Chapter 170
"I'll reward you with a taste first!" Dasha's signature move, Yang Han, is of course not really learned, and that kind of posture is not suitable for him to pose in such a serious battle.But he felt uncomfortable without saying anything, so he said this to Reine Murasame, while controlling the treasure of the gods behind him to release a corona cannon.

The corona stone flew out with boundless heat energy and red light in response, aiming directly at the direction of Murasame Reine, and its speed was basically no different from that of a sniper bullet.Perhaps because of a little panic, at first the elf Muramame Lingyin was distracted at the moment when the corona stone flew towards him, and only when the cannonball almost touched his body did he think of resisting it.

However, how could Yang Han's trump card be so easily resisted?
Accompanied by the explosion of vast thermal energy, the shock wave expanded rapidly, and a radius of tens of kilometers became the hardest-hit area.The green grass on the ground was turned into dead grass by the evaporated water in an instant, and the dead grass was overturned by the violent shock wave in the next moment, and was torn to pieces in the air.

This space is not endless. With Yang Han's move, it can be said that the entire environment in the barrier is completely enveloped in it.There were slight cracks in the barrier under one shot, and the whole space seemed to change from a green grassland to a rocky wasteland in an instant.

This is not over yet, the heat wave followed while the shock wave has not subsided.The surrounding temperature continued to spread, the air became thinner, and a vacuum zone was formed for several kilometers around the original elf.

Yang Han has already retreated to the edge of the enchantment at this moment. He is the user of this coronal cannon, so he is naturally aware of its power, but Yang Han still somewhat overestimated the scope of the inherent enchantment of the original elves, so he retreated without a trace. In the case of retreat, he had to make some defenses.Of course, his defense is many times easier than that of the original elves. He only needs to throw a few magic sealing crystals for defense.

"What a mistake." What he was referring to was not that this attack affected himself, but that Murasame Reine was fine at all, or it could be said that he did not achieve the desired effect.

Although the smoke and dust have not cleared, Yang Han can know the general situation in the distance through Shenyuan's detection.At this moment, Murasame Lingyin's body was almost destroyed, but Yang Han forgot that the other party also possessed the passive ability of [Scorching and Destroying Ghosts]—resurrection.The opponent's body was gradually repaired in the purple-blue flames, and it would not be a big problem if he survived and fought again without any accidents.

"What on earth are you?" The two of them looked at each other through the smoke and dust, and Murasame Reine, who had repaired half of her body, was completely ruined at this moment, and her lower body was bathed in blue-purple flames.Her voice came to Yang Han's ears leisurely, but it carried a hint of coldness that was not concealed at all.

"What am I... Should I be called a demigod? Well, to be precise, I haven't cultivated halfway yet." Yang Han said.

"A demigod? Since you are standing in front of me, even if you are a demigod, I want you to die, [Spear of Kabbalah]!" With each character in Murasame Reine's voice, the surrounding barriers were gradually repaired , the aura began to fill up again, and various energies of various colors gathered into a stream and began to gather towards her turbulently.

These seven-color water flows are naturally not real water, they are physical manifestations of spiritual energy.When Fia first came to this world many years ago, she once said that the magic power in this world is extremely thin, and it is replaced by another kind of energy.And this psionic energy is the power that was replaced.

When Yang Han recalled these messages, Murasame Lingyin had already accumulated her strongest blow.After a large amount of psionic energy was forcibly absorbed by it, the surrounding smoke and dust also quickly dissipated.It can only be seen with the naked eye, a huge spear slowly emerges from the opponent's front, the spear emits a dazzling brilliance of glass color, and there is also a circle of colorful halos in the surrounding air that is difficult to look directly at.

"This trick looks really powerful, but your naming is too random, isn't it? Can you come up with something other than the Kabbalah series?" Although Yang Han was complaining, he didn't dare to be careless. As he spoke, he prepared his skills.

Before Yang Han could finish his sentence, the complicated preparation process was completed. The seven treasures of the gods behind Yang Han had been forcibly overlapped into one piece, and the corona stones that were originally in the seven pieces were also strange. overlapped together.

The seven coronal stones did not repel, because they were originally the same thermal entity, and the state of the coronal stones at this moment is similar to the fusion of several drops of water.

The huge golden ripples above Yang Han's head have formed a diameter of about three meters, and the inner coronal stone has also expanded from the size of a basketball to about the size of a round table.Throwing such a large coronal stone is probably incomparable to an atomic bomb.Compared with how to defeat the opponent, Yang Han was more concerned with how to escape.

Perhaps he will become the first user in the world who thinks about how to escape because of his skills.But the reality is very helpless, sometimes the power is too strong, it can indeed be beyond one's own control.

"Pierce him for me, [Spear of Kabbalah]!" Murasame Reine's complexion was pale at the moment, probably due to exhaustion of strength.She faced Yang Han's oversized coronal cannon without the slightest fear. After concentrating on her skills, she picked it up with both hands and threw it towards Yang Han without any hesitation.

This was originally a very tense moment, but Yang Han almost couldn't hold back his laughter.Because everything is normal in the early stage of the opponent's move, but the action of throwing the spear is really funny.

I saw Muramare Lingyin's small body pick up a spear that was about the size of a telephone pole and throw it in his direction. If you take a screenshot at this time and write "I lost your mother" on the picture, it will definitely be a bright expression Bag.

"If you have time to pose and call out skills, why don't you withdraw as soon as possible!" Forced to hold back a laugh, Yang Han also shot the huge coronal cannon behind him, followed him and started to fly backwards, leaving such a sentence.

The seven coronal stones exploded at the same time, and the inherent barrier of more than one hundred kilometers was absolutely unbearable. Now I stick to this side and wait, as soon as it explodes, I will run as fast as possible.

This is the only thought in Yang Han's mind at this time, because he no longer has to look at the result.Such a huge two forces collide with each other, even if the spirit crystal does not shatter, Murasame Lingyin's body will be completely wiped out, the body is gone, and there is no way to repair it with the passive of [Scorching Ghosts].

Yang Han was fleeing, but Cunyu Lingyin was not.

All her psychic energy was in this strongest blow, if it wasn't because the surrounding inherent barrier was integrated with this strongest blow, it would have dissipated long ago.

Her way of thinking is exactly the opposite of Yang Han's. In Muramura Lingyin's opinion, there is no need to dodge at all. She is sure to die, and the other party has absolutely no chance of surviving. This move wants a result of both.

However, Murasame Lingyin didn't want to seek death, because she had already thought about how to resurrect.

 Confused... What should I do if I write such a large-scale attack on the crowd in Tiangong City... The inherent enchantment is designated to be unable to withstand it, Yang Han, don't let me write it to death~~ If you write it to death, you will be GG.

(End of this chapter)

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