Chapter 180 Seven Sins
Facing the bullets attacking his face, Clone Kuangsan used the power of Emperor Keke to dodge dangerously and dangerously, but before he could catch his breath, a series of magic bullet attacks were fired again by the body Kusan .

Faced with several magic bullets like raindrops, Clone Kuangsan wanted to dodge again, but his body was no longer able to do what he wanted.At this critical moment, a pair of pink wings stood in front of her.

The sound of "bang bang" bullets hit the wings one after another, but did not leave any scars, and the owner of the wings was standing in front of the avatar Kuangsan like a mountain, blocking all damage for him.

"Icarus, run away, that clone has been brainwashed and controlled by the enemy, if you don't catch him quickly, there will be big trouble." The ontology crazy three villains first complained.

"Don't trust her, she is really dominated by the enemy..."

"I know, I can hear more than 70% malicious emotions from her tone of voice, so don't worry, I can tell who the enemy is." Icarus interrupted the third clone without turning his head said to it.

"Oh? Can you still do this kind of thing? But it doesn't matter, you can wait until later to die." After listening to Icarus's words, the ontology madman showed a slight difference. She retracted the gun while speaking, and her face gradually changed from elegant to elegant. Converted to indifference.

When the last word of her words fell, her body gradually blurred, and finally turned into a black and red intertwined airflow that merged into the ground of Getia and disappeared.

"Icarus, quickly take me to Yang Han's place, the guy inside is [the first elf]!" After the aura of Kuang San's body disappeared, the avatar Kuang San leaned against the wall and said weakly to Icarus.

"Master went out last night and is not on Getia now." Icarus explained apologetically.

"That guy always loses the chain at critical moments, so can you locate his position?" Kuang San asked.

"Please wait a moment... the master is probably in the city center, and it seems that he has already started a fight with someone." After closing his eyes for two seconds, Icarus replied by opening his eyes again.

"The [First Elf] is probably looking for trouble with him, we'd better hurry over there too. By the way, didn't the others go shopping in the city center, please tell them to help, I have a hunch, the original elf One action was premeditated." Clone Kuangsan's expression rarely showed a little anxiety, and he asked Icarus.

"Okay Miss Crazy Third." Icarus agreed, and quickly ran towards the control room with the Crazy Three Cloak in the arms of a princess.


Besides, on Yang Han's side, the battle on his side has intensified. At this time, he is no longer as aggressive as he was at the beginning, but he still can't solve it for a while.

First of all, he was a bit restrained holding Mei Jiu, and secondly because there were too many miscellaneous soldiers in the DEM club.I don't know how many mechanical troops they built during the year of hiding. Anyway, Yang Han almost consumed [-]% of Shenyuan's killing and killing, and he didn't kill them all.

"The DEM company is really rich. It has produced so many mechanical soldiers in one year, but it is still not enough!" Yang Han waved his hand again and summoned several weapons from the treasure of God, while shooting the last few dozen mechanical soldiers. Said, as for Miku, she was still hugging desperately in his arms.

"Judgment! Judgment! Judgment!" Westcott's eyes were reddened at this moment. He didn't have the slightest move against Yang Han, who was faster and stronger than himself. It can only be crazy throwing spiritual bombs, hoping to cause more obstacles to Yang Han.

"Don't struggle, die, you old bastard." When the last mechanical soldier was shot down, Yang Han didn't hesitate, he still used the treasure of God to summon a weapon, and then shot To Westcott.

He was still very happy to exercise his muscles and bones, which was a rare event, but he had been fighting for a while, and Yang Han, who was a little bored, was ready to decide to end this struggle, so the number of weapons summoned this time was more than [-]% more than just now.

Facing a huge mass of swords, guns, swords and halberds overwhelming the sky, Westcott reluctantly blocked it with aura bullets, but seeing that Yang Han, who was more numerous in number, was about to kill him, he had no way of doing anything.

Just when a spear was about to hit his body, a broom with a strange shape spun and rushed towards him. When it collided with the spear, it also changed their flight trajectories at the same time, thus killing him.

"Oh? It's her!" Yang Han's eyes caught the trajectory of the broom flying back, followed it, and saw a figure that surprised him.

The owner of this broom is a green-haired imperial lady, with a pair of emerald-like eyes inlaid under the uncombed and slightly fluffy green long hair.He wears a pointed hat inlaid with emeralds and a purple bodysuit with a hexagram pattern, and over the bodysuit is a cloak with a copper edge.Although the equipment is strange, the taste of the combination is uniquely beautiful, so Yang Han took a few more glances.

"I am the Seven Sins. Judge, I'm sorry, I was entrusted by others, you must be arrested without a fight." The visitor took back the broom and sat down on it, looked at Yang Han and said.

"Sure enough! I didn't expect to find out for so long, so I went to the DEM agency." Yang Han wrapped his left hand around Mijiu's waist, standing in the air and talking to himself.

"Do you recognize me?" Because Yang Han didn't deliberately lower his voice during this soliloquy, Seven Sins heard it too, so she asked in surprise.

"I know, I've been looking for you for a while, but I didn't find it later, so I didn't bother to look for it. Aren't you just a little girl from Seven Sins, but this Yujie's appearance is also quite eye-catching, um, your aesthetics are very good." Yang Yang Han looked at Qi Sin's appearance and said some inexplicable words.

"What, what, do you know what I really look like?" Qi Zui was taken aback, his face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy, and his voice dropped.

"I know, I also know that you like the corner of the house and hate group actions! But then again, Seven Sins Lolita, why did you go to the DEM club?" Yang Han didn't know how to read his face at all, or he could Said that he saw it, but still decided to tell the truth.

"Kill you……"

"What did you say?" Because the other party's voice was very low, Yang Han pretended not to hear clearly and asked as if he was listening.

"I said I'll kill you!!!" Seven Sins yelled, waving the broom and shooting out several beams of spiritual power, as if completely enraged.

No one can figure out why she suddenly became so agitated, only Yang Han and Qi Zui himself know.

As if waltzing with Mijiu in the air, Yang Han easily dodged the opponent's spiritual beam, and the battle started again.

In the gap between Westcott and Seven Sins attacking Yang Han, far above the three of them, a golden figure slowly descended from a high altitude...

 Stay one more day tomorrow and go home!Long live!It will be updated every day from the [-]th, well, it is estimated that the dating chapter may be over before the end of the holiday.The author knelt down on the ground and begged for forgiveness for the lack of dramas of the respective characters. I will try my best to change it in the next chapter.Recently, some readers have said that the books are getting worse and worse. I also know the reason for this, that is, I am a little tired of writing, because the dating chapters are not well written, and the whimsical storyline makes the story frame full of loopholes. The long update is difficult and real life even makes me forget what I wrote in the early stage.I will try my best to correct this point in the next volume. By the way...the author hasn't decided what the next volume will be...I'm really entangled! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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