Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 148 The Absorption of Good Luck

Chapter 148 The Absorption of Good Luck

Although Shenyuan's rise from level 29 to level [-] is only a difference of one level, the experience points required are by no means a star.

You know, it has been more than a year since Yang Han came to this world, and after absorbing the complete spiritual crystals of Kotori, Tohka, and Erya, he rose from level 29 to level [-] , which also includes the experience he has accumulated over the past year of living in the house. Now he has done nothing for a day, but just caught two drowning elves, and he has risen to level [-]. It can be said that there must be something strange in it.

"Master, my records here indicate that you absorbed some objects similar to spirit crystals not long ago, which led to the transformation of this object into the experience required to break through the thirty-level barrier, and through this, you have rapidly improved Level one." Fei Ya explained to Yang Han.

Yang Han was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't understand where the part of the energy of the spirit crystals suddenly absorbed came from, but after careful consideration, he quickly got the result, because the people he came into contact with today were only a few girls on Getia. The next eight dance sisters!
In fact, he also vaguely guessed the answer, but he didn't understand how he absorbed the opponent's spirit crystal.So Yang Han continued to ask Fei Ya: "I remember that I just used the treasure of the gods to confiscate the other party's weapons, but why did I indirectly absorb their spirit crystals?"

"The current state of the Yawu sisters is different from Miss Shixiang, Miss Erya and others. Their spirit crystals are also divided into two parts due to the split, and these two incomplete spirit crystals may be due to some reason. The cores are attached to the weapons of the two, which means that what you collect in the treasure of God is not their weapons, but two spirit crystals about a quarter the size.

When you put the spiritual crystals of the two people into the treasure of God, the passive attribute decomposition and understanding of the treasure of God will start to be implemented, which will lead to your understanding of the other party's ability and convert it into the experience of God's source, so you will upgrade up. "Fiya's explanation is a bit cumbersome. In fact, the simplest explanation is that Yang Han swallowed part of the opponent's spiritual crystals that turned into weapons, that's all.

After listening to Fei Ya's explanation, Yang Han actually regretted it, because the spirit crystals swallowed in this way are extremely wasteful.You know, if he uses the [God's Emblem] with the other party's permission, he can completely obtain the other party's complete spirit ability, but swallowing it with the God's Treasure can only absorb experience and cannot obtain the other party's ability.

"Wait!" Thinking of this, Yang Han suddenly patted his forehead, and muttered to himself as if thinking of something.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, no, it's okay! Fiya, I remember that God's Treasure can create items that it can decompose and understand, right?" Yang Han looked at Fiya with an extremely eager light in his eyes.

"Yes." Fia nodded honestly.

"Then can you restore the part of the spiritual crystal that I swallowed and the style of the weapon?"

"Yes. However, duplicating such items consumes a lot of energy, and it is estimated that it will far exceed the amount of energy required to replicate the corona cannon." Fei Ya gave the answer decisively, but just when Yang Han wanted to show joy , but was told such a precaution.

"How is it possible! Could it be that this replica version of the spirit crystal weapon is much more powerful than the corona cannon?" Yang Han continued to ask with the mentality of asking if he didn't understand.

"Yes, although it is part of the spirit crystal, its power is so powerful that if it is handed over to someone who can use it perfectly, the effect will greatly exceed the threat posed by the corona cannon. Because the spirit crystal can not only be transformed into a weapon by will, It also has the powerful ability to activate space force, which is much more powerful than the corona stone, which can only burst out a large amount of heat energy."

Yang Han opened his mouth wide in surprise. He forgot about this effect. Elves can easily control a super-wide range of space shocks. The corona cannon.After all, there is the [Original Spirit] there. Many years ago, when he first appeared on the stage, he directly smashed the Eurasian continent into the mantle.

"Anyway, let me take a look at the internal spiritual crystals I absorbed first. I want to study it carefully." Yang Han is not so distressed at the devoured spiritual crystals at this moment, because if such things can be mass-produced Production, then the safety factor of Tohka, Nia and the others will be greatly increased in the future.

After all, among the few girls now, those girls whose spirit crystals are taken away by themselves with the [God Emblem] are still very weak in terms of security. If they do not protect themselves, when they face enemies such as DEM and AST troops, There will be no power to fight back.

Following Yang Han's order, Fei Ya quickly handed over two black and white deformed stones to Yang Han.Yang Han took it over and looked it over, and found that the two stones had a very peculiar polygonal structure, but their colors were even, and black and white were absolutely equal to each other with the naked eye.

"The master can transform these two stones into weapons of any shape through Shenyuan, but no matter how the shape of the weapon is changed, the effect will only be a weapon that can mainly control the ability of wind and secondary control the ability of space." Feiya kindly said reminded.

Following Fei Ya's explanation, Yang Han tried the experiment, and the result was indeed as the other party said, after he injected the energy of the gods into the stone in front of him, the spirit crystal stone in his left hand was quickly distorted and transformed into a fierce killer. The appearance, and the spirit crystal stone on the right was designed by him to look like scorching and killing ghosts.But even if the appearance is convenient, the effect is still the original feeling, mainly the ability to control wind and space.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have made [God's Emblem]. I would just throw the other party's spirit crystals into the God's Treasure to refine them, and they could be mass-produced." It was summoned outside reality, so Yang Han didn't consume any divine resources.While playing with the angel in his hand, he said regretfully.

"Master, let me remind you! The Yawu sisters are a special case. Except for them, the spirit crystals of other elves are integrated into the body as a whole. If you want to extract it and send it to the treasure of God, what is the original reason?" The master will definitely be killed on the spot. Not only that, even though you have absorbed part of the spirit crystals of the eight dance sisters by accident, the two of them will obviously feel exhausted at this moment.

This situation shows that the opponent's body has been severely damaged. If they had not only absorbed some of the spirit crystals, but forcibly extracted all the spirit crystals, the two of them might have died because of the sudden loss of their own exclusive spirit crystals. "Fiya interjected, but Yang Han immediately regained his balance.

(End of this chapter)

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