Chapter 201
A week passed quietly, Yang Han and Silica used this time to almost turn the first floor of the maze upside down, but they still haven't found the boss.

The spiral maze is majestic enough from the outside, and the inside is even brighter. Therefore, it is almost impossible for a team of only two people to explore all of it in a week.

Today is already November 11th, the town of Torbana is quieter than it was a few days ago, but now it has already been crowded with many newcomers rushing to the forefront, and some beta testers have already caught up The two of Yang Han walked into the maze.

"I'm already at level 21 and I haven't found the damn boss yet. What kind of trouble is this!" Yang Han took Silica to walk in the foggy area in the maze that the two of them hadn't explored yet, complaining as they walked.

"Yeah, brother Yang Han, you are already one level higher than the strongest wild monsters here, and your experience has already begun to decline!" Silica said with a smile behind her back. Happy to know Yang Han's real name, or happy to see the other party embarrassing.

"Silica, are you tired? It's almost time for lunch, right?" Yang Han swiped open the game interface and looked at the time, then turned his head and asked Silica.

"I'm not tired, brother Yang Han. It's rare that I don't have to do collection tasks these days, and I want to kill more monsters!" Today's Silica is completely different from her two months ago. When she entered the game, she was afraid of death, not to mention killing monsters, even seeing monsters would make her legs weak.

But now, maybe it's because of watching Yang Han torture monsters every day, which has made her no longer afraid of killing monsters.

"Wait! This corridor is... Silica, it seems that it's time for us to take a break, haha!" Turning around a fork in front of them, a straight corridor appeared in front of them.Yang Han looked intently, and after seeing the deepest scene, he couldn't help but said excitedly.

This corridor is long and straight. There are no other intersections on both sides, but it leads directly to a gate. The gate looks a bit heavy, and there are golden bonfires hanging on both sides.

This room is different from other rooms, the shape is almost completely different, no need to ask, it is the room of the boss on the first floor!
"Finally found it? That's great, as expected of Brother Yang Han!" Silica also excitedly followed Yang Han's footsteps, walking two steps closely and said.

The two came to the door of the boss's room and looked at each other. Yang Han said, "Let's take a rest first. After adjusting our physical and mental strength, let's swipe over alone!"

"Brother Yang Han, I have a strategy guide here. I got it from the item shop in the morning. According to the manual, the name of the boss on the first floor is Lllfang The Kobold Lord..."

"That, the record in that booklet is inaccurate, it's all the data from the beta test, Akihiko Kayaba has already edited it, so we don't count on it for this strategy!" Yang Han waved his hand, took out the food and handed it to Celie card and explained.

"Oh? Is that so? Then we don't know the specific situation of the boss, so how can we swipe over alone? Brother Yang Han, aren't you afraid of danger?" Silica looked at Yang Han in disbelief and said, although she is not the same as the boss at the beginning. That's timid, but I still want to persuade Yang Han about things that I'm not sure about.

"How do you just swipe through it? Use your wisdom to swipe through it! There is nothing left in my backpack, it's actually an explosive barrel. Who do you think it was prepared for?" Yang Han said after taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Brother Yang Han, are you going to blow it up? But we don't have time to arrange the powder kegs!" Silica was a little confused.

"Don't worry, Shanren has his own plan! You'd better eat something quickly, you can see it soon after eating."

"Moo, really, brother Yang Han, you've been selling this for a whole week, are you trying to kill me?" Silica pouted dissatisfiedly, and Yang Han couldn't bear that cute look. stop laughing.

Lunch was eaten quickly, because Silica was too curious about what Yang Han was going to do.

Seeing Silica, who used to be a lady when she was eating, wolfed down her bento eagerly after eating, Yang Han couldn't help it, and smiled very brightly.

After drinking and eating, Yang Han pushed open the door of the boss room.

Behind the gate, it was originally pitch black, but suddenly lit up at this moment.The colored glass-like color is very strange, stretching inward from the gate, and when it stretches to the end, a throne appears in the vision of the two.

Sitting there was a giant red kobold that seemed to be sleeping without making any movement.

"Well, brother Yang Han, do you want to go in?" Silica asked Yang Han hesitantly, looking at the lord of the first floor who was nearly three circles larger than ordinary monsters.

"Hey, don't rush in for the time being. I don't know if it's written in the workbook. In fact, as long as you don't enter the room, the BOSS will not start attacking the player. That is to say, no matter what we do outside the door, it will ignore it." As Yang Han said, he opened the menu bar and brought out a large pile of explosive barrels.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course it was blown up by a wave! I estimate that the blood volume of this boss is about four times that of the elite monsters. In theory, twenty explosive barrels can take him away smoothly! But this one There are three elite monsters beside the boss, so a total of 35 explosive barrels are needed! But if they are piled together, there is no need for so many..." Yang Han said, laying the explosive barrels on the ground one by one, and then pushed them out.

The explosive barrel rolled towards the boss room with a grunt. Due to the use of some strength, it probably rolled for hundreds of meters before stopping.Yang Han prepared a total of 20 explosive barrels, not because they were too expensive, but because the weight on his body was not enough. Basically, he and Silica each carried ten, which accounted for 70% of the weight on their bodies.

After he successfully threw the 20 explosive barrels into the room, although the size of the explosive barrels was not very dense due to the size of the force, but based on the advantage in number, it was enough to cause a certain amount of damage!

Sitting on the throne, the boss is still as stable as Mount Tai, turning a deaf ear to the actions of the two of Yang Han outside the door.

"Finish! Silica, pay attention to the three elite monsters around the boss in a while. If they are not killed by the explosion, then you can grind them if you can. If you can't grind them, go out of the door and leave the rest to me. Remember not to , Do something drastic, or at worst, we’ll go back and come back tomorrow.” Yang Han said to Silica after moving his lower body and drinking some low-level potions for improving physical strength, upper limit of life, and attack speed.

"Well, I see, let's go!" Silica also adjusted her mentality at this moment, with a serious look in her eyes, and nodded firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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