Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 171 The Great Explosion

Chapter 171 The Great Explosion

The thin clouds can't cover the stars in the sky, and some cold night wind wanders here alone.This is a place 3500 meters above the ground in Tiangong City, so naturally there is nothing but Ye Feng.

However, in this area, at a certain moment, there was a violent explosion.The scope of the explosion is appalling. If the center of the explosion is placed on the ground, most of the entire neon map will be wiped out.

The scene was like the three-legged Golden Crow shot down by Hou Yi. The huge fireball was nearly [-] kilometers in diameter, and the aftermath of the high temperature enveloped the entire Tiangong City.

Underground, the temperature in the shelter used for evacuation is rapidly heating up.Nearly [-]% of the underground protective steel plates that can easily isolate space shocks have completely melted, and several layers of random territories (Territory) inside the steel plates have collapsed and failed.Although there were not many casualties, most of the underground defense stations in the neon area, including Tiangong City, were paralyzed.

As for the ground, it has already become a purgatory on earth.Tiangong City was originally in the shape of a basin. At this moment, the surrounding mountain rings were suddenly doubled, and all the streets on the ground were flattened. The shops and houses were not spared. The forests on the outskirts of the city were ignited by the fire and began to burn.

As for why all this happened so suddenly, only two people know, one is Yang Han, and the other is Cun Yu Lingyin.

So where are the two of them now?Follow me to take a closer look...

Yang Han is currently experiencing the thrill of the cannon being ejected from the chamber.

He, who was waiting to fly away while sticking to the inherent barrier, still underestimated the power of the superimposed explosion of the seven coronal stones.At the moment when Murasame Reine's inherent barrier shattered, before he had time to start sprinting to the distance, he was immediately pushed by the air wave and was forced to fly to the distance.

The scorching heat wave easily scorched his back, and his clothes were burnt as early as one face-to-face.If he hadn't cast several defensive spells one after another, as well as the passiveness of [Profane Injury] and the recovery of [Scorching Ghosts], he would have been completely burned to ashes during the throwing process.

However, Yang Han found his direction at the moment when he was blown away, and he rushed straight down obliquely under the heat wave.Not far from Tiangong City is the coast, falling into the sea, not only will not fall to death, but also can quickly cool down, it can be said to be the best place.

After falling into the sea with a "plop", there was a "sizzling" sound around him immediately, which was the sound of water being vaporized instantly.It is conceivable how high Yang Han's body temperature reached before falling into the water.

Following the inertia, Yang Han almost rushed hundreds of meters after entering the water before he stopped.Due to the water pressure, as soon as he stopped, he began to float up quickly again. When he came out of the water, Yang Han was completely tossed to death.

"Icarus, come and pick me up." Yang Han contacted Icarus with the passivity of summoning in his heart. At this moment, he was a little seriously injured, although there was still a small part of the source of God. Even if he is passive, he can persist for another half a minute, but it does not mean that he still has fighting power.

Icarus answered on Getia's side.Immediately after that, tell Ailian to go.

At this moment, all the girls on Getia are still in the midst of cuteness.

After both Yang Han and the original elf disappeared, they somehow received a big hooded elf with rabbit ears.Originally, Ailian was going to ask Ika to contact Yang Han to ask how to take care of the new elf, but the other party preemptively ordered her to evacuate Tiangong City immediately.

Just when he turned around and left Tiangong City and returned to the sea, he saw the big explosion scene like a small sun above the urban area.The aftermath of the explosion spread out for a hundred miles, and Gaitia swayed here and there for a long time, almost falling into the sea. As for the women in the ship, it is new that they are not in a daze.

After seeing the battle scene in the distance, Ailian, who has always boasted of being strong, felt fear in her heart. That kind of power was too terrifying, far beyond the scope of human cognition.The atomic bomb explosion is not terrible, what is terrible is standing in the range of the atomic bomb, waiting for the moment of death, and the scene of the explosion deeply shocked everyone in Getia.

"Master, rescue is needed." Of course, everyone does not include Icarus, who only worries about the terrifying explosion.Due to the summoning relationship with Yang Han, they can sense each other's general position and state of each other.After receiving Yang Han's weak telepathic message, she almost took over Ailian's control position and opened Gaitia by herself.

"Ah? Oh, where is he?" Ailian was stunned for a moment, but she managed to organize her thoughts and asked a key question.

"In the west sea area, less than [-] kilometers away from here," Icarus replied with a rare eagerness, pointing to the map screen in front of Ailian.


Yang Han's side is considered to be dangerous, so the next story will be divided into two parts, and let's talk about the situation in the center of the explosion in Tiangong City.

Muramare Reine, who did not choose to escape, completely disappeared after being swallowed by the heat wave.Her body may have been gasified, or it may have been blown into pieces and burned up. In short, she did not survive, and only a single colorful wing was blown to the ground. Covered with dirt and broken bricks.

So is she dead?The answer is no.

Muramare Reine, who lost her body, integrated her spirit body into the spirit crystal. The spirit crystal was hard enough to ensure that she barely survived. As for her current state, it can be said that she has become a creature similar to a soul body.

Now that she has become a spirit body, she almost doesn't have to worry about getting hurt, because all physical damage is no longer a threat to her.She fell to the ground along with her single wing formed by condensing ten spirit crystals, buried in the ground, and did not make any movement for a long time.

When all the explosions stopped, she struggled to get out of the mud again.The Murame Lingyin who got out had a ghostly body, with a single colorful wing growing on the back, and the light on the wing was extremely dim, as if telling her own weakness.

She felt so tired, but finally "victory".At the moment when the explosion just happened, she saw that the other party was also wrapped in a heat wave, and then looked at her own results. She had already confirmed Yang Han's death without guessing.

Although such a high price is not worth it, the opponent is too powerful, so it is a last resort.Thinking in this way, Muramame Lingyin took a difficult step, but she didn't know where she was going.

"Ah... long time no see, partner of justice." The unique and elegant voice suddenly came from in front of Murasame Lingyin, the voice seemed to be greeted by acquaintances, but it was inexplicably sarcasm.

"It's you..." The weak Murasame Lingyin raised her head and looked at the other person. The girl in front of her was quite familiar to her. She was her pawn and would become the last straw that broke the camel's back.

 There are still three dramas of Liu Gu, Qi Zui, and Mei Jiu that have not been written~ What should I I still want to write it?The big turning point in the next episode, whether to write or not, is at that moment~ Speaking of which, I have laid out Meijiu’s plot in front of me, and now I not only write it, but I always feel...but it has exceeded the standard, and there will be [-] chapters soon, entangled!
(End of this chapter)

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