Chapter 186 Red Devils
The abominable space quake once again destroyed Tiangong City. While ordinary people kept cursing this damn disaster, there was nothing they could do about it.But people's hands are hardworking, and one month is enough for most buildings to stand up again.

Since the first battle where the elves were defeated, another month has passed quickly. During this month, many things happened.

The first thing to talk about is naturally the original elf.The original elf, that is, Takamiya Mio, this existence has disappeared from this world forever.But a woman named Murasame Reine survived.

Today, Reine Muramame is just an ordinary person who has lost a lot of memory, except for the memory of having a 14-year-old son and a 12-year-old daughter, and only a few remnants of daily life.A family of three settled down in the North District of Tiangong City, and the mother opened a clinic to earn money to support the family.

That's right, this Murura Reine is the once powerful Takamiya Mio.After Yang Han took away all the remaining spirit crystals in her body, he used spiritual power and various magic-sealing crystals to save her life, and used the future recording ability of [嗫话章帙] to redefine her memory, Today's Muramaro Lingyin has forgotten all the hatred, and there is only one emotion left - redemption.

Although she lost all her spirit crystals, her body is still an elf body, not an ordinary person.In the countless years to come, she will see the life and death of many people, including her own children getting old, but she can only save ordinary people who should not die, and has no extraordinary ability anymore.In the future, Cura Yulingyin will see countless life and death. This is Yang Han's punishment for her on behalf of everyone.

Wuhe Qinli lost her righteous brother Shidao because her brother's memory was changed, but she also grew a lot through this, and did not refute Yang Han's decision.Kotori is determined to set up a new organization called Ifrit to maintain the peace of the world and help those in need.

Therefore, Yang Han gave her the newly confiscated Fraxinus as a stronghold, and sent Karen to her as an assistant.

As for the original owner of Fraxinus, Woodman, and the former boss Westcott of DME, those two old guys were thrown into prison by Yang Han casually.

Woodman has always focused on mechanical research, and he is just an ordinary person. After being arrested, there is basically no room for turning around.Coupled with the fact that the memory in the body was tampered with by Yang Han using [嗫话章帙], he has become a bad old man with no value at all;

Westcott is a little troublesome, but only a little troublesome.Because this middle school old man is still a little weird, after investigation, it turns out that there is a low-end nonsense-like spirit crystal installed in the opponent's body.After this thing was pulled out by Yang Han, Westcott's whole body seemed to have languished, and his body's overdraft was obviously running out.

In short, the two old men have nothing to say, and they can't make any waves now, so let's talk about why Seven Sins and Liu Kui wanted to help the [Original Spirit]!
The seven sins are due to low self-esteem, wanting to maintain the image of Yujie (she is actually a loli, she became Yujie because of the ability of an angel), and committed it when Muramame Lingyin threatened to take back the spirit crystal; This is just the opposite. Because of her own abilities, she was alienated by her adoptive parents and hated by her step-sister, hoping to give up her abilities.

Yang Han's solution to this was naturally at hand.He first took out the spirit crystals of the two, and then installed the purest part that was not mixed with reverse energy to the two, and everything was resolved.

Liu Gu didn't even want a pure spirit crystal, but when he heard Yang Han say that he could stay young forever, hehe, how many girls can resist such a temptation?
After taking care of the two new elves, Yang Han used the funds confiscated from Ratatosk and DEM to establish a new company——Red Devils.Although it is translated as Red Devils, the company actually runs an amusement park, so it's okay to be weird.

Red Devils looks like an amusement park on the outside, but its real purpose is to give elf girls a place to live.Each of them is not an ordinary person, but they must have a proper identity to live in this world, so they finally made such a decision.

Shixiang and the others are not responsible for the management, they just live in the amusement park, so that they can not only cover up their identities, but also have a place to play at any time, which is the best of both worlds.The amusement park hadn't been built in a month, but Yang Han used the power of DEM and Ratatosk to speed up the process a lot, and soon the girls could live in it.

These external forces are often very powerful. At least after the construction of the amusement park started, governments all over the world have paid attention to this matter one after another, and no one dared to provoke it.These are all secrets, but they are also a tacit taboo of all parties.Everything about the elf incident can be hidden from ordinary people, but the big shots are well aware of it.

Since then, DEM and Ratatosk have been hiding behind the scenes, and the only one that is remembered by the big figures is Red Devils, which opened in the eastern district of Tiangong City.

"Yang Han! What about me? Did you forget about me, you bastard?" Standing outside the amusement park under construction, Ailian gritted her teeth holding a thick stack of documents.

"Oh!? You? Didn't you go to Qinli with Kalian?" Yang Han asked in surprise.

"Fuck your sister! I won't stay with that workaholic. Anyway, hurry up and find me some powerful sparring partners, or I'll use you as a sandbag!" A large stack of documents fell to the ground, and the anger and grievance that arose in my heart could no longer be suppressed, so I swear.

"Well, to be honest, there is really no place in the peaceful world for you to fight, but this amusement park is not included! This is the organization behind Kotori's Ifrit, and the income will be linked to the opponent's actions , from now on, you will be in charge of occasionally teaching Kotori-chan who has mastered [Scorching Ghosts]! Besides her, the aggressive Yamai sisters, Origami who has been suffering from battle sequelae after staying in AST for many years, the mischievous Seven Sins, the lazy Erya with terminal cancer... Aren't they all your best training partners?" Yang Han pressed his hands empty, signaling to the other party to be calm and calm down.

"Why does it sound like my future life will be like a nanny?" Ailian gritted her teeth.

"Ah... it's your illusion! Aha, ahahaha..."

"What about you? Why are you missing from all the plans?" Looking at Yang Han who was smiling awkwardly because his thoughts were exposed, Ailian lowered her head and didn't look at him, but asked in a low voice.

 At the end of the writing, I started to feel confused. It was extremely difficult to write a single word. Oh, the ending is so difficult to write~
(End of this chapter)

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