Chapter 179 Advance Action

Many years ago, Karen thought that her sister who had been dominated by killing was hopeless, so she parted ways with her and came to Ratatosk to become Woodman's secretary.

But now, Karen is a little confused.

After working under Woodman for so many years, she found that this man is not as glorious as he looks, and his justice is basically listening to another person.On the dark side, this man has definitely done more than one wicked thing.

But she wasn't about to run away and leave Ratatosk elsewhere.

Knowing who Woodman is, she knows very well that if she dares to escape here, she who has mastered a large number of internal secrets of Ratatosk will definitely be silenced. A dead end.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Karen walked into the house and asked, ignoring the mess around her.

She is a woman with strong execution ability, and her strength is to face everything calmly, which is the same as her sister.Therefore, for Kallen, who has nowhere to go, her job now is to assist the man in front of her, and she doesn't care about anything else.

Karen is weirder than her sister. Unlike Ailian, who is a battle freak, she is a workaholic, and an underground workaholic who likes espionage and intelligence work very much.She likes the feeling of winning without fighting with the chips in her hands. As for the reason, it is just like her sister's preference for fighting, so she has no way of knowing.

"Immediately assemble all the core troops and restart Fraxinus. The target is the Tiangong City TV station headquarters." Woodman said in a low voice, obviously the anger has not yet been suppressed.

"Yes." Kallen, who is proficient in observing words and expressions, easily saw through Woodman's state without asking any questions, and exited the door after agreeing.

After watching the opponent leave, Woodman resumed his movements.He walked to a hidden corner of the room, turned his back and fiddled a few times, and a secret door opened from the floor in the middle of the room.He moved his feet and walked in, and the secret door was closed again the next moment, without leaving any traces.

Woodman walked down the stairs in the secret passage, and soon reached a door, knocked twice, and the door opened from the inside.

Through the gap beside the door opener, one can see that the interior decoration is very exquisite, which is in sharp contrast with the dark secret passage outside the door.However, in Woodman's eyes, this room is not even qualified to serve as a foil for the person who opened the door in front of him, because in his eyes, the beauty of the person in front of him has surpassed everything in this world.

"Lingyin, I have wronged you during this time." Woodman said with tenderness in his eyes, but in the eyes of an uninformed outsider, Woodman would probably regard him as a slut.Because the person who opened the door looked at his appearance alone, and his age was probably more than enough for him to be his daughter.

The person who opened the door was none other than Murasame Reine, the original elf who was swallowed by Kuang San's body a year ago.

"What are you doing here?" Murasame Lingyin asked blankly as usual.He didn't give the other party any good looks at all, and was completely indifferent to Woodman's words of concern.

"I'm sorry, Lingyin, I don't want to bother you, but that bastard Westcott may spoil our event, so I'm here to discuss it with you." Woodman quickly explained, as if worried that the other party would give birth to him Compared with him who was outside just now, his aura is so-so, he is a completely different person.

"What did he do?" Muramura Lingyin frowned slightly, and continued to ask indifferently.

"He was very unlucky and happened to meet the adjudicator, and now he has fought, and he has also dispatched all the power of the DEM agency." Woodman said.

"That self-righteous trash...Woodman, tell me your opinion." Although Murasame Lingyin's expression was still paralyzed, there was some resentment in her tone.

"My point of view... I think the top priority can only be advanced for a while, and now there is an ordinary girl who needs to be protected by the arbiter, and the effect may not be bad. Otherwise, Westcott is dead. It's even lower." Woodman obviously looked at the frowning Murura Reine in a daze, and was taken aback for a moment before he opened his mouth.

"Well, then prepare people to support. Don't hold back your hands, use all of them." Murasame Lingyin lowered the corners of his eyes and nodded, as if ordering.

"I see, then Lingyin, rest well, I won't bother you anymore." Woodman agreed, knowing Muramare Lingyin's temper, he chose to leave with some reluctance.

"Well, let's go, I will go out later." Lingyin waved her hand and was about to close the door again.But Woodman was very excited, just because Murasame Reine decided to go out for a while.

After Woodman left, Murura Reine returned to the house and sat down. She closed her eyes gently and began to talk to herself, "The situation has changed. The adjudicator has already fought with Westcott. You There must also be early action.”

At the same time, in another piece of darkness, the figure bound by the blood-red iron chains transformed by several auras moved slightly, and a ray of red glow faintly lit up on the figure's head.


As always, Gaetia was a little empty, because today is a holiday, and the girls have all gone out to play.After all, Gaitia is only that big, and it will always feel cramped after staying for a long time. Going out for shopping and playing is the life that girls like.

But Kuang San and her avatar are not listed here, she is drinking black tea and chatting with her avatar.Before becoming an elf, Kuang San used to be a young lady, and her temperament of staying at home was cultivated since she was a child. Therefore, compared to the active Tohka and others, she prefers to stay indoors.

"It's almost there, myself." Kuang San put down his teacup lightly, and said to her clone without changing his face.

"What's the matter?" the avatar asked with some doubts.

What they were talking about just now was the difference between each other's schools, and the sudden words made Kuang San's avatar very confused.

"Of's almost time for me to be resurrected again!" The elegant smile on Kuang San's main body slowly withdrew, and then he stood up suddenly and kicked his clone.

Before the mad three clone could react, he was caught off guard by this sudden attack and flew out backwards.She got up with difficulty and looked at her body, and she could see that the kick was not clear.

"You... What exactly is..." Kuang San's body gritted his teeth and stood up against the wall beside him, clutching his lower abdomen and asking.

"Me? Am I Tokisaki Kuangzo? As for you, you are dead from now on!" Kuangsan gathered the spiritual power in his palm and turned it into an ancient pistol. Simultaneously shot.The bullet flew out, and the target pointed directly at the forehead of Kuang San's avatar...

(End of this chapter)

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