Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 162 The Purpose Achieved

Chapter 162 The Purpose Achieved
Yang Han, who was lying on the ground pretending to be listless, opened his eyes slightly, looked at Origami but did not speak.

Origami stood beside Yang Han with her right arm in her arms. This posture was not because her arm was injured, but she made such an action subconsciously.When she lowered her head to look at the other person's face, she met Yang Han's eyes, but quickly looked up and looked away.

"I'm like this, don't you dare to look at me?" Yang Han asked softly, pretending to be weak.

"Who wouldn't dare, I just, just don't want to see such an embarrassing enemy." Origami replied.

"Hey hey (yes yes), that's right, I'm in such a mess. So are you going to kill me or let me go? Or send me back to my place with kindness?"

"Kill you." Origami replied without hesitation.

Although he concealed it well, the corners of Yang Han's mouth still twitched slightly imperceptibly.This guy is too cold-blooded, right?Although I was cold when I first met more than a year ago, I was not so unfeeling.

"It seems that you really can't move, so lie down honestly! The rescuer is probably coming soon, and then leave by yourself, leave this country, and don't show up again." Yuanyi Origami saw Yang Han didn't speak, but said so after carefully sizing him up.

"This little girl was actually testing me just now! Fortunately, I held back and didn't attack." After hearing the other party's persuasion to leave, Yang Han was secretly surprised in his heart, but he said something else: "Save me!" People won't come, this action is too hasty, I didn't have time to inform others. Therefore, the only one who can save me now is you."

When Yang Han said this, he closed his eyes, as if he was very tired, but actually he was worried that his eyes would betray him.He is very clear that it is extremely difficult to fool the quick-witted Origami, but as long as he is fooled, the other party will no longer be suspicious.

"Save you? Don't be kidding, what is my obligation to save you, what good is that for me?" After listening to Yang Han's words, Origami stared at him and said.

"Of course it's good, I, but I know who the real murderer of your parents is."

"What! Tell me, who did it, exactly who did it?" This was a strong medicine, and Origami immediately caused a violent reaction after hearing it.The two years have changed her a lot, but deep down in her heart, is she not a girl who has become autistic due to loneliness?
In the past two years, except for the training of the AST troops, she spent all the time monitoring and searching for Yang Han.

Origami had to admit that the young man in front of her, who was covered in injuries and looked as if he was about to die in a second, was actually the only reason for her to live longer.

After the tragedy that broke her family, Origami, helpless and without any goal of survival, forcibly imposed the meaning of living on Yang Han.

This man is very strange, as long as he monitors him, he can somehow find motivation. Yang Han's secret is like a treasure mountain, the more she digs, the more she enjoys it.It's a pity that the other party is always elusive, sometimes disappearing suddenly, and sometimes appearing under her nose without any concealment.

In the past two years, Origami had watched Kuang San's apartment for more than half a year, and it was not until Yang Han, Icarus, Ailian, Kuang San and others moved into Getia.However, when Yang Han leaves Gaitia from time to time, she will always catch the trace of the other party at the first time, trying to observe the other party for a while.

It's a pity that Yang Han is really too nerdy. After that, he can only appear in monthly units, and it is completely irregular.But this does not prevent Origami from following him, because basically within 3 minutes after Yang Han leaves Gaitia, the aura of Origami will appear around him.

"Help me up and walk in the direction I pointed, and I'll tell you when we arrive." Yang Han was not afraid to put his face close to himself, with an origami that was eager and angry, and asked softly.

"Do you think you should negotiate terms with me now?" Origami condensed a light bullet of light golden energy in his hand, and pressed it against Yang Han's forehead and asked.

"It seems there is, because no one can answer you except me."

"You... tell me, where are you going?" The palm trembled slightly, and Origami hesitated for a while but withdrew the strength to threaten the opponent.

Origami thought she knew this man well.He is very powerful and mysterious (in fact, he just stays at home).But these understandings also prove that she doesn't understand this man, because apart from the fact that he is strong, like an elf, Origami doesn't know anything else.

From rescuing myself from the sea of ​​flames, who had suffered a serious mental blow, to hugging and comforting herself even though she was a stranger, to leaving casually and starting to live with a strange woman shamelessly, to suddenly disappearing in a big battle... Yang Han made her elusive from beginning to end.

His series of behaviors are constantly telling himself that this person is either out of his mind or just playing around with the world, doing whatever he wants with no regard for life or death.

"Go south, four or five kilometers away is enough." Yang Han said proudly, as if to show off his victory.

"If you dare to play tricks on me, I will definitely give you a good look." After Origami said, she wrapped one arm around Yang Han's shoulders, and hugged Yang Han's waist with the other hand, exerting a little force, and then flew into the air towards Yang Han. He flew in the direction pointed by the other party.

"Did the expressionless defense that I thought I was invincible suddenly disappear in front of me?" Yang Han, who was caught flying, didn't suffer any injuries, just pretending to endure the pain like this. road.

"No, you are just a slightly valuable item. When you have no use value, I will definitely get rid of you immediately." Origami said.

"Wow, I believe it! But with Origami-chan, I feel more like an ordinary girl!"

"Shut your mouth, be careful I'll throw you down and fall to your death." Origami retorted angrily.

It didn't take long, and no one dared to approach the area of ​​the big battle just now, but the two involved had already left.Origami led Yang Han to the location he designated quickly. The surrounding environment seemed to be the same, but in the twisted air, a huge phantom of a warship could still be vaguely seen stopping in mid-air.

"Master!" It was Icarus who came to pick them up, and Yang Han was most assured of her work.

"Icarus, I'm fine. Alright, Miss Origami, your mission is complete, do you want to sit down?" Yang Han showed his promise before inviting Yuanyi Origami.

"I never allowed you to call me by my name." Origami said while teaching the "severely injured" Yang Han to Icarus.Now the information she needs to know is in Yang Han's head, so naturally she won't just leave like this, and can only criticize him as much as possible in terms of tongue.

Yang Han smiled and said nothing, because he was not going to accept Origami's suggestion to change his name.

(End of this chapter)

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