Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 165 The Four Shitos Appear in the Realm

Chapter 165 Yoshito Appears in the Realm

"Woo...Brother Yang Han...Qinli, Qinli has already eaten the little tomato, can I just give you a side dish?"

Yang Han looked at the pitiful Qinli in front of him, and then at the side dishes and neatly arranged small tomatoes on his plate, the corners of his mouth twitched and said: "You are taking me as a Has the rabbit been raised?"

"Oh? Don't you like eating vegetables?" More than half of the girls present said in unison.

"Shixiang, I'll leave it to you! Also, Icarus, besides parsley, coriander, green peppers and carrots, let's add tomatoes to the list of forbidden vegetables in the future." Yang Han didn't answer the girls' questions, but just Shaking his head with a wry smile, he pushed his plate towards Shi Xiangdao.

"Huh? Hanjiang, I don't like to eat everything, okay?" Looking at the pile of vegetables pushed in front of him for the first time, Tohka frowned while inserting her tonkatsu.

When encountering such things in the past, Yang Han always handed over the food given to him to Shixiang, but he did not expect that Shixiang, a foodie who has always been known for not being picky eaters, started to complain today.

"Please Shixiang, I'll take you to buy soybean flour bread tomorrow!" Yang Han was stunned for a moment, but he didn't give up. After all, he would be stuffed to death with such a large pile of vegetables, so he had to leave them to his big stomach. Wang's Miss Shixiang.

"Really? There's really no other way, so I'll eat it for you." Shixiang's eyes sparkled with little stars, and after taking a large plate of side dishes, they began to disappear quickly.As for where the vegetables disappeared from her mouth, no one knows.

"Wait, wait! Don't eat the tonkatsu at the bottom of the plate, I want to eat the one inside!!!" Looking at Shixiang who wiped out the plate at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye, Yang Han cried begged.

"Warning! Warning! Warning!" At this moment, alarms sounded in every room, including the restaurant.This was the spacequake alarm before the elves appeared in the world, and it was turned on by Ailian and the others after they left the control room.

Ailian and Origami stood up first, they were both very sensitive to this kind of alarm, after all, one of these two was a magician specially trained by DEM to sanction elves, and the other was a combatant trained by AST to exterminate elves.

"It seems to be much faster than expected. It will appear in the world in just half a day. Everyone, eat quickly. After eating, listen to Ailian's assignment to control Gaitia. I will go out to check the situation first." Yang Han finally Only then did he "rescue" two pieces of fried pork cutlet from under Shixiang's mouth, held it with his hand and took a bite, before speaking to the girls sitting there.After speaking, he walked slowly towards the door of the restaurant.

"I'll go to the control room first. Now Getia is too low in the air, if it is affected by the space shock, it will be a big trouble." Ailian said.

"I'm going too." Origami also walked a few steps closer to Yang Han and said.

"I don't need you for the time being. I'm going to secretly investigate the military situation first. It's not a frontal attack. In case [the original elf] sees us running away together, the loss outweighs the gain at the beginning?" Yang Han shook his head unwilling to bring the other party.

"I'm going, you have no right to order me." Origami insisted.

"I won't tell you the secret!" Yang Han stuffed the tonkatsu into his mouth and clapped his hands. That image was really bad.

"You...huh." Origami gritted her teeth and looked at Yang Han who was lazily walking towards the portal, stomped her feet angrily and snorted before chasing Ailian's figure.

"Girl, you probably don't know that anger is the emotion that is most likely to arouse feelings, and it is also the easiest emotion to trigger." Yang Han turned his back to the leaving figure of Origami, without turning his head, just walking while smiling He muttered such a sentence in a low voice.

After leaving the portal at the bottom of Getia, he fell to the ground at a very fast speed.Although the sky had already darkened at this moment, the surroundings were brightly lit, but these lights were all emitted by the dazzling red warning lights.

The flow of people on the street has disappeared without a trace, and most of them have taken refuge underground.Only Yang Han stood alone in the shadow of the street in front of the shrine with his hands behind his back, quietly waiting for everything to happen.

At this moment, neither the AST troops nor Ratatosk appeared. They were most likely waiting for Yoshino to appear near the commercial street. Now we have to see which side is right.

Not long after, the sky hundreds of meters ahead of Yang Han's location began to twist.It starts with the wind being compressed into a spherical shape, and then the space begins to collide after being compressed to the minimum point, and expands rapidly.The black-purple strange space ball became bigger and bigger along with countless shards of ice, and immediately caused a big explosion after spreading to the ground.

Deafening explosions and violent shock waves hit head-on, and the wind pressure, which is incomparable to even typhoons, will tear scars out of the places blown past.After the wind pressure left in an instant, there was only an environment like ruins left, and the big deep pit left at the center of the explosion.

This space quake is much worse than the one caused by Tohka, but it still cannot be underestimated.Even after the [Profane Injury] upgrade, Yang Han still had to cast multiple defensive spells to resist it. (The magic comes from the Enchanted Crystal that seals Wiz's advanced magic)

"Phew! The C-level space quake is terrifying enough." Yang Han let out a soft roar, and immediately moved towards the center of the space quake in front of him.

He didn't have much time, so he had to deal with Yoshino, who hadn't divided into camps, as quickly as possible before the AST and the [Original Spirit] arrived.Otherwise, that innocent little girl might be easily fooled by Murasame Reine, and she might be beaten back to the critical point again by AST.

Fortunately, the distance was not too long, and Yang Han arrived in front of Yoshino after leaping a dozen steps.This is a figure wrapped in a cloak decorated with rabbit ears. She is squatting at the very center of the space quake, crying softly and helplessly.

The girl's cries seemed to make this world feel empathetic. The originally clear sky soon became cloudy and began to rain lightly.The rain became more and more urgent, and with traces of icy scum, Yang Han felt the same feeling of loneliness.

"Don't cry, little guy, a hero is here to save you!" Borrowing the wind magic to float in front of Yoshino, Yang Han directly placed a hand on Yoshino's head, and through some With a wide hood, he tries to channel a sense of reassurance into it.

Because he fell to the ground with the help of wind magic, he didn't cause any footsteps during this period.In addition, her own magic is not spiritual power, and there is no fluctuation to check, Yoshino immediately erupted a repulsive force out of surprise under this touch.

Feeling the oncoming spiritual pressure, Yang Han seemed a little struggling, but fortunately he was a C-level, so he barely resisted it.

After he endured this somewhat sudden blow, his eyes intersected with another pair of eyes as bright as the blue sea...

(End of this chapter)

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