Chapter 193
"If you need to prepare, please hurry up. The flow rate of the world over there has exceeded the speed of this side. If you prepare for one more day here, it is very likely that a year or even longer will pass in that world." Eris said.

"I don't have anything to prepare, let's start now. Lalatina, tell Huihui and the others when you go back, and I'll go back as soon as I go." Yang Han also has nothing to explain. The feeling of parting from life and death simply chose to start immediately.

"Well, I see." Lalatina nodded in agreement.

"Then Lalatina, please step back. Mr. Yang Han just needs to stay still here, and I will send you to that world." While Eris was speaking, the phantom-like palm slowly raised When he got up, a light blue magic circle made of fluorescent light appeared under Yang Han's feet.

The light of the magic circle began to rise continuously, and the light rose from the ground to the sky. At this moment, Yang Han felt that his feet gradually became lighter, and he slowly floated up as if he lost gravity.

Under Lalatina's gaze, his figure floated up, ignoring the obstruction of the church ceiling, and passed through strangely, turning into a stream of light and heading straight to the sky.

Different from his own way of time travel, this time travel made Yang Han feel like taking an elevator, and it was the kind of infinite acceleration.

After this acceleration increased to a limit, it started to slow down as if going backwards, everything was so weird.

The surrounding blue light was already so bright that he could hardly open his eyes, Yang Han had no choice but to close his eyes, and he opened them slowly until the light perception inside the eyelids dropped to darkness.

But after opening his eyes here, the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is a rooftop on the top of a high-rise building. The surrounding area is empty except for the fence. Yang Han can feel the wind blowing towards his face. It is obvious that the height of this building is not low.

Go to the edge of the rooftop and look down. Below is the bustling street. Here is a world full of neon lights, which is more colorful than the world of "Date A Live".

Since it was already night in the world here, and Yang Han himself had little scruples, he simply jumped over the guardrail and fell towards the bottom at a very fast speed.

With a slight change of direction through wind magic, a small black dot flew into the distance in the sky.Not long after, he found a park, and when he was about to approach the ground, he manipulated the wind magic to land on the ground steadily.

"Sarcasm! Where should I go?" Walking from the small woods in the park to the path, looking at the unfamiliar modern world, Yang Han hesitated for a while, and was ready to find someone to inquire about the current situation.

Since it is a modern world, there are two points that must be guaranteed, first!Identity, second!money!

Thinking like this, Yang Han looked down at his clothes, no problem!For comfort, he saved a lot of clothes from the world of "Date A Live". When he returned to the world of "Blessings for a Wonderful World", he still wore the same hoodie and jeans, although the brand is different from the world here. But the style is also similar, do not see any difference.

He stopped a taxi casually, got in, and the driver asked, "Where are you going, little brother?"

[Neon language!Communication seems to be no problem at all. 】Thinking like this, Yang Han took out a magic-sealing crystal from the God’s Treasure under the surprised eyes of the driver uncle. While urging the magic in it, he said: "Hypnotism, activate! Please answer some questions for me." , and, forget all the memories of meeting me today..."

"Yes..." The driver stiffly agreed and then fell silent, as if waiting for Yang Han's question.

However, Yang Han stopped talking at this time, because he saw an advertisement on the back seat of the taxi.Behind the driver's seat, there is a book-sized promotional board with a promotional leaflet saying "The much-anticipated "sword art online" will be released on October 10th!!!".

"Uncle, answer me, is this the world of "Sword Art Online"!?" Yang Han asked such a strange question out of shock.

"No, this world is the earth, and the neighborhood here is Setagaya District in Neon Tokyo." The uncle's honest answer woke up Yang Han.

"What about the time? What year and month is today?" Facing the hypnotized opponent, Yang Han didn't need to explain, and simply continued to ask for the information he needed.

"Today is October 2022, 10." The driver uncle replied honestly again.

Once upon a time, when Yang Han was an ordinary nerd, he dreamed of playing "Sword Art Online" countless times, but he never thought that it would actually come true in this life.A series of problems were thus solved, and there was no need to look for the artifact, The Seed, because it was in the game, or it could be said to be in the hands of the developer of "sword art online", Akihiko Kayaba.

"Please take me to the nearest office." Yang Han's mind was already filled with a lot of shocking news, but he still knew what to do!play games!Oh no, looking for artifacts!

Not long after, the taxi stopped in front of a public office.The office is where Nihong handles household registration status, and Yang Han will use illegal means to apply for a legal status here.After all, there is no way for a black account to buy the nervgear game helmet needed for the game.

But when Yang Han was standing in front of this office, he encountered a slightly tricky problem, the office has already closed!Helpless, Yang Han had no choice but to find a nearby place to rest for a night and come back tomorrow.

However, it was obvious that a facility like the office was surrounded by a residential area, and the adjacent buildings were all two or three-story single-story buildings, so it was a bit awkward to find a place to live.After all, Yang Han is not familiar with the place where he was born, and whether he can find his way back after he has gone far is a matter of concern; but he also feels awkward living in a stranger's house so abruptly.

Yang Han, who was wandering aimlessly around the office, was a little confused, this is really a very troublesome problem!
"Ah!" Suddenly, an exclamation came from his chest, accompanied by a girl's slap.

"What's the situation!" Yang Han subconsciously grabbed the opponent's wrist before taking his thoughts back. He looked at the person who attacked him inexplicably, but fell into an even bigger crisis in the next moment.

In front of him was a girl with a face full of panic.She has long, straight chestnut-colored hair, a small oval face, and large hazel pupils that radiate blinding light.Under the small and straight bridge of the nose, the cherry-blossom-colored lips parted and closed for a moment...

"Please let me go!" the girl struggled and said.Attracted by the appearance of the other party, Yang Han did not speak until the girl hesitated for a long time before speaking.

 The update on Saturday and Sunday is a little late, because I want to sleep well, I hope everyone understands!
(End of this chapter)

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