Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 167 Battle against Reine Murasame

Chapter 167 Battle against Reine Murasame
"Judger, we meet again."

Because Yang Han was attracted by Yoshino's cuteness, he finally missed the opportunity to evacuate quickly. After seeing Reine Murura above his head, he had no choice but to abandon his original idea.

"Yes, we met again. But my name is not a judge." Yang Han scratched his hair and expressed a hint of helplessness, and replied.

"I'm not very interested in what your name is. You have repeatedly obstructed my plan. Now I feel that I need to settle the score."

"Hey, are you going to fight as soon as you come up? This is too unladylike!" Yang Han said.

"After a battle with [Angel of Extinction] not long ago, you must not be in a better state at the moment, right? So stop pretending to be lazy." Still in the image of a mosaic figure Facing Yang Han, but this time, Murasame Lingyin showed more fighting spirit.Obviously, she really felt that she was well prepared this time and wanted to do it.

"Oh? Are you so sure [Angel of Extinction] isn't playing a show with me? Maybe I'm in an unprecedented state!? Yang Han still had an expression of indifference, and kindly reminded .

"If you were in good condition, would you choose to escape with the hermit (Hermit Yoshino's elven code name) immediately? Don't deceive yourself! I can give you a chance to hand over all the spirit crystals you took away and you The hermit behind the back, otherwise, die." Cura Yu Lingyin's explanation seemed to be well-founded, and his tone was full of determination, and Yang Han was as he expected.

With the fall of the previous sentence and the utterance of the next sentence, a slender and beautiful arm slowly emerged from the mosaic figure.This hand was raised in front of him, and while he was clenching his fist with an empty palm, a huge sword emerged out of thin air and was held in his hand.

It was a giant double-edged sword. A circle of transparent light blades could be faintly seen on the outside of the originally slightly wide sword body. The light blades exuded a fantasy-colored brilliance like a rainbow and stars, and it looked exquisite. And domineering.Yang Han is very familiar with this sword, because it is the angel that Tohka used to hold——Gong Sha Gong!
"Aren't you surprised? Let me tell you that I have all the abilities of elves, but my abilities have been weakened after splitting ten spirit crystals, but it is definitely more than enough to deal with you now. Now, should you be obedient Obedient, have you handed over what I want?" Cun Yu Lingyin pointed the sword at Yang Han, and there was a touch of emotion in his voice that didn't take much effort.

"Yoshino, if you believe me, fly to the east sky immediately, there will be someone in charge of protecting you not far away. As for this guy... Hey [Original Elf], do you think I've been frightened? Yes, let me advise you, most of the villains died because they talked too much!" Yang Han seized the time to say something to Si Xi Nai and immediately rose into the air, facing the other party's unscrupulous ridicule.

Seeing this, Yoshino was a little flustered. In the past, she would be chased and killed by a group of strange mechanical corps every time she was critical, but the spiritual power and aura emitted by those people combined were very different from the two in the air at this moment.

She was a little overwhelmed, but it was certainly right to leave.I don't want to fight, and I know that being here will only help me, and I don't know what happened and who to help.She just subconsciously stepped back and flew towards the direction Yang Han pointed out, hoping that she would really meet someone who was willing to protect her.

"Since you don't want to die, then I'll kill you and then forcibly peel off the spirit crystal from your body." Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Murasame Lingyin was very annoyed.But after thinking about it, she had a new plan. Since Yang Han can use the ability of the spirit, it means that he definitely has a spiritual crystal in him, so she just needs to kill the other party and forcefully pull it out.

Thinking in this way, Muramura Lingyin no longer hesitated, and then accelerated in the air, and quickly rushed towards Yang Han.

So fast!This was the thought that rose in Yang Han's mind in an instant, but the sword energy following the opponent interrupted any thoughts other than fighting.Before he had time to think about anything else, Yang Han summoned his own Fierce Killer with a wave of his hand, and displayed the same sword energy to confront the opponent head-on.

The purple sword qi collided with each other, producing a violent explosion.However, this was only the first move at the beginning, followed by several bursts of purple sword energy fighting each other, and a series of explosions sounded continuously in the air, and the air waves were mixed with scorching spiritual pressure to control the pace of the two of them. within a certain range.At this time, no one chose to rush forward, they just tacitly exchanged moves with each other relying on spiritual power alone.

"Didn't you say that you have all the abilities of elves? Why can you only use Ji Shagong?" Yang Han took a moment to ask the other party.

"Hmph, this aggressiveness is meaningless, you will soon pay the price for your stupidity." After Murasame Reine said this, she attacked again.

In fact, she was planning a wishful thinking.

In Muramare Lingyin's view, Yang Han had just had a big fight with the [Angel of Extinction] not long ago, and his condition has definitely not recovered at the moment. It is to let yourself retreat from difficulties.

As long as he keeps consuming the opponent with his sword energy, Yang Han will show his flaws sooner or later. At that time, most of his spiritual power will be left, and the opponent will be exhausted.

However, such an idea is doomed to be impossible to realize.After all, Yang Han is a player of Shenyuan, not to mention that Yang Han has the upper hand in Shenyuan's reserves, just saying that the stop between him and Yuanyi Origami was purely acting is enough to make Murasame Lingyin's strategy go wrong.If the fight continues like this, it won't be me who exhausts my spiritual power first, but the opponent is more likely to be the one.

"Hey, hey! It's such a fresh move. I'm a little sleepy when I hit Bo against Bo. Can I use a big move?" Yang Han frantically swung his sword without any regard for spiritual power. , Fierce Killing is just a time-limited skill, and it doesn't affect one's own spiritual energy at all. If you fight each other for 15 minutes, you will only lose the cooldown of one skill at most, and the opponent will have to pay a huge price for spiritual power.

"What, can you continue to pretend? Then I want to see how long you can hold on! 【Binder】!" Murasame Lingyin seemed to regard Yang Han's conversation as a kind of strategic support, so After swiping a sword, he spared no effort to use the angel of Yawu Xixian, the binder.

The silver chain shot out, like a silver lightning, after Yang Han swung his sword, it struck at Yang Han's chest in a tricky manner.

"Good job! But I can do this trick too, and compared to your chain, I have more!" While speaking, several golden ripples slowly emerged from Yang Han's back, and the next moment, he and Cura Yu Lingyin used Several identical silver chains flew out of the 【Binder】.

(End of this chapter)

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