Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 173 Another year in a hurry

Chapter 173 Another Year in a Hurry

Time flies, time flies.Since Murasame Lingyin was wiped out, he passed away for more than a year soon.

After more than a year, the world Yang Han lived in gradually returned to calm, and the space shock that had been feared by human beings completely disappeared in the world half a year ago.

Sky City is now thriving again.Because of the big explosion last year, the landform here was rewritten, so the current Tiangong City is bigger than before.

DME Club and Ratatosk seemed to have evaporated from the world. After Murasame Reine's defeat, they disappeared immediately. AST also secretly disbanded last month, as if these mysterious organizations had never appeared before.

After recovering from his injury, Yang Han continued his house life.

After the end of the war a year ago, this world can almost be said to have completed the strategy, but Yang Han did not choose to leave for a long time.One is because his own traversal skills are still on CD (CoolDownTime cooldown time), although this cooldown will be gradually shortened with the improvement of his divine source, but now it will take three years for Yang Han to recover from CD.But now the cooldown is almost over, and the CD can be completely refreshed in no more than a month.

Nearly three years have passed since leaving Huihui and the others in the blink of an eye. It is absolutely impossible to say that I don't want them.

Now he has mastered several spirit crystals, and has copied all of them with God's Treasure, which means that Yang Han can give others spirit crystals to keep them young forever and gain great strength.This is one of the purposes of his trip, to find a way for Huihui to live forever.

In addition, there is a cure for Wolbach's problem of twins eating each other.To put it bluntly, her problem is lack of energy. If her own energy or faith is sufficient, she can fully prolong her life, or split into two personalities again.For Yang Han at this moment, there is no problem that cannot be solved by one spirit crystal, if there is, then use two!
Yang Han, who misses his hometown, has successfully completed the purpose of this trip, but there are some problems that bother him. This new trouble is the placement of Shixiang and other women.

Yang Han once euphemistically suggested that he was going to travel through time, but was unanimously rejected by all the girls!After Origami learned that the reason why the other party could return to the other world was because of his sufficient energy, he even immediately fought with him, in order to consume all the energy in Yang Han's body.

However, during this year, Yang Han not only copied her spirit crystals, but also copied the spirit crystals of Kuangsan and Yoshino, and his strength has skyrocketed to level 38.Although the newly obtained Shenyuan elements are uneven, they have also improved him in all aspects.Today's Origami is facing Yang Han again, it can almost be said that even consumption is difficult.

By the way, Yang Han, who had copied it over and over again, also put the replica of the spirit crystal back on the bodies of several women.Girls want to stay young forever.Faced with strength, eternal lifespan and eternal beauty, even Tohka, who has always been silly and sweet, chose to accept it.

Now all the girls are superheroes.

The spirit crystals left in each of them are incomplete copies, but they have better effects than before.Yang Han deliberately removed the parts related to [reversal] and rampage in the original spirit crystal through his ability, so the women now not only have the power of being elves, but can also easily control them, and they will not be affected by emotions or other reasons. Out of control.

"We're back." A large group of girls walked into Getia one after another, led by Tohka, followed by the Yamai sisters and Kotori.Origami still needs a while, and she went to pick up Yoshino who was still in elementary school.

Under the cold appearance, there is often hidden tenderness that cannot be seen through, and origami is like this.When facing Yoshino, she can always reveal a gentle inner character.Maybe it's because the Seven Sins haven't shown up yet, but now Origami and Yoshino have become the best sisters.No, it might be more appropriate to call them foster mothers and daughters.

Kotori and Shidao completely lost contact in this year, Shidou seemed to have evaporated from the world, and Yang Han did not find out after several searches.Perhaps it was because of his special physique that even the [Words] had no effect on him.The same is true for DEM and Ratatosk, making Yang Han wonder if they fought each other and lost both.

Kotori, who thinks she has lost her brother, has matured a lot in the past year. She is now in the first year of junior high school, and her family has moved to Getia.After more than a year of getting along, although Qinli still has a heart about the disappearance of his brother and parents, he has practiced hard in private to master the spirit crystal, and now he has become much stronger.

As for Kuang San, she used her ability to teleport to Getia early, much faster than Tohka and the others, and she might be drinking black tea in her room now!For more than a year, Kuangsan was still withdrawn, which also showed her other side, not very good at communicating with others.

Kuang San, who is as elegant as a young lady, lived in Getia very familiarly after Yang Han recovered from his serious injury.However, she has a very strange behavior, that is, the main body and the clone coexist.

She never recalled the avatar that Kuang San originally kept beside Yang Han, so now she is like a pair of twins.Two identical Kuangsan are studying in different schools, one is in Laizen High School and the other is in Longdanji Women's College.

Although Yang Han was very puzzled by this, he didn't raise too many questions. Kuang San's actions have always been unpredictable. Although he has some original memories that can be speculated, the development of the story has changed a long time ago, and he can't see why. up.

As for how Kurumi came to Getia, and how she handed over her spiritual crystal, these series of stories seem a little unpredictable.

The other party's excuse to Yang Han was that he wanted to find a place to live after joining the war, so he came here.And the spirit crystal on Kuangsan's body was handed to Yang Han by her own hands. As for why she could take it out of her body, Yang Han didn't know.

Only Kuang San knows the reason for this, after all, apart from her original spirit crystal, there is also a village rain Lingyin imprisoned in her body!

Muramame Lingyin was imprisoned by Kuangsan in her own chaotic vortex. She appeared to be very honest this year, doing nothing and not tossing around. For a long time, there was no struggle.Her spiritual body seems to have lost any fighting spirit at this moment, and just wants to stay in the whirlpool honestly.

This made Kuang San vigilant, but she didn't know what the other party wanted to do.Muramare Lingyin's strange state made Kuangsan very confused. The other party has now become a soul without a body. She has no ability to kill the other party. She can only imprison the other party and give him a life sentence.

 There are too many foreshadowings, and it seems a bit messy. As for the avatar foreshadowing written by Kuangsan, I will explain them one by one later. Please don't worry about asking if the article doesn't make sense, so stay tuned.

(End of this chapter)

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