Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 174 Finding Beauty 9

Chapter 174

Tuk tuk tuk! "Kang San, it's almost time to eat." Along with the knock on the door, Yang Han's voice came into Kuang San's room from outside the door.

The two women in the room looked at each other, looking at their familiar self, without speaking.

They tacitly put down the tea cups in their hands one after another, got up and walked towards the door.

Now Gaetia's dining table has become completely lively. Surrounding the table from Yang Han's left hand side are Icarus, Tohka, Yoshino, Origami, Kurumi and her avatar, Kotori, Yawu sisters, Nia and Ailian.

Eating in an atmosphere surrounded by a group of beautiful girls is not very enjoyable. Yang Han defines himself as "too popular trash can".Ever since I picked up the bowls and chopsticks at the dining table, I no longer have the right to choose when eating.There is never a shortage of food in his bowl, but rarely does he like it.

But today is fine, today's dinner is curry rice, this kind of curry is nothing to fault, so he is lucky to have survived a little bit today.

"The well-known singer Yoshiro Tsukino was revealed today to have affairs with many men, and a 14-year-old young girl who just came of age is so shameless..." The dinner table tonight was as lively as ever, and they were joking and chatting with each other They were staring at the sky, but a piece of news that came out of the TV in the restaurant immediately stopped everyone's voices.

It was Yang Han who reacted first. He stared at the TV and blinked, then put down the plate containing curry very calmly, and then said in a very flat voice: "I'm full, eat slowly." After finishing speaking , he got up and walked out of the room.

However, it was this calm approach that shocked the girls.They seldom see the lazy Yang Han showing a calm and well-behaved side. Generally, when the other party behaves in the most orderly manner, it is the most worrying.

"What's wrong with him?" The second person to speak was Origami, and the person she asked was Icarus.In her opinion, the one who knows Yang Han best is Icarus.

"Master is in a bad mood, probably because of the news just broadcast on TV." Through the telepathy of summoning, Icarus roughly guessed and gave the answer.After that, she also stood up and put away the plate in front of her, because she didn't want to eat any more.

"Do you know Yang Han, the daughter-in-law? Is he still a fanboy?" Ailian followed the atmosphere and calmed down. She didn't care much about these things, but she didn't know what kind of wind she was having today, so she would ask such a question.The person Ai Lian asked was Erya. Although the two of them may look very young on the outside, they are indeed two old women who are half a century old in heart, so they can chat together.

"I don't know. Oh, I'm not very hungry today, I'm not going to eat, I'm going back to draw manga." Erya said that she didn't quite understand, and followed Icarus to get up and put away her own plate.

I don't know if it was because of the infection or what happened, all the girls present got up one after another, cleaned up and left the restaurant, and then went back to their respective rooms.They all lost their appetites by coincidence, and they didn't know if someone would be hungry in the middle of the night.

After Yang Han left the restaurant, he didn't go to his own room, but went to the portal on the lower floor of Getia.He wanted to leave Getia for a trip, and go find the Shashiro Tsukino mentioned in the inside news.

Xiao Daiyue is the stage name used by this singer after his debut, and his real name is Yu Xiao Mijiu.That's right, she is the girl who escaped from the original plot and made her debut two years ago because of Icarus's "fallen down".Of course, Yang Han doesn't know about this yet.

He also only had a half-knowledge of the plot of the original novel. Yang Han didn't know exactly when Mi Jiu made her debut, and it could be said that she almost ignored her because of the time.But what upset him the most was not these things, but because of the scandal that occurred in Meijiu.

In the original book, this happened as well.

Meijiu's acting career was smooth, until she rejected a TV producer's "deal" (an unspoken rule in the entertainment world-sleeping with her), the sudden smear scandal caused Meijiu's reputation to plummet.In particular, the 180-degree change in the fans' attitude made her very painful and mentally exhausted. In the end, she suffered from psychogenic aphonia and lost her voice, turning into an elf.

But that should be after another year or two. As for the reason why the setting was brought forward, Yang Han doesn't know now.But he understood very well that Meijiu is only 14 years old now, and there are scumbags who want to attack such a young girl. This is simply intolerable!
Therefore, he left Getia immediately, aiming directly at the villa area in the western suburbs of Tiangong City.

Having lived in the surrounding area of ​​Tiangong City for two years, even though Yang Han didn't go out much, he still subtly remembered the location of the villa area.And from the TV news just now, Yang Han has already seen a scene he is familiar with, which is a place very close to the former AST branch. The building behind the news reporter is obviously Miku’s home, and that location, he can find it.

Not long after, Yang Hanfei fell to the ground, and the place where he landed was in the courtyard of Meijiu's family.

Yang Han walked unhurriedly, walking towards the house in the courtyard as if returning to his own home.When I came to the door and pushed the door open, there was not even a security guard in the huge yard, which I have to say is a very strange thing.

This is actually because Yang Han doesn't understand Mei Jiu's current situation.It can be said that Meijiu is not very rich now. After her parents passed away, they only left her a big house with inherent assets and a small fixed deposit.Meijiu has already spent more than half of her learning music, and also spent a lot of money on establishing relationships all the way from her debut to becoming popular. Although Meijiu looks good on the outside, she doesn't really have much money.

Her current salary as a singer can basically lead a limited life that is better than ordinary people, but it is still a little insufficient when it comes to hiring drivers and bodyguards.Moreover, Meijiu's ability to live is not very strong, and she still has servants, but they are just aunts who take care of the house hygiene and provide her with food, not bodyguards.

The wooden door was pushed open.It should be said that Meijiu thinks that the security environment of Nihong is good, or should it be said that the other party has no time to worry about these things, in short, the gate is not locked.

Yang Han pushed the door and walked in, locked the door behind him, took off his shoes, and searched slowly from room to room.The house is very big, and Yang Han didn't know which room the other party lived in. It took him a full 10 minutes to find it.

It wasn't until he walked up to the second floor that he could tell the room Miku was in because he heard faint crying sounds.

 Yesterday, 51 new subscriptions were added. I used to be 230. I am speechless.I haven't played well recently, and I have a lot of work near the eleventh day, and the ending of the critical chapter is a bit sloppy. I hope everyone will forgive me.I will strive to write the most complete ending for the dating chapter, and it is expected to be completed during the October [-] holiday.The new chapter is beginning to be measured, but the number of people participating in the voting is currently only a poor three, so it is a bit general and cannot be determined.If the number of people is really small, I may consider choosing my favorite world to write, and I hope everyone will like it.

(End of this chapter)

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