Chapter 185

Murasame Reine's remaining right hand was clutching the bear doll on her chest tightly, her scorched hair looked messy.Looking at Yang Han's direction with sharp eyes, he said with a small blood-stained mouth: "You won, the arbiter."

After all, his body fell on his back and began to fall to the ground, and the bear in his chest pocket was also thrown into the air due to its light weight.

In the sky, the people who watched Murasame Lingyin fall from the sky had not had time to make the next move, but more figures joined the battle circle at this moment.

Shixiang cut several mechanical soldiers into two pieces with a sword in his hand; the Yawu sisters followed closely behind at a super high speed, and the chains and knight spears flew at each other, piercing and tearing the enemy; origami was even more simple and rude , the floating guns around the body continued to shoot in all directions, completely indiscriminate attacks; only Erya and Ailian knew how to support, and they killed Yang Han in a straight line.

The [City of Eating Time] summoned by Kuangsan enveloped the surroundings, except for Yang Han's party, the rest of the people immediately noticed their physical discomfort; Getiane, but the situation of the battle at this moment has no room for turning around.

At the same time, only Yang Han was still watching the village rain Lingyin just fell to the ground.A big hole was punched out on the hard roadside, and the people in it might not die or have half their lives left.

"You guys clean up the mess, I'll go down and have a look." After leaving such a sentence, Yang Han's figure fell rapidly and rushed towards the direction of Cun Yu Lingyin.

"What's so interesting, you've been beaten like that, can you still run away?" Ailian looked at Yang Han's leaving figure, and after muttering, she immediately rushed into the battle circle, facing one of the few the enemy to kill.

"Oh, there must be something pitiful for a hateful person." Erya shook her head, and followed Ailian closely, helping to eliminate the surrounding mechanical soldiers.

Due to the support of a large number of raptor mechanical troops brought by Getia, the battle circle shrank extremely quickly.The core troops brought by Ratatosk faced more than three times the enemy raptor troops, and were wiped out within 3 minutes.

The base ship Fraxinus also took the initiative to send a communication soon, and the person who communicated claimed to be named Karen.The original captain Woodman has been captured and imprisoned by him, and he is willing to surrender unconditionally.

Seeing that the original elves had no chance of making a comeback, Seven Sins and Liu Gu had no choice but to surrender in the face of several girls who were also elves, and they had no angels in their hands.

When Westcott, the middle school old man, looked at Ailian on Getia's side, he felt nothing but bitterness in his heart.After he surrendered, he was talking about what to do when he fell into the darkness, but Ailian, who was tired of listening, simply knocked the other party out.

Since then, the battle about the original elves has come to an end.In addition to the messy mess on the ground, only Murasame Lingyin lying in the big hole on the ground has not yet received the final verdict.

At this moment, Yang Han was squatting at the foot of the place, looking at the dying opponent.

"Ahem, woo... No, look at me like this. Come on, adjudicator, it's time to punish me." Coughing twice, Cunyu Lingyin, who coughed up a mouthful of blood, lay on the ground, looked at Yang Han, and said.Even at this time, her voice was still calm.

"How many times have I said that I am no longer called the adjudicator. Really, you are not too young, why are you still a second-year student like Westcott." Yang Han sat cross-legged beside the other party and said.

"I'm defeated, but you have to promise me one thing! Don't hurt Wuhe Shidao." Murasame Lingyin didn't care about Yang Han's angry words, and continued like an order.

"If you're not sure, don't tell me. Change your tone. If you're so tyrannical, are you forcing me to kill him?" Yang Han said.

"you dare!"

"What am I afraid of?"


"You think things too simply, don't you? First, have you counted how many people you have hurt..."

"What do those people have to do with me?" Before Yang Han finished speaking, Cunyu Lingyin stared at him indifferently.

"Then ok, even if I don't move Wuhe Shidao, since the people you hurt can't avenge you who died, is it okay for them to hurt Wuhe Shidao?" The twig poked Murasame Reine's cheek.

"..." Muramura was speechless, she didn't even bother to pay attention to Yang Han poking her cheek, through her eyes it seemed that she was imagining that Wuhe Shidao would be torn apart by a group of enemies after her death A ravaged scene.

"Secondly, you said that it's okay to catch bad old men like Woodman and Westcott, and forget about it. Where did the beautiful girls recruit you? Do Kuangsan's parents have any grievances with you? You kill them, I won't trouble you, do you think Kuang San will let you go?"

"..." Murasame Lingyin was still silent.

"Third, do you think I won't bother you?"

"Please, please, don't hurt Shidou..." Murasame Reine's voice finally trembled at this moment, her eyes were no longer so cold, and all that was left was panic and pleading.

She is not afraid of anything, perhaps because of inhuman reasons, she has not been an ordinary person since she was born, and has no too much affection for human beings. One person can cause her bondage.

"Why? You have to give me a reason! As far as I know, you have a son and a daughter, right? But you almost ignore your daughter, why do you care so much about your son? Could it be..."

"It's nothing!!!" Murasame Lingyin suddenly showed an extremely eager expression.

"No, could it be! This [Could it be] is that Wuhe Shidao is not your son at all, or it can be said that he was in the past, but now it is just a tool you use to revive [Chong Gong]!" Yang Han stood up and stretched his body. , The originally playful expression gradually changed to scrutiny.

"You haven't woken up until now! Some people are alive, but they are already dead, and some people are dead, but they are still alive! Regarding the dead [Chong Gong], you chose to take revenge on this world by any means, and used all vicious means to hope that the other party would be resurrected , but do you really know what he thinks? You are blaspheming him, turning his children into resurrection sacrifices, turning the people of the world into your toys, garbage in the manufacturing process, the original elf, you, I don't understand people's hearts."

"I...I..." Murasame Lingyin and I couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"What me? Do you think that death will only return to the original point? No one will pursue this matter anymore? You are wrong! Now, you have to be responsible for the whole story of this matter, give me a good Accept God's judgment!" Yang Han said, throwing the twig aside, pointing at the village rain ring on the ground with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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