Chapter 191 Goddess Eris

The morning in Axel was as refreshing as ever, the fragrance of the soil was refreshing, and the taste of nature was something that Kotori and the others never had in their world.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Han returned to this world and passed a week smoothly.Rather than saying that he survived smoothly, it would be better to say that he was more open to everything when he returned.

As for Akeya's nonsense, he completely suppressed it with violence; after Wolbach's avatar problem was solved, he became the housekeeper for the Suqing Pavilion, but this housekeeper was too lazy to clean up. The place still needs to be cleaned up by Yang Han and his party.

Due to the absorption of a large amount of spiritual power, Douzhisuke has changed from a small black cat to a big black panther, and has become a housekeeper god "dog". Hard work pays off.Needless to say, Huihui is the hostess, and even Yoyo will occasionally go for a ride, in order to get a chance to ride.

"Hey, Yang Han, I have something to ask you." This is Lalatina's voice.

"What, are you hungry? I have the nail clippings I just cut here." Yang Han, who was lazily lying on the sofa, cut his nails with nail clippers, and said to Lalatina who just came over and stood beside him. .

"Don't tempt me!"

"Eh... you really plan to eat it!?" Yang Han was more speechless than the other party.

"Ahem, I'm looking for you for a serious business. Someone wants to look for you." Lalatina coughed lightly and skipped the topic directly.

"You just changed the subject, you definitely did!"

"It's long-winded, don't interrupt! Master Chris is looking for you, and he is in a hurry." Lalatina, who was weak, rarely showed a serious face and said to Yang Han.

"My lord? Why is she looking for me? Also, why didn't she follow?" Although Yang Han was a little puzzled by Lalatina's way of speaking, he still rubbed his freshly polished nails and said without any haste.

"I don't know. Master Chris asked you to go to the church to find her. She seems to be in some serious trouble. Don't lie down, come with me." Grabbing Yang Han's arm, he pulled him up vigorously, pulling Latina's behavior also surprised Yang Han, because it is impossible for her to do such a thing without major incidents.

Therefore, Yang Han also let go of the mentality of training the other party, and gave her a chance to explain.He followed Lalatina quickly to the Eris Church in Axel, and wanted to see why Chris was so eager to find him.

The interior of the church was still as empty as usual, but it was very clean, obviously because someone cleaned it frequently.Walking into the room, Yang Han never saw Chris. Before he could ask, Lalatina pulled him straight to the goddess statue in the innermost part of the church hall.

"Master Chris, no, Goddess Eris, I brought you Yang Han." Lalatina walked to the statue of the goddess and bowed respectfully, and said so without getting up after bowing down.

"Lalatina, my friend, it's okay not to be so restrained." The statue of Eris suddenly became active, and it seemed to come alive. After making a helpless expression at Lalatina, it replied like this.

"..." Yang Han had strange eyes on one side, but he didn't say anything. She had guessed the other party's identity a long time ago, but she hadn't made it public.

"Mr. Yang Han, as you can see, I am the goddess Eris." As a devout Eris believer, Lalatina respectfully refused to raise her head in front of the goddess she believed in, and just bowed down. However, he had no choice but to let go of the other party first and talk to Yang Han.

"You are the first one to dare to call yourself a goddess in front of me, but I forgive you. Those who don't know are not guilty! Tell me, what do you want from me?" Yang Han didn't like this, although he knew that Eris claimed to be a goddess. There is nothing wrong with it, after all, it is the result of the original author's settings.But according to the status rating, although he is only a demigod, he is still at the dimensional level, completely above her.

"Hey! Yang Han, you will be punished by God for speaking like this!" Lalatina said.

"It's okay. Mr. Yang Han, I know that your true identity is definitely not as simple as the Crimson Demon. I have confirmed it as early as the moment you left this world in ten days." Eris smiled slightly, exuding The glazed light of the goddess said to Yang Han.

"Oh, just confirm it, it doesn't matter, I don't mind. You should tell me what you want to do with me!" Yang Han rolled his eyelids, and he suddenly felt helpless to be forgiven by his subordinates for his private visits.However, he had no evidence to prove his identity, and he didn't care much about the concept of hierarchy, so he chose to skip this topic and go straight to the point.

Although he and Eris met for a while, they didn't say a few words. Not only did they not have a deep relationship, but they were also intimidated by the other party because they were misunderstood as perverts.Although in the end, he frightened Eris away by threatening to reveal the other party's identity, but since then, he has had little contact with the other party.This time, he came here entirely out of helping Lalatina.

"It seems that Mr. Yang Han has misunderstood me. The reason why I concealed my identity and got acquainted with Ms. Lalatina in the lower realm is... because her prayer moved me, and I didn't intend to deceive you. This time I came to you for a while. As a matter of fact, I hope Mr. Yang Han, as a member of this world, can do me a small favor as a goddess, and of course, I will reward you generously after you finish." Eris explained with a virginal expression , and also offered some small temptations incidentally.

"Leave the misunderstandings aside for the time being. I know that in addition to wanting to be friends with Lalatina in the lower realm, you also want to secretly go to the lower realm to play!? As for the matter, it is easy to ask me, but I think I have It is necessary to make a statement, I! I am not a part of this world, but it should be said that this world belongs to a part of my territory.” I don’t know when, Yang Han’s nature as a god has also been exposed a little bit, he is now I gradually became concerned about the status and position of God.

"Is this world part of your territory?" Eris was puzzled, and even raised his tone angrily because of Yang Han's words.

"You don't have to be angry, but it's hard to prove this point of view. Let's talk about it later. Now I'm just declaring it. As for whether you believe it or not, I don't care if you accept it or not. In short, let's go straight to the point and tell me about you What do you want from me!" Yang Han said.

"Mr. Yang Han, do you know that what you said just now is that you stand above the gods? This is a blasphemy of the gods. Even if you don't believe in the gods and don't have faith, please don't mention it again. .It is really urgent that I seek you this time, and I hope you will lend a helping hand with kindness."

It is rare for Eris to get a little angry, but at the moment of the big event, she still talked about the serious matter after educating Yang Han: "The matter has to start from seven days ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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