Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 169 Inherent Enchantment

Chapter 169 Inherent Enchantment
"No need to say more, die human beings, [Kabbala Reiki Bomb]!" Facing the incomprehensible words that Yang Han said, Murasame Lingyin simply chose to shoot.

Glass-colored energy appeared in front of her out of thin air, and these energies obediently began to condense together, slowly compressing into a small white shiny ball of light.The size of the ball was only the size of a ping-pong ball, but it expanded rapidly after Reine Murasame waved it out, and it was nearly ten meters in diameter when it reached Yang Han.

Yang Han could clearly feel that this was a pure and sufficiently solid energy ball, and it was estimated that its power was more terrifying than three or five shots of [Burning Rotten Ghost Cannon].

"It's actually so strong, look at my obsidian magic sword!" Yang Han was startled and quickly sprayed several obsidian magic swords from the treasure of gods. weapon.

"咻咻咻" After a few sounds piercing the air, the [Kabbala Reiki Bomb] in front of him was easily torn apart, and Yang Han immediately understood the general manifestation of the other party's fusion attribute.The summary is that the opponent's ability has doubled, and it seems to be more ignorant of its own consumption.

"Then what about this? [Kabbala Reiki Bomb]!" Muramame Lingyin seemed to have seen that Yang Han could defeat this trick. Several Kabbalah spirit bombs were summoned again before.

"It doesn't matter how much you come, I have enough stock!" Yang Han said while repeating his old trick.

He is a very frugal person, at least in terms of his combat power storage.In the past, when Yang Han was bored, he would spend his divine resources in the treasures of the gods, duplicating those frequently used magical weapons.After all, Shenyuan's recovery speed is very fast, and he can only waste it without waiting for the storage capacity to be capped, so he simply did it like this.As for this obsidian magic sword, he definitely has more than a hundred of them in stock.

"I didn't expect you to be able to struggle, so what about this move?" Reine Murasame's maintenance of this form is not permanent, she has to hurry up and get rid of the other party, which is why she this time Without too much nonsense, the reason for the onslaught started when he came out.

Muramare Reine pushed forward with both hands, and following her movements, a wave of spiritual energy began to spin in front of her, and in an instant it exaggerated into a huge spiritual tornado.

The moving speed of this Kabbalah tornado is faster than the natural weather tornado, but it is a little smaller, and it does not have that kind of shocking figure that is as high as a thousand feet.But it is completely composed of spiritual power, and its power is obviously more terrifying.

"[Tornado Snake]" Facing the tornado formed by spiritual energy, Yang Han did not choose to use the divine source, but used the advanced wind magic he had mastered.

Many small tornado columns that were different from the opponent's tornado twisted and entangled together, and after the fusion was completed, they collided fiercely with the opponent's spiritual power tornado.The next moment, the violent wind and the chaotic airflow of spiritual power continued to burst from the collision between the two moves to the surroundings, and the surrounding green grass and soil were blown, and the beautiful scenery became a mess in a blink of an eye.

After the scene returned to calm, Murasame Lingyin still calmly stood opposite Yang Han, but he himself was a little messy.

"You don't need to struggle, human. Here, you won't have any hope of victory." Reine Murasame raised her hand again to gather a huge amount of spiritual power, and during this period, she still did not forget to mock Yang Han.

"Something's wrong... Could it be that this place is..." Yang Han finally realized that the changed landscape around him was recovering rapidly, the potholes were quickly filled up automatically, and the green grass grew again.

"Did you notice it? But it's still too late! This is the world of elves, and I am the maker of the rules here. As for you, you are just a toy that can struggle a little bit."

"Bah! What kind of world of elves is just an inherent enchantment, what should I do! A trick that embodies the scenery of my own mind is as good as the [-] I pulled!" Yang Han looked at The other party pretended to have an inscrutable expression and got angry. At first, he thought he was forcibly teleported to some strange place. Now it seems that he just overestimated the other party.

"Inherent enchantment?" Murasame Lingyin was obviously taken aback, she seemed a little unfamiliar with this term.

In fact, it's no wonder that the inherent enchantment is not a term used in this world, but from another anime.

In short, the inherent barrier is a trick that changes the surrounding space into a completely different scenery.Through the materialization of the mental landscape, the surroundings can be replaced with the battlefield of one's own thinking, where the caster will get some benefits, while the caster will face the double disadvantages of time and place,

"Don't think about it, it's impossible for you to understand the meaning of this word. But Ms. Murasame Reine, I'm afraid you have hit the muzzle this time. In the past, I didn't dare to use the killer's trump card because I was afraid of hurting innocent people. Now you dare If you call me in another place, then you should regret your actions!" Yang Han stretched out his hand and interrupted the thoughtful Muramura Lingyin on the opposite side.

He is in a good mood now, the feeling of experiencing the inherent enchantment for the first time is very novel to him, and finally he does not need to estimate the impact of the destruction in the big city, after all, it will not be affected by the wanton magnification here. Half of Tiangong City.

"Let's take out any trump cards, don't just play tricks..." Murong and Lingyin were halfway through speaking, and suddenly noticed the terrifying wave behind Yang Han, and when they looked closely, their voice stopped immediately.

Just behind Yang Han, several pieces of familiar golden ripples appeared out of thin air again, followed by round crimson fireballs that gradually emerged half of their shapes.From the spiritual power detection, we know that the energy in these red fireballs is extremely violent, and each one has a power that exceeds the maximum output of [Scorching Ghosts]. If they are hit by these things, the consequences will definitely be the same as eating an atomic bomb head-on no difference.

"Okay, then I'll stop talking! I've been in this world for so many years, I just accumulated a lot of useless flint and steel, and I just threw it away as a trump card, girl, you have to pick it up, corona cannon !" Yang Han didn't care about the surprise of the other party, it's better to say that the timing is really good, because the lethality of Murasame Lingyin is too deadly.

As Yang Han's voice fell, the coronal cannons behind him were all ready.Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Han launched the coronal stones, aiming directly at Lingyin Murura.

At this moment, when Yang Han was facing Muramura Lingyin in the distance, he really wanted to put on a posture of swinging his hips forward, and shouted again by the way: "Full Cannon, Fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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