Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 166 The Most Failed Invention of Mankind

Chapter 166 The Most Failed Invention of Mankind

The moment Yang Han's crimson eyes intertwined with another pair of eyes as bright as the blue sea, the owner of the eyes immediately withdrew his gaze and lowered his head again.

Her two little hands immediately grabbed her hat decorated with rabbits, and tightly covered her little head, as if she was extremely familiar with life.

However, even in such a moment of contact, Yang Han could clearly see the face of the other party.

This little guy has long hair that is as blue as sea water and slightly curly, his pink cheeks are extraordinarily beautiful and refined, and his cherry blossom-colored lips exude a soft and cuteness that makes people want to bite them.The beautiful and clear big eyes like sapphires with a little tear stains look so pitiful, in one word it is cute!

"Please, please don't, don't hurt Yoshino." While Yang Han was in a daze in his heart and brain, there was a weak pleading sound from the cute green "little dumpling" in front of him.

"How could it be? I'm here to save you, so naturally I won't hurt you. But little guy, your strength is really strong enough, and you almost knocked me back." Yang Han came back to his senses and smiled first After explaining that he didn't have any malicious intentions, he randomly picked up a topic and tried to chat with the other party.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Yoshino, Yoshino still can't control the strange power in her body." Little Lolita seemed very polite, and immediately apologized full of apology after hearing Yang Han's similar complaints.

"Well, I forgive you! Huh?" Yang Han readily accepted the other party's apology without moral integrity, but at this moment, she suddenly caught a glimpse of something different in Si Xienao's hands.

"Why, what's the matter?" Curious about Yang Han's yell, Yoshino carefully raised the hood a little, and glanced out after revealing a little gap.After seeing the other party's suspicious gaze, she hesitated for a while and finally mustered up the courage to ask this sentence.

"No, I just think your hands are quite small and cute." Yang Han quickly adjusted his mood and teased with a smile.

Yoshino blushed immediately when she heard that, shyly put her hands on the hat behind her back.And because of this movement, the hood was lifted elastically, and half of the small face was exposed again.

Seeing the light appearing in the field of vision, she wanted to cover the hat with her hands again, but at the same time, she was worried that the other party would see her hands, Yoshino, who was hesitant for a while, twitched, looking more cute and cute.

In fact, Yang Han didn't praise her because he saw the small and cute hands of the other party, but because he found that Yoshino's hands were empty, without any decoration at all.It is normal for such a pair of hands to be replaced by other people, but it is a bit weird to appear on Yoshino.

According to the original description, Yoshino should be holding a rabbit-shaped puppet in her left hand, which is Yoshino (よしのん) with an independent personality and her best friend.

But after thinking about it, Yang Han found the answer. Now Yoshino has just become an elf, and it is very likely that he has not created the puppet that will always accompany him.

"Please, please don't stare at me all the time, please, please." When Yang Han was thinking about this, Yoshino finally realized that she seemed unable to cover every inch of her skin, so she had no choice but to While twisting and twisting, please speak in a low voice.

"Are you shy?" Yang Han put his thoughts aside temporarily and asked back.

"Yoshino, it's the first time for Yoshino to be praised by others, cute or something..." Yoshino stammered, and her voice became smaller and smaller.If it wasn't for the transformation of [Profane Injury] that greatly improved his hearing, Yang Han probably wouldn't have heard such an answer clearly.

"Haha, you have to learn to be confident! Cuteness is a kind of capital, and it is also something to be proud of. There is nothing to be ashamed of." Yang Han gently reached out and pinched the brim of the other party's hat, trembling slightly in front of Yoshino In a daze, he slowly pulled the hat away.

At this moment, Yang Han had the feeling of entering the bridal chamber and raising the red hijab spontaneously.When he saw Yoshino's small face revealed again, Yang Han almost fainted from the cute look coupled with the somewhat panicked eyes.

How can there be such a cute girl in the world! ?This is Yang Han's feeling when he sees Yoshino's true face again.If we talk about beautiful women, be it Tohka or Icarus, there are not a few beautiful girls around her, but the excitement Yoshino gave her almost made him want to commit a crime immediately.

"Then, that, I, can I put the hat down again?" Seeing Yang Han's bewildered expression, Yoshino asked stiffly.

"No! Hats are the most failed inventions of mankind!" Yang Han blurted out.

"Huh?" Yoshino didn't feel strange because he didn't get consent, but was confused by Yang Han's wonderful evaluation.

"Huh!? Yoshino, I won't hurt you. Would you like to leave here immediately with me?" The original mood was suddenly disturbed, and a familiar but headache aura suddenly appeared, which made Yang Han Just remembered the business of this trip.

He said badly.I came here not to admire Loli, but to quickly communicate with Yoshino and take her out of here.

Just now, Yang Han, who was admiring Yoshino's nervous and shy expression, sensed that the breath of the "prime spirit" was approaching. Even if he remembered to ask Yoshino's opinion again, it was already too late.

"This, this brother, what do you mean, what do you mean?" It is said that introverted people have a pair of smart eyes, which is absolutely true.After seeing the imperceptible trace of eagerness in Yang Han's eyes, Yoshino asked suspiciously.

She didn't have many critical times, and she didn't see many eyes, because all she saw was fighting spirit, sanctions, and disgust. As for Yang Han's successive expressions of appreciation and worry, it was the first time she had seen them.

But even so, she still had a feeling of not hating or even liking it in her heart. It was an emotion that was difficult to explain, but she somehow knew that she liked being stared at by these two kinds of eyes.

"It's too late to explain. To put it simply, the group of enemies who are always chasing and killing you are coming. Would you like me to protect you?" Yang Han said.

"Adjudicator, we meet again." Before Yoshino could answer, a slightly indifferent voice came to the ears of the two of them from afar.

Then the figure of the person who made the sound flickered a few times, and appeared above the two of them in the blink of an eye. The person who came was [Primary Spirit] Murasame Reine.

(End of this chapter)

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