Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 187 The Girls' Farewell

Chapter 187 The Girls' Farewell
"What about you? Why are you missing from all the plans?" Looking at Yang Han who was laughing awkwardly because his thoughts were exposed, Ailian lowered her head and did not look at him, but asked in a low voice.

"Me! I still have some things to do that need to be done, and it's almost time to leave this world." Yang Han said.

"Do you have to go? Can't you stay?" Ailian blurted out, feeling that her brain might be burnt out.

"I have to go, because my woman is still at home waiting for me to go back!" Yang Han's voice was not loud, but he was unwavering, and his simple answer revealed traces of love that made Ailian jealous.

"Hmph, why don't you hurry up, it's too annoying to be in front of my eyes all day, go back to your world!" Ailian turned her head away, like a sulking little girl, not looking at Yang Han.

"Don't show such an expression, the boss is not young and still arrogant, be careful that you won't get married for the rest of your life!" Yang Han's height has increased a lot in the past two years, but there is still some gap with Ailian. Above the head, the movements are still a little weird.

However, Eileen did not escape.Compared with the deliberate provocation in the other party's words, the inexplicable emotions rising in her heart at this moment were so strong that she gave up and resisted.She silently felt the feeling of the other party's hand rubbing the top of her head. It wasn't comfortable, but it made her feel reluctant...

"When... are you leaving?" Ailian suddenly realized that the feeling after giving up and resisting seemed to be good!Thinking like this, she looked at Yang Han who was groping endlessly, and finally slapped the opponent's hand, and then asked.

"It depends on your mood! But it's only these two days, maybe it's the next moment, maybe it's the next moment." Yang Han said casually.

In fact, his traversal CD has been restored, and there are two main reasons why he didn't leave immediately.One is because they want to pave the way for the future of the girls, so they spend a lot of time on the aftermath; the other is because Fei Ya is helping to fuse Yang Han's fourth Shenyuan nucleus, so most of the Shenyuan energy has been embezzled up.

This is due to the large wave of gifts from the elves at the beginning. Who would have expected that she would carry so many spirit crystals on her body?After absorbing those spiritual crystals, Yang Han's strength has risen again and again, and with the help of Seven Sins and Six Sisters, he easily broke through level 45, and now he is even approaching level [-]!

Yang Han, who was overjoyed, immediately used these newly acquired elements of divine origin, in order to create an ability that would be more useful to him before leaving.

In fact, when he was about to leave the world of "Date A Live", he also had a strong sense of reluctance.After all, everyone has lived under the same roof for so long, and each of them is a beautiful girl. If it is said that he can walk so freely, Lian himself may not believe it.

So the ability Yang Han chose this time is the peculiar option of time!He didn't know how fast time would go when returning from the high world to the status world, so he gambled it all.If I win the bet, I will be able to control the time, and the next time I will meet the girls will not be the year or month but just a few days;

"Why do you always think it's time to leave!? Since you're leaving, why don't you tell everyone? At least, at least let everyone see you off..." Ailian punched Yang Han hard on the chest , bowed his head and said with a hint of resentment in his tone.

"Gently I leave, just as I came lightly, with a wave of my hand, I won't take a single cloud with me!"

"What kind of text is it? It's just a dead house. Let's go, everyone is still waiting in Getia!" Seeing this person who was as usual, who could make her angry when she met with just a few words, Ailian punched her again. Afterwards.

"...Sorry, the flag is a bit upright, I'm afraid you have to go back by yourself today." Yang Han did not keep up with the opponent's pace, but took a step back.

" just leave like this, everyone will never let you go!" Ailian looked at the other party who was only a step away, but seemed to be thousands of miles away, and her voice was more like a pleading than a warning.

"Hey, image, pay attention to image! Also, don't make it look like you're dying, maybe I'll be back in three days?" Yang Han supported his forehead and said to Ailian, who looked at the posture of his little daughter. .

"But, but how can you just leave?"

"Otherwise! Are you expecting me to tell some stupid girls in there? Whether it's Origami or Tohka, I don't want to be skewered by them, nailed to a nail board and imprisoned? And Yoshino Ah, Qinli, can I have the heart to leave when the little girls in the room cry?"

"Are these your last words?" Behind Yang Han, an impersonal voice suddenly came. It was Origami's usual voice, but today it sounded a little sickly.

"Brother Yang Han, do you want to leave?" It was Yoshino's voice.

"Who is little loli! Who would cry? You perverted brother!" This is Kotori in commander mode. She is wearing a red military uniform, and her arrogant tone is astonishingly lethal.

"Ah, ah, are you leaving? Mr. Yang Han, could it be that we are too many and your small body can't bear it?" This was Kuang San's voice.

"What a small body can't bear it! Kuang San, are you really going to take the majestic route!?" Yang Han turned around and complained to his back, but saw a lot of people coming.

Turning around, what Yang Han saw was not everyone as usual, but a group of girls with expressions like puppies abandoned by their masters.

"Hey, hey, what are your expressions? How can I go away with this look? Let me tell you first, I am a married man, if I don't go home, who will I talk to if my wife remarries!?" Yang Han panicked No, it was precisely because he couldn't see the expressions of the girls that he decided to leave silently.

"Master, Icarus will always be by your side." Icarus' figure descended from the sky, and when her figure landed, her pink wings were not retracted, and her right wing was like an arm wrapped around Yang Han.

"Don't make more trouble! These idiots won't have three meals a day without you, right?" Yang Han said while looking at Icarus beside him while holding his forehead.

"...Let Ika go with you." However, after Yang Han's words fell, the audience fell silent for a while, followed by all the girls saying in unison.

"Let Icarus be by your side, we can take care of ourselves." This is Origami's repeated words.

"Yi, sister Icarus, brother Yang Han, please." This is what Yoshino repeated.

"Hmph, watch out for this idiot Yi-ge, if he dares to attack other girls indiscriminately, please tell me!" This is what Kotori repeated.

"Who would shoot at other girls indiscriminately! Also, if Icarus leaves with me, tell me how she told you about my situation!" Still complaining as always, and Yang Han as always, causing trouble Yes, it's still the same charming laughter of the girls...

 The dating chapter is over!Wow, I'm so reluctant. Actually, I wanted to write a hundred chapters, but the follow-up was getting worse and worse. In the end, this is the story that the city and the countryside gave everyone.The author's writing skills are poor, I hope everyone can not be blamed, I will continue on the road of writing, although I don't know how long it will take, but I will continue to learn, keep writing, and strive to write so that I love Two-dimensional Mina-san's favorite work!Tomorrow is the last day of October [-]st, and there will still be double updates. In other words... I was planning to save some manuscripts and then be lazy after work, crying...

(End of this chapter)

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