Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 192 Failed to set chapters

Chapter 192
Although Eris was a little angry at Yang Han's words, but at the moment of the big event, she still taught Yang Han a word and then talked about the serious matter: "The matter has to start from seven days ago..."

"Seven days ago, the world I was in charge of suddenly lost contact with another neighboring world. It was a world that paid more attention to the development of science and technology, with a civilization that far surpassed the world here, but people's physical fitness was generally lower than that of this world. This side is lower.

In that world, there is no magic and war, and it is very peaceful.People vigorously develop the branch of science and technology, and the speed of development is rapid, and the achievements they have obtained are also exceptionally outstanding.It's a pity that I have no way of knowing what the other side looks like now, because it has completely escaped our control. said Eris.

"The connected world suddenly got out of control? Didn't you find the slightest reason?" Yang Han seemed to have thought of something, but he was still not sure, so he had to ask Eris about the situation.

"There are clues, and some friends of the gods believe that it is caused by the rupture of time and space. That world once had a very fixed time connection with our world, which was formed by the laws of the universe to regulate population changes, and has been implemented endlessly. Years, but it suddenly changed seven days ago, or it can be said that the speed of time in the opposite world has now completely broken free from the constraints of the laws of the universe."

"Eh..." Yang Han seemed to think of something when he heard this, yes, that is his fourth divine source nucleus - the one who cuts it must be broken.

While he was speechless, he immediately asked Fia: "Fia, what's going on, I haven't heard that cutting off the speed of time here will affect other worlds! Let's Looks like something went wrong!"

"Master, I didn't expect such an accident. It may be because the picture you cut off is a double-sided Two-dimensional! Double-sided Two-dimensional means that there is another painting on the back of the front picture. But such two-sided worlds are rare, so few that they can be ignored." Fiya explained with all her strength.

"But now a problem has indeed arisen. What should I do? Is there any way to restore the other world?" Yang Han was also helpless. He had no choice but to rely on Fia to give him a good idea.

"This... I'm afraid you are not capable of repairing it for the time being... After all, it is easy to destroy a work of art, but it requires a high level of attainment to restore it." Fiya replied embarrassingly.


"Mr. Yang Han, Mr. Yang Han, are you listening?" Eris couldn't help shouting seeing Yang Han in a daze.

"Ah!? Oh! I am listening, I am listening, you can continue talking." Yang Han came back to his senses and said.

"We also know that such a task is difficult for others. After all, it is the change of the world's will, and even God can't do it. We only hope that you can go to that world to help us investigate, and if you can, lose me as much as possible Get back your artifact." Eris said with a low posture, but the sudden turn of the topic made Yang Han a little puzzled.

"Ah, oh, okay, and then?" Yang Han couldn't understand the other party's words because he couldn't understand some things just now, so he had to perfunctory in order to re-understand the other party's meaning in the follow-up conversation.

"Then it's not convenient for you to go there now? You don't need to stay there for a long time. After all, things like artifacts are incompatible with the civilization of that world. As long as you inquire a little, you will definitely find a big difference. In addition, the human beings in that world do not have magical powers around them, so it is impossible to activate the artifacts to fight against you, so there is no danger in this trip." Eris said.

"Then why don't you go find that artifact by yourself?" Although Yang Han didn't know what the artifact referred to, he didn't intend to ask. Find the information that I didn't hear clearly just now.

"In the past, we would naturally be able to take the initiative to go there, but now we can't. After the time difference has changed, the world on that side has been out of control. We can go now, but we can't shuttle back and forth as freely as you. To put it bluntly, we can go or not. back to..."

[It's really difficult, can't this guy say some more information about what that artifact is? 】Thinking like this, Yang Han continued calmly, "Then how do I bring that artifact back!?"

"Just take it back!" Eris replied bluntly, as if wondering why Yang Han asked such a low-level question.

"No, what I mean is, that thing is a divine weapon after all, so I have to pay attention to something when I bring it back. If it breaks or something, it will be a waste of all my previous work." Yang Han continued to make indirect remarks.

"No, this artifact is not very easy to damage, even if the device storing it is damaged, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't cause bad effects on that world, it doesn't matter if you destroy it if necessary...Of course, if You are interested in this artifact, and we are willing to give it to you as a reward." Eris, who was halfway talking, obviously misunderstood, thinking that Yang Han was interested in this artifact, and wanted to ask for it, but turned around tone.

"Uh... well, you won. In fact, I just didn't hear clearly what that artifact is, please tell me again." Yang Han was speechless, helpless, compared to being regarded as a greedy villain by the other party, He decisively chose to confess the fact that he didn't hear clearly with a cheeky face.

"..." Eris was even more speechless. After a second pause, she coughed lightly to cover up each other's embarrassment, and explained to Yang Han again: "That artifact is called The Seed, and its effect is to inject With magic power, you can cast illusions as you like, but no one in that world should have magic power, so there is no danger.

The whole body of the Phantom God Seed is like a golden ostrich egg, it looks translucent, and there is a golden core the size of a ping-pong ball inside.The general location of its loss is in an island country, and we will also send you directly to that country, and the way to find it will depend on you. "

"The Seed...The Seed...seems familiar, I remember it. Then when shall I leave?" Although Yang Han thought it was familiar, in order to hide his embarrassment, he simply stopped thinking about it and changed the subject to ask the starter. body time.

"If you are ready, I can open the passage to that side for you at any time. Of course, if you need to prepare, please hurry up. The flow speed of the world over there has exceeded the speed of this side, so prepare more here One day, that world may well pass a year longer," Eris said.

(End of this chapter)

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