be called Yawu Yuzuru."

Perhaps seeing the different angels of the two, Yang Han finally knew who was who.The girl who wields the knight spear should have been called Yaguya in her original name, and the girl who wields the silver chain is Yabu Yuzuru.

These two names are related to the angels they each use.

It turns out that the angel used by the single-form Bawu is actually a longbow and an arrow.And as Yawu split into two people, her angel armament was also stripped into several parts.

Among them, the longbow of the original angel was split into two iron wings, and Yaguya and Yuxian each received a single wing; the bowstring turned into a silver iron chain, becoming the angel of Yuzuru, and the arrow turned into Instead of riding a spear, he became Yaguya's angel.

Yejuya, the arrow is equal to the arrow, so the elf girl who uses the knight spear got this name; and Yuxian, the string is equal to the bow string, so Yang Han chose this name.

"I didn't expect you to have a good taste in naming names, um, yajuya, yajuya, huh! I'm approved, and I'll be called yajuya in the future!" Holding his shoulders, yajuya used a After nodding your head a few times as if your boy's name selection was not bad, he happily agreed.

"It sounds good. The name Yuxian suits me very well, thank you, young man." Yuxian's attitude was almost the same as Yaguya's, but her voice was still as calm as ever.

"Okay, just don't mess around on the battleship. I will arrange for someone to come over and familiarize you with this place in a while. During this time, you should stay in this room and rest for a while. If I know that you dare to leave after I leave If you mess around, then I will punish you a little bit."

"What, what kind of punishment?" Although he could clearly see that the other party was speaking with a very calm expression, Yaguya still instinctively felt a sense of crisis, so It seems that when she asked the other party, she immediately dismissed the idea of ​​running away just now.

"Understood. I won't run around. Even if Yaguya escapes, I will only report to you immediately."

"Who, who said I would run away, you guys, don't stir up trouble!"

Looking at the two women who seemed to be starting to fight again, Yang Han walked out of the infirmary gently stroking his forehead.After leaving here, he quickly found Icarus, and handed over a series of things about meeting the two to the other party, while Yang Han himself went back to his room immediately.

After Yang Han returned to the room, he locked the door, lay down on the bed, and quickly sank his consciousness into the golden space, because after disarming the angels of the Eight Dance Sisters not long ago, he quickly noticed the presence of Shenyuan. Something strange.This feeling is not a bad thing, but it reminds him that his Shenyuan level is about to break through the [-]th level!
"Fiya, has the Shenyuan level increased again?" As soon as he entered the golden Shenyuan space, Yang Han couldn't wait to ask Feiya.

"Yes, master. Your Shenyuan level has reached the [-]th level. Due to the situation just now, Fia didn't bother you." In the golden space as usual, the translucent figure of the little girl appeared out of thin air It appeared in front of Yang Han.Holding several small light balls shining with strange light in her hands, she said to Yang Han.

"Why did you suddenly gain so much experience? Remember that after absorbing Erya's spirit crystal last time, your own level was only in the early 29th level?" Yang Han was not overjoyed by this, but asked the reason calmly, because He feels that the sudden extra experience for no reason is very likely to break his original assumption.

(End of this chapter)

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