Chapter 161

What Tobiichi Origami is preparing is her strongest blow, and it is also the killing move from 【Angel of Extinction】.

She directed all the floating cannons around her to move to her chest, scattered them in a ring, and gathered them together like fingers.

The floating cannons are pieced together to form a golden cone-like object, but the middle part is indeed vacuum, like a cannon barrel.The size of this object is very similar to Qinli's [Scorching Ghost Killer Cannon], but the power condensed in the cannon is three times more terrifying than it.

"Give it to me, die ten thousand times!" Origami yelled and raised her hands forward. At this moment, her blue eyes were stained with a touch of violent red. Purple is just right for her mood at the moment.

With the fall of her voice, a pure white ray of light ignited in the conical giant floating cannon, flashed violently, and the flame burst out instantly.

"It seems that you've almost vented, then—[The Last Sword]!" Yang Han waved his hand and withdrew the [Scorching Ghosts], and switched back to the giant sword again.

With the appearance of the giant sword, the golden throne also appeared out of thin air, standing in front of Yang Han.

Yang Han swung his hand and slashed away with a sword. In an instant, the throne was split into two.Cracks began to move and spread in the cracks that were split open. After spreading all over the scars, the throne scattered into countless pieces.After the fragments exploded in the air, they did not fall to the ground, but surrounded Ji Shagong, and quickly entangled and pieced together.

This assembly is similar to that of origami assembling a giant floating cannon, but when Yang Han completed the process in the blink of an eye, what he got was a super large one that was more than ten meters long and looked intertwined with gold and purple. No. Greatsword.

"Angel of Extinction Artelif!"

"The Last Sword (Halvanhelev!)"

Origami, whose mind was full of tyranny, didn't realize that Yang Han's cohesive killing speed was actually much faster than her. At this moment, she only knew to use the strongest blow to attack the guy in front of her.

Dazzling white light and gold echo each other, merging into a dazzling light cannon, which is fired from the angel in front of Origami, pointing directly at Yang Han's direction;
The pure black thunder light accompanied by the energy of the purple spirit turned into a mighty and domineering slash, which was swung out from the sword of the end, and the wave of sword energy nearly [-] meters wide hit the direction of Origami unrivaled...

The two rays of light of different colors approached, and the next moment, they came into contact like ice water and hot oil.The two streams of energy that produced a violent reaction repelled each other in the blink of an eye, followed by violent explosions, which began to occur one after another from the point of energy collision.

The energy wave of the explosion was very strange, half of it was golden and white, and the other half was purple and black.The energy waves pushed each other, and no one let the other suppress them. They began to spread tacitly, getting bigger, and kept getting bigger.

This blow consumed almost all of Origami's spiritual power, and at this moment, perhaps because of her lack of strength, she had returned to her calm self.

But when Origami saw the battle in front of her, she couldn't help but turn pale.Because the two color energy clusters are too huge, they completely block her vision like a hill, so that she doesn't understand Yang Han's situation at all.

"He...won't die, right?" Facing the aftermath of energy that was about to affect her, Origami thought as she stepped back.

On the other side of the giant energy group, the last sword in Yang Han's right hand turned into a little bit of purple light, and degenerated back into Ji Shagong, and after it turned into Ji Shagong, it was scattered into a purple light by Yang Han's hand.

"As expected of little origami, she has just accepted the power of the elves and can use it so freely. She has vented enough (then next), and it's time to sell Boer." After finishing speaking, Yang Han rushed into the room. In the energy group in front of him.

Yang Han, who has improved his physical strength after [Profane Injury], felt a little pain soon after touching the large-scale energy group in front of him. This kind of pain is not too serious, but his whole body is covered. It's a good experience.

The clothes on his body were quickly burned and torn, only the part protected by Shenyuan was safe.The wind magic gradually dissipated in the heat wave, and Yang Han's body also lost its support, and gradually accelerated towards the ground.

After feeling the fiery energy for a while, he adjusted his falling posture intentionally, and used the power of another God Emblem inherited from [Scorching Ghosts] to shake a small hole around him.He lay down in a posture of falling from a high altitude, and all preparations were completed.

"Won't you just be buried by her? Sure enough, don't pretend to be dead, just pretend to be incapacitated." Thinking like this, Yang Han narrowed his eyes, showing a state of lethargy and half-death, and waited quietly. With the arrival of little origami.

According to his assumption, no matter what he said, he had met Origami once, and when the other party saw how miserable he was, he would probably soften his heart.As long as Origami gives up, and after bringing it to Gaitia, he will train this little girl who has been used by others, and his goal will be achieved.

On the one hand, doing so can leave a false information to the [Original Elf], prompting her to use this false information to take actions that are even more unfavorable to her.On the one hand, Yang Han really didn't want to have a bloody fight with Origami, and it would be hard to end.

It took a lot of effort to dissipate the huge energy. During this period, Yang Han also used the telepathy of the summoning technique to contact Icarus far away in Getia, so that the girls on the battleship can understand the situation and don't disturb the situation. plan to proceed.After doing all this, Yang Han lay uncomfortably in the hole he dug, waiting for the "fish" to take the bait.

Not long after all the aftermath of energy dissipated, the location of Yuanyi Origami became clear in Yang Han's perception.

At the moment, Origami's condition is not very good. After exhausting all the spiritual power in her body, it is very uncomfortable to walk in this area that has just been impacted by two huge energies, but she still walks as Yang Han expected. up.

Using the nearly bottomless spiritual power on her body, Origami finally sensed Yang Han's position. Her footsteps gradually changed from the uniform speed at the beginning, and when she came in front of Yang Han, she almost fell down.

When Origami really saw Yang Han's state at the moment, she couldn't help but her expression changed slightly, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that the other party was still breathing.

Origami did not expect that Yang Han, who was able to handle large-scale light bullets with ease, would be injured so badly, but after thinking about it carefully, he came up with an answer that he thought was correct.In her opinion, it might be because of the different attack patterns of the two that this result was caused.

Although it is difficult to dodge the large-scale light bomb attack, it is defeated by the small damage to the individual. Yang Han's slash is obviously better.

As for the big move just now, the two of them slashed and attacked with a light cannon. Judging from the attack strength, the slash must have a larger attack area and lower density than the light cannon with a straight line.When the two collided, she directly imagined the pros and cons.

(End of this chapter)

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